Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Edinburgh Event!

I'm looking forward to my Edinburgh event on the 13th at the Scottish Book Trust building @ 10:30 am. I hear it's sold out! Yea! See y'all there! (I'll be shopping afterward - love me some Edinburgh!)



  1. Anonymous12:14 PM

    ¡PC!¡OMG! I finished AWAKENED! I think I read it in like 3 or 4 hours ! ! ! It was amazing, sad, exciting, with a little (or no so little) touch of fear and laugh! I think I've been listening Defying Gravity since I finished! THAT part of the book (don't want to say which so not to be a spoiler)was sooooooooo sad! And the end! I was like OMG! YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING! I can't wait till November! Just wanted to let you know that I'll be waiting ansiously and with much much love and happyness DESTINED! I wanted to know, if you can tell me of course, is Destined the last book, or there would be others? Because, for me, I'll be happy to keep reading the House of Night' books forever ;D Hope you can answer me! Enjoy Edinburgh, the place looks beautiful! Paula from Argentina.

  2. The event on the 20th in Glasgow is also sold out :) But I have my ticket and I was so excited to meet you, you are a big inspiration x

  3. Hi! I'm a 42 year old mom of four children and my 15 year old niece turned me on to your books. I really don't have the time to read anymore, so after reading the first one (and loving it! :) I purchased the first 6 "House of Night" books in audio format. My question is, when you hire readers for your books, do you know how they read the books, or do you just hire them to do a job, and let it go at that? The reason I ask is because the first couple of books were read OK...but I could barely stand listening to anything past the first two because the girl reading it sounds like a 12 year old boy, although she did get better as the books went on. I have just started listening to "Tempted", and the girl reading it sounds like a cartoon character, not to mention she doesn't pronounce some words correctly...it's kind of driving me nuts...lol..When you purchase an audio book, you really don't have a choice of who is reading the book, and the person reading the book can change everything about the book...pretty much ruin the integrity of the book if they read it badly, or have a voice that doesn't really match the characters...I know these books are for and about young teens, but I still enjoyed them and I think many of my friends and family will also, as long as they actually read the book and not listen to it. The girl who read the first book did a great job. She sounded like a 16 year old girl so it was more realistic. Listening to "Tempted" is assaulting my ears..lol
    Seriously...if you listen to her, she sounds like she has been huffing helium...lol Listening the last couple of books made me see the characters much younger than they are and I felt like I was listening to a child. And thinking of a young child doing some of the things that the characters do in the books, kind of made me feel "wrong". I hope in the future, the voices match up to the characters. I am not criticizing...well... I'm not trying to, but as a customer I feel that all aspects of the book should meet the consumers expectations. I love your writing style, your stories and I love how you have incorporated your daughter into writing the books. The books kept my interest, so it's nice that the books appeal to an adult market. I just would like for authors to have more of an input into who reads their audio books because it can be disappointing, not to mention...the books are not cheap...lol... :) I have the same problem with other books that I have listened to and it just made me wonder if the authors have a say as to who reads their audio books. I'm really curious to know... :)

    Thank you for reading this and thank you for your wonderful imagination...

    Rhonda Badalucco

    Richmond, VA. USA.

  4. Well this is rubbish, someone could had informed us that we needed tickets , because now I have found out I need to go tell my best friend who was over the moon when she heard that she could see and meet you and shatter the only chance she had seeing and meeting you, we had been talking about this since you realsed that you were coming but I wish all those lucky people who had an idea about getting tickets the best time, it's not often an author comes over from America so enjoy xx

  5. Hi, PC, I'm from Brazil, already read all the Hon including Awakened, I was totally flabbergasted by the liaison with Stark Kalona, Kalona will be so will get the pardon for Nix will hurt or kill Zoey and Stark, love and Zoey Stark together, they're maturing together and would love to stay together, even sharing with Heath ....
    Kisses from Brazilian fans, we are many .........

  6. (Ignore the name/e-mail address, i've had it for about 10 years =P)

    I hope you have a great time in Edinburgh!
    I've only been there once...and only when I was very young =P
    Pleeeease come down to the East Midlands at some point, I know there are alot of fans over here...and on the plus side it's only about, well, 3-4 hours away from Edinburgh =P
    Anywho, I hope you have a great time!!

    Oh, and I should probably mention that I thought Awakened was absolutely amazing!!!


  7. Rhonda, authors have very little input about whether their books go to audio and then who reads them. For the US audio I requested a reader, and I know they used her for a couple of the books, but since I've noticed that they've changed. Sadly, I have no control over that.

  8. Thank you so much for answering my question. :) I figured that was the case, because if I was a writer, I'd want the reader to match the characters. It really is too bad that writers have no control over it, because it's your work. Although I am not your target age market... I love what I have read so far. :) I hope you continue writing the series books. I am on chapter 28 of "Tempted" and the reader has improved a lot. It seems that sometimes it takes the reader a while to get a feel for the characters. I am enjoying it much more now. :)Thanks again and I look forward to reading (or listening) to more great books from you. :)

  9. I absolutely loved Awakened even though I did have to wait for it to be delivered which was really annoying, it also seemed to be telling me to read it when I was trying to do revision for my exams.
    Even though Zoey is really missing Nala on Sgiach's isle, Nala isn't mentioned when Zoey returnes to Tulsa and I've missed Nala's grumpy meows.
    It'd be really cool if you came to England.

  10. It has been a while since I have visited this blog, so I was wondering have you heard any more about making Marked into a movie?

  11. Just one week left till u cme to Glasgow!! :D so excited! And may I just say thanx 4 the Scottish parts, its so rare to even see Scotland mentioned in a book, esp an American teen novel! I love how u captured the Scottish accent perfectly, every time I read the dialogue I laugh out loud (best part was Stark n Zoey not knowin what 'fanny' meant, tht cracked me up!) Its great how my I lose sleep coz I cnt put the books down when I start reading, cnt wait 4 Destined :D so till next week thn, (even tho I will probably b the oldest at the signing, at 22 lol) :)

  12. Don't you wish the weather was a gorgeous as in the pix?

  13. Hi my name is Jordan and I wish to become a writer some day and I had a couple questions
    1. What is it like to being a writer?
    2. If you had to describe your job what would you say about it?
    3. Is there any type of courses I should take in high school to prepare?

  14. wow, i haven't been to Edinburgh for years and years. I miss it. Kansas isn't as exciting or beautiful. have fun! I'm slowly getting through awakened, it's hard with a two year old who wants to "read" too!

  15. Brittin - any updates I have are posted on the movie page.

    Jana - uh, yeah. Cold and snowy and wet here. NOT like the picture, but it was a fun morning with a room full of great kids!

    Jordan - I have an entire post in the archives dedicated to advice for aspiring authors.

  16. Me and my best friend (who I got hooked two weeks ago on your books and has since read them all!) are going to see you when you come to Glasgow! I, too, really appreciate all the Scottish parts, like the person before said I was laughing at the 'fanny' part and how someone doesn't know their 'arse from their elbow' haha I actually use that phrase.
    Never been to any book signing before so excited for it! x

  17. I met you there, I had the whole series of HoN and you signed them all i really appreciated it :D hope you had a good time in Edinburgh :) i cant wait for Destined and Dragons Oath :D xx
