Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Fun in Stirling!

The event at Stirling was a blast! Special thanks to the lovely Alex Nye who interviewed me (pictured with me above), and to Ian Wandless and his Waterstone's for being gracious hosts. The crowd was wonderful - excellent questions! And I did sign a bunch of stock for the store, so if you didn't get a ticket to the event you can still pick up a signed book.



  1. I love the book cover they us it's awesome.

  2. Hi,
    Looks like you had lots of fun. I just have a few question s about writing. 1)Where did you get you inspiration for HoN? 2)Are you touring Canada in the future? 3)Is the age 12 too young to be punlished? And I looooooooooove your HoN books.

  3. Erin - 1) I get inspired from research and travel. 2) Nope, not touring Canada in the near future. 3) I have an entire blog post in the archives that deals with advice for aspiring authors.

    Happy reading,

  4. Wow well don with all the signing you looked so busy always wanted to know this after signing did your hand want to drop off at the end? It looked twice as bad as our RE class.

  5. Ha! People ask me about my hand getting tired all the time. It doesn't; it's my voice that gives out!

  6. Hi me again!
    Just wondering of your touring in Albuquerque, New Mexico, the last week in April (24th-30th)?

  7. Nope, on the 26th of April I'll be inducted into the OK Writer's Hall of Fame, and the 30th is the Tour of Tulsa.

  8. Hi,
    It was lovely to meet you at the Stirling event. I wish I'd brought my Divine series to get signed. Hopefully you'll come back. Keep up the fabulous work,
    Dolidh xx

  9. Ohhh, I wish I could have been there.
    Seeing as the next HoN book, won't be out for awhile, i've just started reading the Divine books, finished Divine by Mistake in a day and i've had to order the second one, which hopefully *fingers crossed* should be coming on Friday or Saturday.
    I have actually fallen in love with Partholon!!!
    I have no idea what book I would have brought to get signed if I did manage to get there...they are all amazing!


  10. It would be my dream come true if you got some directors and actors to make a movie or tv series of all of the house of night series, but do not change any little detail from the book into the movie. This would be so awsome and incredible. I love ur wrk!PLEASE MAKE MOVIE OR TV SERIES!!!

  11. Oh My God....This ís Perfect...I Love Your Books!!!! iS my favorite history!!!! vampires!!

  12. Hi!

    I certainly LOVE Awakened,it's awsome, even though it saddens me to think I'm nearing the end of the book with each page I read .) So my question is, when are you approximately planning to publish Destined? Just wondering. Not to sound rude or anything.

    PS: I've actually divided Awakened up, so it lasts longer than a week or two :) Thank you so much for writing these books, they're excellent ! Have a great day.

    Jem xx

  13. Hi! I'm portuguese and I have to tell you that the book's cover in the US are so much beautiful that the portuguese ones but it doesn't matter because your books are wonderfull in any language!
