Sunday, November 07, 2010

Ooooh! Thank you!

Thank you to all of our wonderful fans who made THE FLEDGLING HANDBOOK 101 debut #1 on the New York Times Best Seller List! You guys are awesome!

(p.s. - I know it's also out in the UK. I don't have the release schedule for any other foreign publishers. It is on Amazon and all the other major internet sites and can be ordered, though.)


Copyright © 2010 by The New York Times November 14, 2010 THE NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW Children’s Best Sellers This Week PAPERBACK BOOKS
1 THE FLEDGLING HANDBOOK 101, by P.C. Cast with Kim Doner. (St. Martin’s Griffin, $12.99.) From history to bodily chang¬es, a compendium on vampirism for neophytesl. (Ages 12 and up)

2 THE BOOK THIEF, by Markus Zusak. (Knopf, $11.99.) A girl saves books from Nazi burning. (Ages 14 and up)

3 FALLEN, by Lauren Kate. (Delacorte, $9.99.) Love is thwarted at boarding school. (Ages 12 and up)

4 THE GRAVEYARD BOOK, by Neil Gaiman. Illustrated by Dave McKean. (HarperCollins, $7.99.) To avoid a killer, a boy lives in a cemetery. (Ages 10 and up)

5 THREE CUPS OF TEA: YOUNG READERS EDITION, by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin. (Puffin/Penguin, $8.99.) A former climber builds schools in Pakistani and Afghan villages. (Ages 9 to 12)

6 THE ABSOLUTELY TRUE DIARY OF A PART-TIME IN¬DIAN, by Sherman Alexie. Illustrated by Ellen Forney. (Little, Brown, $8.99.) A young boy leaves his reservation for an all-white school. (Ages 12 and up)

7 HUSH, HUSH, by Becca Fitzpatrick. (Simon & Schuster, $17.99.) A love story of immortals and ancient battles. (Ages 14 and up)

8 SHIVER, by Maggie Stiefvater. (Scholastic, $8.99.) Love among the lupine. (Ages 13 and up)

9 NERDS (BOOK ONE: NATIONAL ESPIONAGE, RESCUE, AND DEFENSE SOCIETY), by Michael Buckley. (Amulet/Abrams, $6.95.) Stealth is challenging when you wear orthodontic headgear. (Ages 8 to 12)

10 BEAUTIFUL CREATURES, by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl. (Little, Brown, $17.99.) A secret wrapped in a Southern Gothic novel. (Ages 12 and up)


  1. Oh My God thats so amazing!!!!!!!!! Conradulations!

  2. Congrats Mrs. Cast. I love the book. I can't wait for Awakend.

    Did you get the ideas for the bookmarks for Street Cats?

    Thanks so much for the great books.


  3. Awesome PC!

    I can't wait to read it! I know it will be awesome :D

  4. Well of course this is to be expected! :) Congratulations though! <3

  5. Hey i am getting this book for christmas, i have a question i would like to ask but i didn't want to post it on an exsisting post. i asked camden but she has not got back to me yet.


  6. so cool you have answered a lot of my questions but it's kind of sad vampires can't have children.

  7. Yay !!!!!!!!! This is soooo going on my christmas list :) xoxo

  8. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Hey there! I'm glad to hear about the new book.
    Is it available in audiobook status? I wonder because I'm blind and Ebooks aren't really accessable.
    Really can't wait for Awakened!!
    Does Kristin have a blog or something that I can check?


  9. Shouldn't be so surprising :D
    You're awesome!!!!!!
    Congrats! :D

  10. Erin - I'm going to have my assistant look at the bookmark idea. Right now I'm swamped - even setting up something for charity is super time consuming.

    James - Camden answers emails in the order she receives them, though sometimes it does take her awhile as email volume is high.

    Leonora - sorry, I don't know about the Handbook audio. It might be tricky because the book is heavily illustrated. Of course I'm a huge fan of audio books, so I'm completely for an audio release.

  11. Mrs. Cast,

    Ok thanks for letting me know. Sorry to have kept bugging you about them. I was worried that you didn't get them or they got lost in the mail. I can tell you don't have a lot of time. *bows* Thanks again for the House of Night and Goddess Summoning Series.


  12. Congrats! Although I'm not surprised =] This answers a lot of questions that the fans have, so it was a REALLY great idea. The drawings are GORGEOUS, as well. Great choices! I love the way Cleopatra and Hippolyte look. Absolutely amazing <333

  13. About freaking time. In the last two years, every time one of The HOuse of Night books comes out I buy, I read, I love, and then I wait and wait to see it on the list. Anywhere on the list. What's their problem? The only list your books are ever on is the series list. And that is so wrong! Especially when they usually top the USA Today list!

  14. Sounds great. I wish it were available as an ebook though.

  15. CONGRATULATIONS! The book is amazing Thanks.
    I have two questions that I had about your book Marked that I can not understand and have not found a post in which to asking you here so I will try taking advantage of the Card by the success of fledgling THE HANDBOOK 101. My 2 questions are:

    1 - At the beginning of the book (approx. page 59) when Neferet tells Zoey to follow the path in the direction of the wooden doors and always go left, Zoey hears a familiar voice call to her.
    My question is whether there really is such a call, or is her imagination.

    2 - My second question is: When Zoey sees to Aphrodite and Erik in the hallway and Zoey has the first connection with Erik, why that connection is so strong for the two if then, according to your statements in another post, Zoey and Erik are not going to stay together?

    I hope you understand me, I hope I have written correctly everything, I am sorry if misspelled.

    Thank you and CONGRATULATIONS for debut # 1 on the New York Times Best Seller List.

    I hope not to have bothered.

  16. Mr. Gordo - The HoN has topped all of the major lists. We're on the series list of the NY Times because that's where the paper ranks a series after 3 or more books in it have been in the top 10 place of the regular list. The handbook was separated out because it's technically not part of the series. I've been #1 on the Times before - there's no slight done to the HoN. This is just a lovely bonus.

    Pamela - it may become available later as an e-book. The decision was made not to release it in that format because e-book readers don't have the capability to show the illustrations, and so much of the handbook is illustrated.

    CBlair - 1. I think the whispered voice was probably Darkness leading Zoey to see something she'd be better off not seeing.
    2. Lots of young women (and men) think that just because they feel a connection with someone that means He's The One And Only For Them. I think that's rarely true. And that's a lesson Zoey learned. Just because a guy's hot it doesn't mean he's the right one for you. That's a lesson a lot of kids need to learn...


  17. Thank you very much, now I understand parts of the books much better than before. Thanks for answering and being so close to us (your readers).
    Greetings from Spain.

  18. Thanks for the info, Ms Cast. I feel much less irritated with them now.

    Long live the House of Night!!!

  19. Hi :)

    Umm, you know in the fledgling handbook, in the back (so not actually any content of the book) there are all the other books to do with the 'House of Night' (btw it's the British version) Awakened is there, is that the official HoN Britain Front cover?

    Thanks Scarly

  20. Scarly, the UK cover is the one that's on the UK HoN site.

  21. oh thank you :) I shall go check it out :)

  22. Finally hahaha, well i just got a problem i´m from Mexico and... its very difficult te get this books. The idiom its not problem but i will try to find it

  23. I bought the handbook boxing day this year!!!! yay cannot wait to read it just havent had time!!!!!!
