Tuesday, August 09, 2011


Check it out! Isn't the US cover gorgeous?! Oh, and this isn't Stark - it's Aurox! Oooh!

Release date: October 25th.



  1. OMG SEXY! lol :D I <3 STARK! It's about time that he was on a book cover.

  2. I can't wait to read Destined!

  3. WOO HOO! It looks awesome, I can not wait! :)

  4. It's NOT Stark. It's Aurox.

  5. so excited craving it so bad, oh and what does the uk cover look lke?

  6. I read the book but don't remember aurox can give me a refresher dnt have my book handy it's in bother state

  7. Ahh omg!! Aurox/Heath right? Soo gorgeous!! Wish the uk cover got him but we juz get stick with 'zoey' models :( haha cannot waaaiiitt to read thisss!!! :D

  8. Anonymous11:40 AM

    will there be an inside cover poster like the last couple of books too? (awesome cover btw)

  9. Ohmigoodness! The cover looks amazing! Aurox is HOT! Cannot wait to read the book!!! <3

  10. Aurox = the vessel gifted to Neferet by the white bull at the end of AWAKENED. She doesn't know it, but he carries Heath's soul...

    I'll post the UK cover soon.

  11. Oh, and I don't now for sure about the inside cover poster, but my guess is yes, they will have one.

  12. So excited! My sister and I love these books :) looks great

  13. My sister and I are so excited for the new book! We love this series and always fight over who gets to read the new one first <3 Looks great :)

  14. Any news on the tour yet p.c and my birthday is saturday!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just thought it would be cool if super famous author knew. I love the new book cover. Aurox/Heath is hot. And also I just wanted to congradulate you on your books. They are great. Im writing a book and hopefully some day you'll read it.

  15. OMG!
    I just loved it!
    I can't wait to read it.

  16. Oh God! I just keep wondering what will happen with Zoey and Stark and, mostly important, what is the meaning of Heath's back! I'm so excited about the new book. I can't wait! Oh, and I'm a fan from Brazil, I ask apologize for the English. I'm not a expert in this yet.

  17. I can't wait to read Destined and I'm soooooooooo excited to see what happens since Aurox is on the cover!!! (Stark should be on the next one though) ;)

  18. Oh lol I misread the posting. . . sorry P.C! :D

  19. Love it. (Sorry I have been absent on the blog sphere of late, I've moved town)

    Can't wait till its release!

  20. On your House of Night site, the Get Marked section, it's not uploading any pictures i have used before. Even if it's under 1MB.

    And I too can't wait to read Destined. I've read somewhere that there are gonna be MORE books, not stopping at 9?

  21. OMG! I can't wait! Aurox looks sooooo Hott. I love the USA cover! What will the CA cover look like? You are such a talented writer.

  22. OOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT IS A AMAZING COVER!!!!!!!! So THATS why Heath is different......... HE IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SEEEEEEEEEEEXXXXXXYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    *faints because Aurox is so sexy*

  23. It seems like your names get bolder and bolder with every cover . . . :)

  24. Anonymous4:12 AM

    love the taste, now i know what i'm getting for xmas... a good book with amazing writers and a HOT cover. can't wait

  25. It looks great! Love the shadow of the bull in the background. I'm looking forward to reading it!

  26. That looks really Good!! Can't wait for the UK version to come out, as i don't live where you guys live :P

  27. wow gorgeous:) Icannot wait to read this. unfortunately in my country(poland) it is necessary to wait on your books a few month:(. soo DESTINED can be i february..
    ohhm POWODZENIA it mean good luck!!! pS: SORRRY FOR MY ENGLISH

  28. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Oh wow!!!!! It's amazing, I love it! Also, I love those characters of your novels, that have darkness and light inside them and have to make choices about it. I think they are brilliant and I simply can't wait to find out how Aurox is going to deal with the darkness inside him and his love for Zoe!
    Also, I've been meaning to tell you, everytime I listen to "defying gravity" my eyes get all wet! I hope Jack and Demian can meet again sometime! Oh men, can't wait for Destined!!

  29. I already said this in Facebook, but I'll repeat it again and again, many times as it is possible, BEST COVER EVER!!! This cover is simply amazing, it really is beautiful. Congrats to whom did this one.

  30. The Destined cover is absolutely amazing. Can't wait until the book comes out.

  31. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Gorgeous! I love it! Autrox/Heath looks amazing! Love the shadow of the bull too. I can't wait until October 25th! (Stark would look good on a cover too..:D)

    Christina Carol ♥

  32. I love the cover, I also listen to defying gravity very often, I loved jack. I hope zoey chooses stark. And sorry for my English, I am from Spain. And pc you're a great writer, I want to be a writer when I grow up!!

  33. OMG LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  34. Can't wait love this series a couple of my freinds are reading them with me. !<3Destined<3!

  35. can we please have this in the UK PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!!

  36. PC your books are amazing! I have all of them except Dragons Oath! Waiting till payday so I can get it! :) I'm so ready for Destined. I am about to start rereading all the older books to vamp up for it. :) :) Love it! ;)

    I love the twist of Heath coming back! I always wanted him to. :D I was so sad when he died.

  38. Siiiggghhhh! (with a big drool)

  39. OMG, i love this cover,wait will drive me crazy, you are amazing

  40. WOO~ the cover looks awesome :3

  41. OMG! I'm so excited about reading Destined can't wait for it to be released, nice work on the cover! I love the twist of Heath coming back as Aurox can't wait to find out what happens between Zoey and Aurox :D


    That cover is completely amazing and HOOOTTT! And an another best point Heath is back!
    ... Waaaitiing totaly crazy for th book here in Brazil!

  43. I adore the series House of Night...

    Right now im on book 8.... I love them. And Destined! Can't wait for it. It's two months away :(. LOL, i can wait though.

