Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Glasgow Event!

I'm looking forward to my Glasgow event, which will be the last one of my mini-tour (I'm always a little sad when I leave Scotland!). It's tomorrow (Thursday the 20th) at the Sauchiehall Street Waterstone's, 6:30 pm. I know the event is sold out, but as with the Stirling Waterstone's I'll stay afterward and sign a bunch of stock so there will be autographed copies available in the store.

See y'all there!


  1. I am so excited to meet you :) ! x

  2. hi is ok if i bring my other hon books to be signed? :)x

  3. Shaun - honey, I'll sign anything!

  4. Oh man, how fun would that be!!! And here I am stuck over the other side of the world. Is the OZ tour plan still in the works PC? Half of OZ is disaster zone right now :(

  5. Ang! So good to hear from you! I've been worried about you. Are you okay? Is your home safe? Yes, honey, we're still coming to Oz near the end of 2011. Hope the water recedes soon. I was contacted by a charity organization from Oz, and I'll be donating signed books to auction off. Hope it helps, even a little!


  6. Woohoo! Bringin my whole collection 2 get signed! (Hope they all fit in my HON bag) sooo cannot wait 4 2nyt! Wish I cud get sumbdi 2 Mark me 4 this lol :D

  7. Ok, so I know I already commented 2day but, just got home from the signing and wow! I just love u so much more now!! :D u r so funny and down 2 earth. Thnx 4 signing all the books and my HON bag (the pen did work on the material lol), the first person u signed 4, ye that was me, n i told my little fledgling felicia tht the mini series is gonna hav pictures so she can read it with mummy :P hehe Ms Cast I heart u <3

  8. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Just met you at waterstones Glasgow and want to thank you for my Rephaim wing! I will cherish it! You are such an awesome woman! It's not often people get to meet their fav fictional characters in the flesh! Shannon! My fictional bff in the flesh! Heart u loads PC! Hopefully meet you and your Seoras again one day and have that bottle (or 2) of Red! Safe journey home! Love xxx

  9. Hi PC,

    Tonight was so much fun, it was great to hear all your funny stories and I love my signed copy, thanks for taking time out to come and do signings.

    Jemma x

  10. I loved meeting you :) Great signing! I was the one in the glee top haha. I hope you liked glasgow... even though it was very foggy and not very nice lol :)

  11. Hello, So glad I got to meet. You are so funny and beautiful. Forgot to get one of my books sign (silly me) but oh well got the rest!! Hope you come visit us again soon and let's hope there is no fog lol

  12. thanks so much for signing my books P.C I had such a great time! :D

  13. Thank you for tonight, you were extremely funny and so easy to talk to - the Elliot thing was hilarious, and you do a brilliant Scottish 'Naw!'.

    From Erin, the girl who asked if you sometimes muck up your signature writing it so often. :L x

  14. Awwww! You guys are awesome! My Glasgow signing was wonderful. Thank you for being so thoughtful and so much fun! I'll always think of Scotland, and Glasgow in particular, as my second home.

    I heart you guys!

  15. Yeah, just ditto what everyone said! You were so lovely at the signing today! It was great to learn more about how you wrote the books and how every character has a real life counterpart (LOL at the Elliott one). I really hope you come back for Destined when it gets released.
    Thanks for being AMAZING! love, Gillian x
    PS so wish I got a Rephaim wing :( haha maybe next time round! x

  16. Hi P.C.

    I signed up for the sweepstakes but I haven't gotten a confirmation of any kind that I have been entered. When will we know if we have won the contest?

