Saturday, January 01, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to everyone!

Kristin and I can't wait until Tuesday and the release party for AWAKENED! Tulsa area folks remember that the launch party is at Will Rogers High School, starting at 6:00 pm. That's at 3909 East 5th Place, Tulsa (just across and down the street from the east side of the University of Tulsa campus). Borders will be there, and they'll have plenty of books available for you. And I'll have cake and cupcakes and surprises!

See my Scottish fans soon, too!



  1. Hello P.C. Cast,
    My name is Mike Ricard and I am 16 years old. I hve every book in the House of Night series, I love you and your daughters work. I was wondering if you would consider putting a poem that I have written into one of your books. you see I have been trying to get published in anything I can and not even the local newspaper would cnside me ( they say because they dont post poems). I call the poem Elemental Self because it includes all five elements. If you want to read and consider my poem please contact me at thank you.

  2. Can't wait for you to come to scotland i have my awakened book pre-ordered and cant wait for the 19th! :D.

    I cant wait to see what will happen in awakened I read the excerpt and it is soo addictive!

  3. oops i meant the 20th!

    Jemma :) x

  4. Happy New Year to you too all the way from Australia! What a great way to start the year, with the release of Awakened! I can't wait! I'm so excited!! :D Hope you had a joyful Christams and a wonderful New Year!! And let's hope you'll see your Australian fans soon as well!! ;) <3

  5. my fellow H.O.N lover and I must be at your launch party we plan to meet you very soon!!!!! :D

  6. Mike - the poetry in the HoN is written by me and it's an intricate part of the plot. No one else can write it. Kristin doesn't even write it. My advice for you is to do what all successful authors do - keep trying to get published, and while you're doing so hone your writing skills. Simple things like being sure your grammar, punctuation, and spelling are all correct in everything you write will help you. Go back and be sure you've mastered the basics.

    Best of luck to you,

  7. Hi my name is karol,i'm from Brazil,Happy New Year and i love your books.The stories are so good,is so exciting...Well i wanna know if you have others books after Awakened?

  8. Hi there and thank you both for this amazing series! I was only just put on to them a week ago but reading at least one a day has caught me up and now I am eagerly awaiting the release of Awakened.

    I hope my local bookshop in Australia does get it on its release date - I rang them but they were clueless and said just ring back in two weeks. Anyways, you can count on me adding it to my collection that I hope will go on for quite some time. So please, keep doing what you both do so well and keep the series coming. Maybe adding a little extra romancing for us older readers? :) haha. Thanks so much.

    P.S Stark, Heath, Darius, Rephaim... I heart you all!

  9. Thank you for being you!!!

  10. P.S., THANK YOU for your amazing House of Night books series))) You are my favorite author form other country. I'm from Russia and I'm adore of your books. Sense last year I love your books and I really can't waiting release of AWAKENED!!!

  11. Thank you very much PC for this knoledge :) I will keep trying.

  12. Happy New Year to both you and Kristin!! Hope you have an amazing 2011 - best of luck with everything you guys will do this year :)
    xoxo <3

  13. I can't wait to get my hands on Awakened.Thank you P.C. for writing the HoN series.I love reading the books than doing boring homework.

  14. Dear PC,

    I was searching the web for news regarding AWAKENED and came across something on The site said something about a few people receiving the novel before new year's eve in Germany and the site already leaked the plot of the novel. Not knowing that the plot was there, I accidentally read the first line, but after quickly recognizing it as a spoiler, I stopped myself from reading it and felt that you should know, if you don't already know.

  15. Hi, I'm Isabelle and I really love your books !!
    Actually so much that I (even though I'm 13) have started to write a book btu I have only done 1 chapter !!
    So far its really interesting !!
    I cant wait for 'Awakend' to be released!!
    Happy new year :) !! xoxoxox

  16. I can not wait to read Awakened it feels like i have been waiting for years instead of months, lol yall are some awesome and very addictive writers. I hope this isn't the last book because that isn't gonna be good and i hope the movie comes out soon, because it gonna be bigger than twilight!!!
    -Nora Smith
    (Texas) :)

  17. Red Vamp Juan - I can't control the idiocy on Wikipedia. Just ignore it. About 98% of it is incorrect.

  18. Hiya P.C cast:)
    just wanted to say i love the house of night series books(a lot!!) i wish your were touring in california well bye my favorite authors kristin and P.C:)<3

  19. Happy New Year Mrs Cast! I'm very excited about Awakened coming out, but a lil sad too. Is Awakened being released as an ebook for planet saving peeps/those that like ours digital?

  20. Yep, AWAKENED will definitely be available as an ebook.

  21. i wish i could come 2 tulsa but we start school & all i cant wait though im gonna go rite after school 2 wal mart & get the book i love them all u & ur daughter r awesome authors

  22. P.S. excuse me, but do you know when AWAKENED will be published in Internet?))

  23. i heart your books they have oened my mind to reading again i gave marked to my troubled sister inlaw she read it and then soon after the rest of the series her grades have changed and now she calls me to argue about why your books take so long to come out lol insead of partying 24/7 she now reads your books over and over i think you may have saved her life so please keep telling your stories i heart zoey and stark thank you again for your time and awesome books

    from michigan

  24. OMG! Happy New year! One more day until the release of AWAKENED! AAHHHHHHHHHHH! CANT WAIT!

  25. ms. cast
    i have gtten my best friend whom call ''elmo'' in to the books and h really does LOVE THEM, almost as much as i do, i think YOU are a GREAT writter, and i love love LOVE this series. :) i hated reading and then i read marked, and i read the whole series in one week i didnt talk to anyone, i love grand ma red bird she is my fav, but i have a few ideas of a series, see ive always wanted to be a writter, i write poems, and id like to have one of them in a book or something or at least an idea for a charater, please please write me back. at
    thanks very much.

