Friday, January 28, 2011

Cool Girlfriend Release!

I have a group of amazing friends, for which I am very grateful. They're talented, funny, and interesting. Among my friends is the fabulous intuitive, Colette Baron-Reid. She and I have been buddies since she read my very first book (DIVINE BY MISTAKE, originally published as GODDESS BY MISTAKE). Well, not only is she a good friend and an excellent intuitive counselor, but she's also a well published author. Her current release looks fascinating. I'll be picking it up as soon as I can get myself to the 21st Street Borders in Tulsa. It's called THE MAP (pictured above), FINDING THE MAGIC AND MEANING IN THE STORY OF YOUR LIFE. I know for a fact Colette is magical - she predicted the success of the HoN before I'd written the books! (As a side note, she tells me that my success will move to film - and I'm believing her!)

In honor of the release of THE MAP, Colette is hosting a great giveaway. You can find out more info at

Also, check out Colette's WISDOM OF AVALON oracle cards (easy to find on Amazon or B&N or Borders sites). I have a pack, and I love them!

Here's wishing Colette a magical launch!



  1. Her WISDOM OF AVALON Tarot deck is wonderful. Very intuitive. And you sent me the deck, too! Bless you. I'll be sure to check out Colette's book.

  2. It seems to be very interesting...It's a shame that here in Brazil the books take a veery long time to be translated...

  3. Hello, I need some help, I have become addicted to your books and would love to know what book comes out after awakened and what date it comes out or even if it is already out. You are a fantastic person and writer and I hope you the best in the future.

