Monday, January 09, 2012


Oooh! It's almost time for the release of LENOBIA'S VOW! I love this novella so much! And I'm super excited about the launch party Kristin and I are hosting at The Book Place in Broken Arrow, OK (just down the street from where I used to teach!). It's going to be a fabulous party! We'll have snacks, prizes for best costumes/tattoos, a Q&A, and one lucky fan will win a signed copy of my favorite illustration from the novella (pictured above), entitled The Kiss. So come party with us HoN style! Details are:

Lenobia’s Vow Launch Event

Featuring PC and Kristin Cast

January 31, 2012


732 W. New Orleans
(Northwest corner of 101st & Elm)
Broken Arrow, OK 74012
(918) 455-1422

For those of you who can't make the party, but want a signed copy of Lenobia (or any of our other books), you can place your order with the Book Place by calling 918-455-1422 or emailing They’ll need your credit card number, mailing address, and how you would like it/them signed. Books can be shipped anywhere in the United States! If you live outside Oklahoma, the book with shipping is $15.00. If you live in OK, $15.92 with sales tax & shipping. Just remember, LENOBIA'S VOW can't be shipped before January 31st.

Hope to see a bunch of you on the 31st! It's gonna be fun!




  1. Sigh*... Will you come to Scotland again maybe soon? Will you be visiting family? I missed you last time when you came to Waterstones... :(

  2. Horray! I can't wait! I love Lenobia! And that image is very beautiful! Who drew it? Is it the same artist,Kim, from Dragon's Oath? You two seem to be good friends :) So anyways, I live here in New Jersey so I obviously won't be making it to the party, but I'll ask my parents if they'll pay for the novella :P Love you P.C.! And hope the party on the 31st is awesome! :D

  3. Teritopsy - thank you for reminding me to give Kim credit! Yes, Kim Doner did the illustrations for this novella, as well as for Dragon's Oath. She and I are, indeed, very good, longtime friends.

    Kirstee97 - sadly, I won't be back in Scotland any time soon. I have to stick close to home because of the impending movie schedule and my crazy writing schedule. My next overseas tour will be in the fall, and I'll be going to Australia and New Zealand. It'll be my first time to visit there! I'm so excited about it!

  4. That's great that you guys are! :D And your welcome :)
    Oooh Australia? I've always wanted to go there. It's beautiful. And what's funny is that one of my reasons for wanting to go there is to see a kangaroo! :D

  5. Gosh! I so want to attend! I'm definitely excited to get my hands on that book though! I've always admired Lenobia's strength! AND I'm a major lover of horses... and happiness :) Hehe, see what I did there?

  6. Shae - I did get it! Horses and're an excellent reader!

  7. P.C Cast, I absolutely love your series. My Best friend introduced me to Marked just a little over a month ago and I just finished reading Destined last night(OMG that ending was awesome with a capital A). Your books have me on the edge of my seat, screaming at the book(like you would a tv), and even crying in one case. Me and my friends are completely in love with The House of Night Series, some characters more then others. We even started our own little casting for the movie(sorta a fantasy production team), you should see the arguments we have.
    I can't wait for the the newest installment in the House of Night series, this time I'll be sure to take my time and savor it.
    Keep up the great work cause your clearly doing something right. Oh and about the movie don't let them cut too much like so many other books that were converted to movies. Much love P.C. Cast

    oh p.s. there are loads of fantasy castings on youtube, that look really good.

  8. I loved so much Lenobia's Vow's cover that I asked my cousin's girlfriend to paint it for me, it's still in the proccess but it is already beautiful.

  9. Say WHAT!!!! Australia!!! You said Australia. FINALLY!!! Woo Hoo!

  10. Ang! I did indeed say Australia! October 2012, baby! Oh boy!

  11. Shouldn't be too hot in October, we've got scorching temps here at the moment!! 40 degrees!

    Hope you visit somewhere close to where I live!