  17. finaly my internets working so i can leave a comment me and my bestfriend and my partner came to your glasgow event it was worth the 2hr journey from dundee id do it again in a heartbeat your so funny and down to earth you even got my boyfriend laughing ha! and he said after your little advice that he might actuly start reading lol "to get inside the female mind" as he put it haha also i just wanted to say a thank-you for signing my 4 books lol can't wait to come to ur next event in scotland lots of love Gaynor x

  18. Hi PC i just wanted to thank you i was at your book signing last night you have me totally hooked on your books and you sounded like a very interesting woman. You made my night when you signed my books and asked if my boyfriend was my father you had me laughing all night. I hope you come back to Glaasgow soon and cant wait to read the short story about neferet. Was great to meet you x

  19. hi P.C I noticed at the Glasgow event they were filming were can i watch it? :)

  20. Not really about the event srry! IM stuck in Portugal but if you came here i would bring all 200 of my friends who read the collection at least! I just finished book 8 and CAN´T WAIT FOR nÂș9!!!!!!!!!! I´m really sad thought about the number of casualties... But all is good when Zoey is safe with Stark. I really wish I had my own Stark at certain times.

    Biggest kisses and hugs possible from me and my 200 friends reading HoN! From Portugal!

  21. Hi! Im jenny-I couldn't make it to the signing so I got my friend to bring in a note for me! Thank you so much for replying-it was so considerate of you...most people would just bin it! Thank you!
    I just started the Divine novels-they're so amazing, and of course the house of night <3<3<3 You were right-you didn't kill Jack hahaha! Nefret is a...*insert long list of verbal abuse here*. Anyway-I just wanted to say thanks for replying and to tell you how dissapionted I was to miss meeting you but...oh well...exams and all that haha! Keep being amazing-your wonderful open-minded characters are truely inspring for teenagers like me! Jenny <3

  22. Shaun - my videographer was filming at several of my events. He's going to put together a montage, which I'll post here and on my other sites. Stay tuned!

    p.s. Leaving Scotland early in the morning. I hear we have snow/ice back in Tulsa. Ugh.

  23. P.C- Snow and ice dosent sound to good! Hope you have a safe journy home. Can't wait the see the montage!



  24. I know I already commented but Hope you have a safe flight! Merry meet, merry part and all that.. :p

    And also just to say I was so shocked when I seen Seoras! He is completely the Seoras you described in every way and it was amazing to see him dressed in his full Chieftan gear! It makes you feel less Scottish when you see someone as much a thourough bred as he is haha
    love, Gillian x

  25. PC,

    Yes I'm fine where I live, although most places around here are dreadful! But the clean up has started, and they breed em' tough in the state of Queensland! Thank you for donating the books, every little thing counts!

  26. Hi there!! My daughter and I have been reading your series for awhile now, and finally we are all caught up and waiting :)

    I am so amazed that you and your daughter are able to write together so well as a team. I guess amazed isn't quite the right word. I don't mean it like I'm surprised you can do it, I guess it's just really wonderful and it inspires me!!

    I am actually trying to get a hold of you about another issue, but can't find an email or any contact for you at all.

    Is there anyway you could contact me?? Perhaps email me at
    or on my blog at

    Thanks so much. I look forward to hearing from you!!

    ~Stephanie Christmann

  27. I'm visually impaired, so I listen to most books. I just started the HoN series last week and started book 4 today. Can you shed any light in why the narrator changed mud series? The narrator fir book 4+ sounds much younger and seems to dumb down otherwise good writing and story line.

  28. Ang - so glad you're dry and well!

    Stephanie - you can reach me through my PA, Camden, at

    Amy - sorry, I have little involvement with the audio.

  29. Thank you P.C, the Glasgow event was amazing i am so happy i met you.

    If you remeber i was with the girl called Adele that gave you the balloon flowers in Glasgow.

    love roma


  30. I was there x
    i nearly cried when i met you x
    your so insperational, i love you P.C xx
    Love "KerryGold". x
    (butter) lol

  31. I just wanted to let you know that authors like you make me believe that I can do anything and that if I try I can suceed your amazing keep writing

  32. Hi my name is Vivian I love and have ur whole series oh HON book I was wondering when and where will u be doing more signing at because I would love to meet u inn person and would love it if u would pls sign my books pls write back as soon as soon as u can i kno u r busy so take ur time thank you ur the best... :)
