Saturday, October 23, 2010

Magickal Book!

As y'all know, I've finished AWAKENED. That means I'm in the middle of the production process and awaiting copy edits. That also means I GET TO READ AGAIN!! I'm a total bookaholic, but when I'm under heavy deadline I don't have time to read; I just write. So it's a real treat for me to put my face (or my ears) back into books. While you're waiting for January 4th and the release of AWAKENED, I thought it'd be fun to share fabulous book discoveries with you. Here's the first:
Nancy Pickard's THE SCENT OF RAIN AND LIGHTNING. Oh. My. Goddess. I started listening to this book in audio in my car. Today I literally sat outside my house for ten minutes before I could force myself to turn off the CD. If I hadn't been 30 minutes from the nearest bookstore, and hadn't been totally loving the reader of this book (so I want to hear her finish it!) I would have turned around and bought the dang thing so I could curl up with it tonight.

Guys, I don't know Ms. Pickard, but her prose is so evocative and lovely that I'm totally in love with her! She's literary, with spice (no, this isn't for young teens - I'd say 16 and above unless you're precocious). Her writing is smart. Her characterization is wonderous - especially the characterization of her male leads. And I'm totally drawn into her plot. I WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS.

My recommendation: don't walk. RUN out to buy this book. Then post here and we'll talk about how wonderful it was!

Happy reading,


  1. Hiya :D
    Sounds like a great book, might go buy it.
    I am an avid book reader and was so inspired to start writing by you and a few other authors that I recently started writing my own novel. Any tips for me if I want to get it published when it is finished? xx

  2. I have an entire post dedicated to advice for aspiring authors. You can find it in my archives.

    Good luck,

  3. About halfway through, and I'm riveted! I think I have a pretty good idea of 'who dun it'. I got her other book while I was at the library also. I can't wait to see how it ends!

    You may also enjoy, The Riley Jenson Guardian novels by Keri Arthur. (NOT A YA SERIES) And the Cassandra Clare books. (though they are more YA)

    <3 good books!

  4. Just finished this book! I thought I knew the answer all along and I had NO IDEA!!! I'm going to start one of her other books tomorrow!

  5. i have a knack for guess right in "who done it" books, and it ruins the whole book for me, but Krystal your comment gives me hope. That's why i like PC's books because it's not predictable!
    I just started reading a book called "The Forgotten Garden" I was in a hurry and it looked the best anad i't actually pretty good so far!