  12. I'm gutted that the signed books aren't delivered to the UK! I'm all the way on the Isle of Lewis, in Scotland, so there's no way I'll be able to go to the party. So close. xD

  13. I hope the party will be great!(it's a little frustrating when one 's living far away and is missing all the fun, sigh..).
    Anyway I really like Lenobia's character, and I'm sure her story is gonna be great!

    Australia ooh!! You're one lucky woman PC :)

  14. OMG, I really love the show Ron, and to look forward to reading the story of Lenobia, Brazilian and I am in love with Heath, he's very cute, attempted to read and cried and cried when Heath died, congratulations and good luck you and my author surely favorite kisses from Brazil! I used the google translator haha s2 :)

  15. Will you ever come to Missouri? My family has a budget and can't always make it to the RELEASE PARTY

  16. Will you please come to Missouri.
    My family has a budget so I won't always be at the RELEASE PARTY:(

  17. Hey P.C Cast!

    I love your House Of Night books and i just cant wait for Hidden and Lenobia's Vow

    Also, Yay for you for coming to australia i know you will love it here. I know that its probably to early to know but will you come to Perth? everyone always goes over to the eastern states and I think it definetly worth the trip to go to Perth.

  18. I'm so excited about the movies I can hardly wait two to three years for the movies. Is it possible to have a head start on filming the movies when the cast is chosen?

  19. hi miss cast, well i should say to the both of you. :) this is rather difficult for me to explain considering i'm typing it and i'm not necessarly the most computer savy girl in the world. i'm a young actress in the making. i've read your books and just fallen head-over-heal for the character Zoey Redbird. simply because she reminds me of myself. a part cherokee young woman with an astonishing connection with the elments (just not as magical). who, i might add, has had to leave her life behind (numerous times) to start over and find her place.
    i hear of the movies and how they may be casting soon. i tried getting on Davis films. there wasn't any contact information. it was just a profile website. i've been on one before. you pay then for the possiblity of being looked into for a job. i'm not much of a gambler, so i'm not willing to put my whole life savings for that hand being dealt. is there any chance you could update me if you uncover any knowledge of the auditions? i would be greatly appreciated ma'am.

  20. Guys - I've already put everything I know about the movie on movie news archived post. They aren't casting yet. When they are - I'll post and let you know.

  21. How exciting! I just got done reading destined about 10 minutes ago and cried at the end, I feel so much emotion in this series. I also love the True Blood references! I'm about to start dragon's oath now. Now I'm looking forward to Leninis's vow and hidden, can't wait to read them. Your books are addicting! Thanks for such great writting! By the way I'm 29 and found the house of night series not just for young adults! Thanks again Joni Hunter-Milan, MI

  22. Hi P.C. I wanted to share this painting by one of my favorite artists Julia Watkins. As soon as I saw it, I thought of HON. (also check out her painting called "Moon Dancer" I think you will enjoy it too.) <3

  23. Ms. Cast, will you ever come to Charlotte, NC to have any HoN parties or book signings?

  24. When is the release of Lenobias vow in Canada? Also do you know if you will be doing a Canadian tour anytime soon? I am a huge fan and a buch of people in Southern Ontario are too we would all love to meet you! <3

  25. BabyGirl - we're not tourning right now due to our deadlnes, and when we do we have little say in where our publisher sends us...sorry

    HoNFan - UK and Canadian releases are usually right around the same time. We don't have plans to come back to Canada at this time, but Kristin and I LOVE Toronto, Vancouver, and Victoria - can't wait to go back to all three of those places!!!

  26. Hi P.C,
    Will you be visiting Melbourne when you tour Australia in October? I hope so as I would love to meet you! Your books are the only reason I've stayed sane whilst studying at University and have helped me keep a positive outlook.

  27. Hi Lyndi - I don't have a schedule for the tour yet, but I will post it on my blog as soon as I do. We'd love to come to Melbourne!

  28. You would love it P.C! Great food, wine and lots of exciting things to see and do. You'd especially love the trail rides on the beach or in the bush lands.
