Tuesday, November 02, 2010

We need your help!

As some of you may know, Kristin's passion is helping animals in need. She's still in school, but after graduation plans on opening a no kill dog rescue facility in Midtown Tulsa. (Yes, Tulsans, we'll be calling for doggie helper volunteers some day soon!) For now, Kristin and the Tulsa SPCA need your help in a different way. Kristin and I are participating in the SPCA's Tulsa Dog Walk on November 13th. We would appreciate your support through well-wishes and through donations. The fastest, easiest way to donate is by going to: http://www.firstgiving.com/kristincast. Every dollar helps, so don't think you have to have like a zillion dollars to donate. Five bucks buys dog food! Yea! Donating is also the an efficient way to support fund raising efforts to find homes for abandoned and lost animals.

Many thanks for your support -- and don't forget to forward this to anyone who you think might want to donate too!


PC & Kristin

p.s. The picture is of Kristin's two dogs, Marlon Brando and Anna Nicole Cast!


  1. I'll definately do my best to help you guys out! c: Thanks for participating in a good cause. ;0

  2. THEY ARE SO CUTE!!!! Oh I love love love animals!!! I have a 2 year old named Bella =) She's probably the most beautiful dog I've ever seen, but that might just be because she's my baby <3

    P.C. I sent an e-mail to you a few days ago....Maybe it was yesterday.....But do you do book signings through mail???

  3. I wish you the best, glad you are doing something to help animals in need, i will forward to all my friends :D

  4. Well, that's the coincidence to beat all coincidences.

    I took a former student and a friend on a HoN tour of Tulsa yesterday (11/13), but didn't know about this event. That would have just been the cherry on top of the sundae that was our day!

    I grew up in Muskogee and Tulsa, but live in AR now. It was a pleasant drive over, a lot of walking punctuated by good eating (Goldie's hamburgers and Utica Olive Garden), shopping at Street Cats, over 200 photos, and a renewed love of Philbrook. I'm already planning an addendum to visit friends in a couple of weeks and see the tunnels under downtown.

    Thanks for inspiring one of those "perfect" days that are worth remembering.