  26. AWAKENED will be released as an ebook tomorrow, just like the hardback. "On the internet" without paying for it is stealing it. Remember - if you can't afford to buy a book, go to your local library and borrow it. That's good Karma. Stealing via internet is NOT.

    jellybean - I have an entire blog post dedicated to advice for aspiring authors in my archives. Happy reading!

  27. Anonymous11:36 PM

    HAPPY NEW YEAR to you too!! I hope this year treats you well! And CONGRATULATIONS!!, on the releasal of AWAKENED!!! I'm SURE it's a GR8 book!!!! :)

  28. hello p.c cast,
    my name is ashlei smith. i love our books sooo much and i love the detail you put in them!! though i do have have one question if your not to busy, but i'm interested how you came up with the idea to use Wicca? i don't mean any offense it's just i'm a practitioner of Wicca and your books helped me a lot:). please can you reply at
    thank you and happy new year!

  29. My cousin and I both love your HoN novel we are even both driving to Tulsa tomorrow to get our books signed we are both big readers and total HoN groupies.
    BTW we are both in love with Damien, we thank you for having a character that is gay and doest portray the traditional gay stereotype, we have recommended your books to all our friends.

  30. Hi,

    I was reading through the comments about Awakened being available as an ebook. I got a kindle for Christmas and cancelled all my preordered books for 2011. I was really disappointed that Awakened is only available for kindle on US Amazon. I'm from the UK and it's not available. Will it be avaible for kindle in the UK soon? I waited up til midnight last night to buy it and then spent hours trying to find out why it's not available for us in the UK. I came up blank.

    Thanks for your time
    Denise xx

  31. Hey!
    I just got into the House of Night series, and I've literally read the first five books in less than a week. Thank you for writing them, they are truely amazing.
    Will more be coming out after Awakened? (I've just ordered it and can't wait!)

    Also, I'm from Scotland, are you coming over here?! That will be so great if you guys do! x

  32. Congratulations for the release of Awakened in the UK can't wait to get stuck into it when I have enough. I loved the extracts as soon as I finished I sent the link to my friend. I really like the cover for this one.

  33. Happy new year! I cannot tell you have majorly excited i am for awakened!!!!!!!!!! I am a HUGEEE fan of the Hon series so im counting the hours, minutes and seconds until its out! my birthdays on 9th january so fingers crossed my mum has brought it me! :) xxxxxxxxxx

  34. Hello Ms.Cast,

    Me and my older sister are huge fans of your HoN books, me being 21 and her being 25. She was the one who introduced me to the series and i just could'nt put it down! The series has made me laugh out loud and also cry my eyes out. It is one in its own. Its genius!

    My sister just called me at work to tease me about the fact that shes just got the newest book!

    Is there ANY chance at all that you might be coming over to England, anywhere near Nottingham in the East Midlands to do a book signing or anything along those lines? We would absolutely love to meet you and Kristin.


  35. Awakened!!! I am so excited as soon as my husband gets home from the base my daughter and I are going out to pick it up. I told my daughter about what you said happened when you were little and her response is "she like me and I can't see her "tattoos" we entered the contest to come to Tulsa for the tour but we got even better news we may be getting Luke Air Force Base next! So I will bring her to one of your signings whenever we get there. When will they announce the winner of the tour? If the 1 in a million happens and we win can I bring my daughter? Thanks for being such an amazing author and to have such open communication with your fans is just awe inspiring. I hope you and your had a Happy New Year!

  36. For Denise and others who are struggling to find Awakened as an ebook...

    Awakened can be purchased if a) You live in USA or b) you live in Canada. It can be found as a nookbook on barnes and noble and on sony ereader reader store. :)

    Unfortunately, that leaves a lot of us without Awakened for a while. This happened with Burned aswell-but it did appear on waterstones UK several weeks after the original release date. :(

    Outside UK? Then you're still a bit stuck. Try looking wherever you found Burned, but be prepared for it not be to there for a while. :(

    Hope that helps! :D

  37. Hi Mikaelab - thanks for helping out with the ebook question. The problem is I have no control over the format in which the books are published - each publishing house in each country has to handle that. So I'd love to be able to say that I can make sure all of the books are available as ebooks immediately, but the truth is I have nothing to do with it, which is as frustrating for me as it is for you guys!


  38. To Mikaelab,

    Thank you so much for responding & to PC also. I can understand how frustrating it must be. I actually got all my books from amazon prior to getting the kindle for Christmas. I think for the rest of HoN I'll just continue to get them from amazon, then I'll have the whole complete set when sadly HoN finally comes to an end. Which I'll be devastated about, I've been with this series right from the start and hold it very close to my heart.

    Denise xx

  39. i totally loved that book (except for that one part with the mother)

  40. I was so excited when I checked the mail this morning to find my Awakened book finally arrived. Then I opened it up and it was printed upside down!
