Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Lenobia's Party pics!

Thanks so much to all our wonderful fans who came to our party! Here we are with our prize giveaway - my handsome Dad introducing us - and a few of our awesome fans (hi Sarah Dees! happy birthday!).

We had a blast! And y'all did a great job with the tattoos!!!

We heart you!


  1. Great pics!

    Today I bought and read Lenobia's Vow. It was a lovely story and I can't wait to read more! You are quickly becoming one of my favorit writers. Keep up the good work.

  2. EEP!!! Cant wait to read it!! Love lenobia.. You guys are awesome and i hope you dont stop writing XD

  3. Wow! I Love this! In honor of the books I vamped myself c: It'd be awesome if you could please check it out! I worked really hard on this too!

  4. Dear P.C Cast

    I loved Lenobia's vow it was awesome in so many ways. i wanted to head over to OK for the party but i couldnt. i'm making plans to go for the Hidden launch party if there is one. I live in CA so if you could let me know if there is going to be one or if you know any details (month). Also i'm going to check out all the places that inspired the HON books. i cant wait. Also and othe tour sites Please and thank you.

  5. The party was AWESOME!! Glad my friend and I decided to go Marked. So excited for what is in store for the H.O.N. "Goodbye Twilight, Hello House of Night!"-P.C. Cast Love it!!

  6. So this is the famous Mr Cast! I like the first picture displaying the three generations!
    I'm glad the party was great; so are your tattooed fans!
    As for Lenobia's Vow the release date comes at the right time for me as I'm about to have a sick leave of two weeks; so I'm gonna curl up in bed with the book, the cat, and a box of kleenex!
    Is it possible to write to you otherwise than on your blog? I guess that you don't have much time to read letters of fans!

    Best wishes


  7. So sad i couldn't make it!
    I live in Floida and couldn't catch a flight last minute :(

  8. Hello again PC! Congratulations for Lenobia's Vow. It's an amazing book. I have again a little question. I've preorderes my copy from Aman and it arrives o Venezuela at middles of february :(. I've heard that the book has a picture in the back, and that picture is the official cover of Neferet's Curse. Is real that information?

  9. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Hi PC,

    Really random question but otherwise curious, the sapphire crescent tattoo, does it face left or right?

  10. Geraldine - you can write me in care of my publisher, St. Martin's Press, in NYC. But I'm always behind on my fan mail.

    Ger - yes, that is the cover to NEFERET'S CURSE.

    Candysweet - the tattoo can face any direction. It's the center position in the forehead that's important.

  11. Looks like you had loads of fun wish I could have been there but I live in the uk. I finally have destined on the way I was waiting for it to come out in paperback as my whole collection is in paperback had to wait ages but when it arrives I will begin reading it can't wait to find out what happens xoxox keep writing your books are awesome :D

  12. PC. I love your histories. As much that when he knew that the movies of House of Night would come, I was very curious to know who would be the actors. It has much speculation about this but, if it will not be to ask for excessively, I would like that you give a looked at in my cast of the dreams. Only a looked at fast, please… I tried to keep me equal to the book, and I think that you will like. Of some way, thank you.
    Fernanda Guedes. My e-mail as

  13. Thank you for signing Lenobia's Vow for shipping - definitely a treat to get your signature long distance, hopefully someday I'll make it to a signing in person! I bought one copy of Lenobia for myself and one for my reading friend - our two girl reading group! - and we both dove into the book last night!

    I've debated and debated sending you this link but I'm finally just going to send it to get it out of my head. I have been watching this ebay auction, a gorgeous little hand carved black bull carved out of 5300 year old English Bog Oak. Every time I see it I think of your Black Bull.

    I know it's bordering on stalkerish to even link it, so I definitely won't buy it for you and try to send it to you through your agent - though I am sorely tempted :-D. I hope you like the picture, though!


  14. Hey Heather - LOVED the bull and bought it myself! Thanks for the link!


  15. Oh awesome!! That just makes my day :-D. I own a few of the artist's other pieces and he does beautiful work, and this piece just belongs with you!!


  16. OMG! Jealous, I want I signed book xoxox That would be the best thing I would ever own!

  17. I was at your book signing last week for Lenobia's Vow. First time I've ever been to a book signing and it was so cool. I got my book pre-autographed, so I didn't stay for the actual signing. There were so many kids all dressed up with their tattoos and so excited, I didn't want one of them to miss meeting you. I was introduced to your books at the Wal-Mart I work at in Broken Arrow last year. We had a big display of the series. I bought the first one, read it, then just bought the rest of them to save time. It is so cool to actually know where the places you write about in Tulsa and Broken Arrow (and surrounding area) are. I've lived here about 6 years but have lived in Oklahoma since the 70's when my dad retired from the Air Force. Of course, we always came here for vacations and holidays so I'm a home grown Okie. I actually think you are my long lost twin (except that I'm older). lol. I started the Divine series right before the book signing and, if I quit my job and didn't sleep, I could have read them all in one sitting. The asides you write in those books are SO what I would be thinking (or saying) too. I loved the reference to the BA Wine and Spirits on Kenosha (which is where I go). A friend of mine works there and she thought that was really cool. Maybe I'll see you some time in the Wal-Mart at 121st and Elm. I can't wait to read all your other books and look forward to the future ones.

  18. Thank you PC, I appreciate!



  19. I was so bummed I wasnt able to afford buying a copy of Lenobia's Vow until much later, I wanted a signed copy. So I'm really hoping you do the same type of long distance signing thing so I can save up for it this time! I have boughten Lenobia's Vow now and so far its a fantastic book! I am so excited!!!! I dont want this series to end!

  20. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Lenobias Vow made me sob soo soo much :'/

  21. I really wish I could come to events like this. I hate living so far away. I have considered moving to Oklahoma just to be near where my favorite book series ever takes place.

  22. I am going to read Lenobia's Vow as soon as I get it. Dragon's Oath only took me a night and I read what's published of the series in less than a week and I could easily read it over and over. I really relate to Zoey and the other characters. Thanks so much and keep up the hard work!

  23. Aloha Mrs. Cast,

    Quick queston regarding HoN movie, would you be able to tell me WHEN audition dates are to be released?

    My love for the HoN is deep and aspiring. Please let me know!!

    Blessed Be,
    Teihh Rohlet
