Friday, April 15, 2011

Awesome photo shoot!

The fabulous Jeremy Charles ( just did a photo shoot of Kristin and me for Oklahoma Magazine. Here's one of the pics they aren't going to use. Just wanted to give Jeremy a big thumbs up! He was great to work with, and took beautiful pictures. Tulsa area people - I highly recommend him!


  1. Wow, great photo ♥

  2. O.M.G. i wish you would come to California on the 30th of April.
    Theirs this book fair and well it would totally rock if you were their. i just started reading house of night series last year, and well you changed me, i never read and now im reading.

  3. I love the photo, but I think it would have been even better if you both had sapphire crescents on your foreheads.:-)

  4. Oh wow :)
    This is a really stunning photo of you both, and the flowers are so pretty! I agree to the big thumbs up for Jeremy :) x

  5. Poet - heehees! You are absolutely right!

  6. P.C., I just saw the placeholder cover on GOODREADS for DESTINED and I literally gasped and SQUEE'd out loud.
    That's how excited I am. Good luck, and have a great time finishing it!


  7. Thank you. If there's ever another photo shoot just think of my idea. I think you guys would look awesome as vampyres.

  8. Such a pretty picture! I'd like to see something like that in HoN books! :)

  9. I really like the photo :) Spring is definitely there! It looks like you've had a lot of training in posing! ;)

  10. LOVE it, what a great photo. I bet you guys are stoked about it!

    Spotted the GODDESS books in a store here the other day, looks like they are all being released here in OZ, with the black covers.

  11. Anonymous8:23 AM

    You two look goregous! I love the flowers! :)
    I agree with Poet, the tattoos would of been gorgeous :D

  12. PC beautiful photo, I really liked to see if there is more to the

  13. Thank you Carla. There will be more photos in Oklahoma Magazine. I think it'll be the May issue. I'll post a link when it comes out.

  14. My daughter was really interested in starting your HON series. I try to read most of the books before I let her have a go at them. I was offended and a little surprised at the use of "retard" in your book Marked. Needless to say my daughter isn't going to be reading them and I am working on getting the series removed from the District library. As adults really, you should be ashamed of yourselves. Try checking out

  15. Melissa - try checking out You have the right to decide for your family what they can and can't read. You do not have the right to decide for anyone else. But while you're busily trying to nullify a whole bunch of people's First Amendment rights because you don't like a word in a book you didn't even bother to finish reading, why don't you also petition your district to yank copies of TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD? Nigger is a way more offensive word than retard, and it's all over that book. Speaking of, you should also insist Mark Twain's HUCKLEBERRY FIN be banned because there's definitely an offensive word used in there by children. Stick Shakespeare under your moral magnifying glass as well. I taught ROMEO AND JULIET to ninth graders for years, and I promise you there are seriously offensive words in that thing. Wow, that reminds me, Euripides' tragedy, MEDEA (which I also taught), doesn't just have offensive words in it - kids are actually killed - by their mommy! Better ban that.

    My point, Melissa, is that once one person or a group of like-minded people decide that they have the right to choose for others what they read, think, say, write - it has no end.

    It's a shame you didn't finish reading my series (or even that one book). My characters consistently deal with people who make snap judgments, and through situations that arise because of those faulty judgments they learn to look deeper and use better sense. That's a good lesson for many people to learn.

    PC Cast

  16. I bow to you PC! Thank you! I agree. I do not think it is right for us to be controlled on what we can and can not read just because one person doesn't like it. All it shows is how prejudice people are and people wonder why there is so much animosity in the world! I just want to ask all of the parents out there, and Im not trying to be a witch, but do you shelter your kids? If so, maybe you should do some research on how they can turn out. After you do that, maybe you will see that letting kids read a book that has the word "retard" in it, isn't all that bad.

  17. Wow really cool! And i totally agree with poet! P.c i was just wondering if you are coming to scotland again? Cause i missed you!

  18. Great photo Poet is right I sent you a snail mail letter because I love drawing characters from books I plan on becoming a children's books illustrator, hope you like my version of your characters my favorite are steavie-rae and rephaim!!!

  19. P.C you rock hard. Melissa is completely wrong in what she said to you. In my poetry I write about anything, but choice is my main inspiration. No one has the right to ban a book just because they don't like whats in it.
