Thursday, December 16, 2010

Tour Info for AWAKENED

First, let me start by saying that Kristin and I are not touring in the US for AWAKENED. We are launching in Tulsa at fabulous Will Rogers High School on Tuesday, January 4th, 6:00 p.m. We'll also be doing lots of interview and probably some live chats, etc., but our US publisher, who makes the decisions about touring, decided the weather in January is just too questionable for a tour.

Also, let me reiterate - Kristin and I DON'T CHOOSE WHERE WE TOUR. Our publishers set up our tours, keeping in mind things like weather, market, and our writing schedule. What this means is asking us "please oh please will you come to ___________ some day?" or "you never come to my town, why not?" are questions I can't answer. I'd love to travel all over and tour, tour, tour - but 1) I'm not in control of that (like I just said) and, 2) If I toured all the time I'd never write and there would be no more HoN books...

However, I am going to Scotland with Seoras to visit family, and I've agreed to three events while I'm there. Kristin can't come with me this time, and I did not choose the three venues, my UK publisher did. Below is where I'll be and when. Scotland is a second home to me, and so I'm really looking forward to returning and meeting with my lovely UK fans!

See y'all in January!



Thursday, January 13th
10:30 a.m.
Scottish Book Trust, Edinburgh (Talk/Reading/Q&A and signing)
Venue: 55 High St., Edinburgh, Midlothian EH1 1SR
For more info see:

Monday, January 17th
7:00 p.m.
Waterstone's Stirling (Talk/Reading/Q&A and signing)
Venue: Cowane Centre, Cowane Street, Stirling
For more info contact Waterstones Stirling 0843 290 8615

Thursday, January 20th
6:30 p.m.
Waterstone's Glasgow (Talk/Reading/Q&A and signing)
Venue: Waterstones, 153-157 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow G2 3EW
For more info contact Waterstones Glasgow 0141 332 9105


  1. None in Brazil?!?! Sadly... sniff... sniff...

  2. When can you guys visit London in the UK. You guys are the best authors EVER!!!!!!^_^.

  3. Thalles - I'd love to come to Brazil (and I'm sure it would be warmer than Scotland!), but I won't have enough time between books to do that much traveling right now.

    Saffy - won't be getting down to England this time, as the reason behind the trip is visiting my man's family, and they're all in Scotland.

  4. You should totally come to Sweden, or maybe London in July, because I'll be there then. :)

  5. Hm... If i had holiday then I'd fly from Germany to Scotland... Will you visit Germany one day? :D

    Best regards!!!

  6. I would love to meet you's one day but I don't think I can convince my dad to go up to Scotland from Manchester :( though I really do want more books so I guess I'll have to wait.

  7. Oh my god! That really sucks. How's anyone meant to get to any of your events if they're all on school days? *huff*

  8. Oh my gosh hi PC! I am absolutely in LOVE with your HoN books, it gives me so much inspiration! I especially love Rephaim, he is my all-time favorite character. Can't wait for Awakened to come out!

    Hey, when you do begin touring again (and your publisher or whomever decides this stuff so if you can't it's okay!), could you possibly let me know? I live in Ohio, which is a place not many of my favorite authors visit, so I was just wondering if you could post on your blog the dates and places in the US and such once you find out. Thanks and good luck with the series!!!

  9. Ellen - two of the three events are in the school then...

    Sabrina - I imagine we'll tour for DESTINED November 2011, and I'll post all updates about that here and on my website.

  10. Anonymous8:04 PM

    Can anyone come to the event at Will Rogers?

  11. Amanda, yes! Absolutely! Everyone is invited, and I'm having special HoN cakes made! Ooooh!

    (Borders staff will be there with books for sale in case you don't already have copies.)

  12. Anonymous2:45 PM

    I am a huge fan of your books. It is sad you are only touring around Scotland. You say weather is an influence on your tour, does your uk publisher know Scotland has been at a stand still for the last 2 weeks due to the snow and over 900 schools shut? I doubt very much that the weather will change come January, if only get worse, the army was called in to clear the roads up there. How do you expect your fans to see you? If coming to the uk then I think you should have at least ventured away from Scotland. I am a huge fan, just would have loved to of seen you when I saw you were coming to the uk. Sadly its too far for me.

  13. Katie - you missed the point. I'm not coming to Scotland to tour. I'm coming to Scotland to visit my fiancee's family because we're spending the holidays in the US. While I'm in Scotland I've agreed to do three book events within easy driving distance of the area I'll be staying; my trip is meant to focus on family, not business. If the weather is atrocious commonsense says I won't be able to fly in at all, so neither family nor business will be served, and I'll just stay here in semi-warm Tulsa. Here's hoping the weather sorts itself, as it tends to do.

    And just FYI: I'm not just saying weather is an influencing element on touring. It's a fact. I'm NOT touring in the US or Canada this release because of it.

  14. You should come to Greece too! I would love to see you! :D

  15. Oh ok I have begged my mum to take me this year to scotland to see you and they might consider going for a week with the family but my dad has a lot of doubt as the weather is really bad down where I live there is like five inches of snow.I hope the weather gets better or you can visit next year (saffy)

  16. I'm soooo chuffed you are giving up precious vacation time to allow us to have the chance to meet you! I can't wait and hopefully I'll be one of the lucky ones to meet you in Glasgow! Woo! My sister and I both love love love the HoN books!! Can't wait for 4th Jan!! :) I hope You, Kristin and your family all have a lovely Christmas and New Year
    Laura :) x

  17. got my ticket for glasgow forward to seeing you p.c

  18. I just wanted to thank you for wrighting great books I hated reading in school I am 28 now and have read your books at least 5 times each and it has opened my mind to reading other books and it has also allowed me to connect with my younger sister inlaw who a lot of people gave up on because she was too cool to listen and she also knows every thing in the world I gave her the book marked for her b-day last year she read it and now she is just as addicted as I am and she now calls just to complain about how come its not jan yet and she has started to listen and stay in school and she now talks to me when she needs help so in my opinion I think you saved her life. And a lot of sadness to the rest of the family to thank you for beaing so creative and appeling to all ages thank you to both of you and as a side note yea I would love to see you in michigan but you don't wanna come here in jan or even nov I would pick like june you may get some decent weather then well thank you again and I look forward to some more HoN.

  19. Wish I could come and see you when you were in Scotland, it's just too far for me (I live in Stornoway!). Hope you enjoy visiting your family and hope you had a good christmas!

  20. I hope I can come to Tulsa for the signing that would be GREAT!!! I live 30 min south of OKC, OK in a town called Chickasha. I haven't ever got to me any authors that I like and I think that it is AWESOME that yall are from OKLAHOMA!! LOVE IT!!! And I totally understand about the weather thing.

  21. I have to say that I think your an absolutely love you as an author. You have inspired me greatly as I wish to either persue a career in acting or writing.
    I hope my parents will let me come to scottland although the chances seem slim because I live in south-east England.
    Can't wait to read more of you work.

  22. I am so excited because my mum has agreed to take me to Glasgoew on the 20th to come and meet you :) It has made my month :D I look forward to seeing you there x

  23. Do you need tickets? x

  24. Do you have to get a ticket for glasgow waterstones 6:00pm to see you??

  25. Sorry guys - you do need a ticket for all of the events, and they're sold out. Of course you could come and lurk...lurking is always fun! I will be signing stock, so whether you have a ticket or not you'll be able to get a signed book.

