Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Nice review

I rarely read reviews of my work, but my good friend and fellow author, Merline Lovelace sent me this link to a lovely review from Seattlepi Books on THE AVENGER. Merline is one of the three other authors who, along with me, contributed to this series - all of us are military veterans - all of the heroines are also military. It was a lot of fun to write and it's nice to see the book is being appreciated! So, check it out! Here's the link: http://www.seattlepi.com/books/430236_148473-blogcritics.org.html

p.s. THE AVENGER is absolutely not YA. It's rated R.


  1. The cover by itself looks so appealing.I can't wait to get my hands on the book.

  2. It is now on my list to run out and read. Cannot wait.

  3. Hey it's Trista!

    I was just wondering if you knew how often your publicist checked her e-mail? It's been almost two weeks since I have e-mailed her. I know she must be busy I was just wondering.

    Can't wait for Jan!!

  4. Hi , My name is Victória I'm 16. I'm am actress since I was 9.I want to know how can I do the audictions to House of Night movie?
    Thank you
    I love this series is just wonderful to me.

    my E-mail is : victoriamachadosantos@yahoo.com.br

  5. Never mind! It seems everytime I write to you on here the next day I get a reply.

    Thank you anyway!

  6. I just read the review and the series sounds fantastic. The current books are officially on my "to-buy" list! Being a veteran of the Navy, current Navy spouse, and technical instructor to new sailors, it's fantastic to see authors embracing the military and including them in their fictional writing. Thanks!

  7. Hello! I recently discovered The Fledgling Handbook 101 at the Orlando International Airport and my life hasn't been the same since! I read the entire HON series in a week and cannot wait for the new release! I just started reading Divine By Mistake today and I'm already on page 110 and seeing as how I work 8 and 1/2 hours a day I'd say that is pretty good! Your works pull me in and I feel like I always find connections with your main characters. I really admire that you write with your daughter and you two truly make an amazing team. I haven't read with such enthusiasm since I read The Lord of The Rings when I was 12 and I can truly say I've never felt so connected to a main character than as I do to Zoey. So this is a big long THANK YOU for everything you do, I wish you and your daughter continued success!!

    Stephanie Robbins

  8. Hey P.C.,
    You are the best author (and Kristen is too. I love you guys so much. You all inspired me in so many ways with these books. I can't wait for them to come out. I love these books so much that I might make videos for them! Well, take care.
    A fan,
    Kaitlyn S.

  9. Hey P.C and Kristen Cast,
    Yes I'm a huge teenager who loves your books and sorry for getting excited. But it IS true you all are amazing and to know that you changed my life. So now I may make my own trailors to show how much these book are totally the CHIZZ. Yes I'm lame but I love you guys. You should Email me sometime.
    A fan,
    Kaitlyn S.

  10. Hey, this doesn't really have anything to do with the review (it was great though..)
    Anyway, I've just read the first book in HON for my.. well "norwegian" project, and now I need to write a review and make a Power Point and what not.
    What i really wanted to say was that I think you're kinda cool. I read this interview, don't know when from and you both seem great.(I totally agree with the Spike thing! AWESOME..)
    So.. guess I've gotta get back to that project...
    Well, nice work with the books and stuff :]

  11. hi i love reading all your books your an amazing writer, i was wondering if you are making Divine Beginnings into a book as i cant seem to download it anywhere as i live in england wb please x