    IF anyone out there would like to discuss the series or you girls/guys out there like supernatural/paranormal come to my chatroom. I would love to have you.


  44. hello pc! your novels are just great. cant wait for the next one, loooove the cover with aurox!!! sooo glad that heath is coming back in any way love him the most! just wondered you know who is the model on the cover??? :) thanks!

  45. so excited! im actually shaking! is there any teasers?! :) <3

  46. I feel like I've been waiting for this ever since the cover of Awakened was released! Hehe! :) I've always loved all of the HOuse of Night book covers and Destined is no exception. I guess I wasn't exactly expecting Aurox to be on the cover... Now I'm even more happy, excited, and already surprised! XD

  47. I can not wait til this book comes out. Cover is awesome btw. I even got my mom hooked on these books:-) ♥

  48. hello PC Cast,
    I just wanted to say that I love your novel "Goddess of the Sea" Christine and Dylan are a magickal couple I cried at the end. When I first picked it up I was mesmerized and never wanted to put it down. It's very rare you find books with merMEN and not just merMAIDS, your book has a special place in my and my best friend's heart. I hope one day it's made into a movie. But I'm happy reading the book, over and over and over again. =)


  49. Is this the last book in the series? I would super bummed if it was. This book series is my favorite. I love the writting style and the characters! I just hope this isn't the end.

  50. Is this the last book in the series? I hope not. :( I love the writting style and the characters are so real. I can't wait for this book!

  51. DESTINED is not the last book. There will be twelve (plus at least three novellas, including DRAGON'S OATH).

  52. Twelve? OMG! Great news! I love HoN and Aldo love stark!

  53. Sorry, I meant also :D

  54. The new cover looks fantastic! I have to say, I am in love with this series. A friend gave me Marked through Burned and I read them in a week! (It would have been less time, but I have a 19 month old) I begged my husband to let me buy Awakened, and at first, he wouldn't let me, but he bought it as a surprise! I cannot wait for Destined to come out! Fantastic work!

  55. ohhhh how good Heath is coming back although in another character, really I cry a lot when I read the end of the book Tempted for a moment thought that I did not like the series and even thought to stop reading it but it is not could do and thanks P.C. and Kristin to continue writing and bring Heath back, no doubt this is the best franchise in the world

  56. once you start reading this series you can't stop! it engages :)

  57. OMG cant wiat for the Neferet and zoey drama :P I hope in this book there will be a personal fist fight with zoey and neferet it will be sooo awesme <3

  58. Anonymous11:09 PM

    Is stark going to die or break up with zoey in Destined? Please don't let it be cuz i fell in love with him and my heart would completely shatter!!! And can you please make more than 12 house of night books? Cuz I'm totally obsessed with it and haven't felt like this since twilight, even better!! It really changed me and I have never been looking forward to anything this much my whole life!! You and your daughter are amazing writers :')

  59. Cherrybomb - sorry, I don't give plot spoilers.

  60. I am so excited to see the cover finally. The suspense is killing me. My best friend got me reading HON then I got my mother and mother in law and now my older sister reading them! Thanks for creating such an awesome series!!

  61. Cover looks amazing. I knew it had to be Aurox. :) Can't wait to read the book. Will have to, at some point, start reading the series over again before Destined is released. Very interested, also, in finding out what happens with Stevie Rae and Rephaim. :)

  62. Hahaha, what cherrybomb said is EXACTLY what I think, even the twilight part, I love HoN!!

  63. I Totally Hope Zoey Ends Up With Heath !!! Tho I Also Love Stark!!!

  64. Aurox is so sexy!!!!! The cover is amazing!!! But I still have one doubt, is there more than one meaning to the shadow of that bull behind him???!!!! @_@

  65. I can't wait but what I want to know is when someone is going to make some HOUSE OF NIGHT movies :D?

  66. Omg he is so sexy and what an awesome cover. Kind of hopin u do put the books to the screen for a tv series. That would ne awesome.

  67. Looks amazing! will you have a book signing in New York? I hope that you will around 30-4th october-november! :)

  68. Lexi - I'm announcing very soon where we're going to tour. You're going to be verrrry happy!


  69. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Hello PC Cast ^^ I´m coming from Germany and at the beginning i would say, I only can write with my little Schoolenglisch so I´m sorry if that what I write is false, I hope you can read it anymore. I like to say you, that I love your story house of Night!! I´m the biggest fan of Zoey and co. !!!! ♥ Sadly, here in germany there are only 7 parts of your beautiful masterpice! I had read all and the 8. part coms just at the 11. November :´( Thats to long!! I am not going to survive! Ok I always wanted to write you and now I do! I would say that your books are the best, most beautiful, most exciting, saddest, most soulful...and and and simply indescribable! I like to say that to you and to say: Keep it up! And it would be simply marvelous if you would write me sometime! I wait of an answer!!
    Love, Berenice
    P.S. Please can you write me an E-Mail to this E-Mail adress (I know you haven´t got so much time but If you can I would be very happy! Thank you!!) atzenice@web.de I wait for your Mail!! *_____*

  70. Totally awesome cover. I am a huge Heath fan and cried like a baby when he died, I hoped you'd find a way to bring him back. I like Stark but let's face it NOBODY loves Zoey the way Heath does. IMO
    Is there anything this guy WON'T do for her? I'm soooooo looking forward to him being back as Aurox.....that pesky human 'problem' between him and Zo is NO MORE

  71. I prever stark :) pelase dont let ANYTHING happen to him <3

  72. when can we expect the next book? I love reading them you and your daughter are amazing!! Hope to see a t.v series out of this that would be awesome or movies either would be great!!

  73. Whose the male model thats portraying Aurox?? Hes sooooo Sexay!!!
