Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veterans Day

I'd like to say "thank you" to those who have served and are serving - and the families who support and sacrifice with them.

And as an aside to some of my younger readers in case nobody's ever told you this: if you're traveling (or shopping or whatever) and you see someone in the uniform of our armed forces, it's nice to say a quick thank you to them. You never know when the man/woman you're thanking is just coming back from or heading out into harm's way so that you can reap the benefits of freedom.



  1. ms cast, I totally agree with you, we had a silence today at school, and on saunday I am going to Duxford Imperieal war meuseum fo the memorial service, and also to my vilages one. I think some people dont understand how important it was/ is to pay repects, and I'm paying even more attention now as that is what we're studying in history, and the poems are always telling you something important.

  2. P.C. you are juct awesome!!!!

  3. P.C. Cast you are my favorite author. You inspire me and because of that I was able to get ahold of a publisher and they want to publish my book. I have been writting for five years, and it would really mean a lot if you could please help me. I am only fifteen, so I don't know what to do. It is my goal to be the youngest fiction book writer. I know you are probably busy but I ask that you can try to get ahold of me so I can get to that goal. Please and thank you.

  4. Dear P.C. Cast,
    I have been writing for five years and am about to get my first book published. Please help me. I am only fifteen years old and don't know what to do. It is my goal to get my first book out for everyone to read. I write fictions and always have. I need help. Please try to get ahold of me.

  5. Jordan, I have an entire blog post in my archives dedicated to advice for aspiring authors. Go there for help. And keep in mind if you're really being published THEY PAY YOU, and you don't need my help because your editor will help you. If you're paying them it's self-publishing; that's a totally different thing, and if you want to make publishing your career I advise against self-publishing.

    Good luck,

  6. r0sie - Please refer to my archived post regarding advice for aspiring authors. In it I explain that I do not read unpublished work.

    Good luck,
