Saturday, September 11, 2010

Kristin is hilarious!

I LOVE this video HarperTeen did for the release of their KISSES FROM HELL anthology Kristin is in! Mama's Precious is so dang funny... (And the other authors are great, too!)



  1. PC Hi I am a huge fan of Brazilian boy hosue of night, I love this post, and thanks for writing these books, did we Brazilians love their books, rather than punishment, so that we can still read up Tempted, the more we are waiting (gnawing nails) to the Burned. love you. Hopefully one day, take a folginha and come spend the holidays aquatic ino Brazil (not the retrieval will rio de janeiro, there is beautiful, is more pirigoso, choose other states in northeastern Brazil. PIAUI come to know and AMAZON.) So I do not know if my English okay, I'm actually using an online translator. kkkkkk (laughter). Oh yes, I am twelve years. my name is Rafael Castro.

  2. That was super cute! Just started reading it. Love how Richelle Mead's anthology gives you insight as to how Lissa from VA came to be. Can't wait to get to Kristin's story.

  3. This video was really funny! I'm going to pick up this book when I go to Barnes & Noble tomorrow, and I'm also gonna pre-order the fledgling handbook while I'm there!

  4. Thanks guys! I appreciate your support for Kristin.


  5. Wow nice video xD


  6. Hey, really cool. Laughed really hard in here :D. It's really a pity that I kinda missed some words... You know, my english kinda sucks some times. Oh, BTW, I'm Brazilian like that guy in the first comment. But, don't take it seriously, you can come to Rio de Janeiro anytime xD.
    It's someway a shame that it takes so long to the books to be translated =S; Kisses from hell still isn't on Brazil, and if I were more emotional, that probably would make me cry (Lucky mine, I'm not that much. Only with sad movies and books).
    Ooook, this comment it's to long. But please, consider coming here one day, sign some book of ours.

    ps: Wainting for the releases of your other series here (Why must it take so long to translate a book? I.I).

  7. ohhh cant wait to read this xD just a quick question about the HON series PC....i was just wondering if you have anything planned for Erik because he wasnt in BURNED much? you dont have to reveal anything but i just wanted to know cos im A MASSIVE team erik fan and i hope he catches a break in the upcoming books- wishing the best for you and kristen :') xoxo

  8. I have a question about the cover of Awakened on the website.Is that going to be the cover for the book?Or are you not decided on the cover?

  9. The US cover hasn't be revealed yet, but the UK cover has.

    And Erik is, indeed, in AWAKENED. I haven't forgotten about him and have Big Plans for him. Trust me...

  10. Hey P.C.
    I can't wait to read this book. Kristen is so great and funny in the video. It sounds like it will be great.

    One question: What is your Fan mail Address? Or do you not have one?


  11. Hello Ms Cast, my name is Jessica, and a friend and I are doing some research on Tunnels under downtown Tulsa. I actually live in Sand Springs myself. We are having a very hard time with the tunnels...Entrances we can find all over the Internet. I know there is the "3rd Floor Tunnels" in the PAC/Crown Plaza Hotel parking garage, but....honestly...the kind of tunnels we are looking for....aren't ones that are used anymore...dark creepy ones lol. I know about the private tunnel under the Philtower. However I found some information about a ther being something at the center of the Universe. Is there ANY possible way you could shed some light on where we should be going?!?!

    P.S. I am in L.O.V.E. with your books. I am re-reading them all now..can't wait for the handbook!!!!!! Thanks soooo much for you and your daughters AMAZING world!!!! LOVE you gusy!!!!

  12. Secret Love - I've only toured through the scary tunnels - those that aren't open to the public. The Center of the Universe isn't a tunnel. It's above ground and it's by the depot. Super easy to find, just park at the Tulsa Jazz Hall of Fame and walk to the middle of the bridge. It's a big sculpture that causes freaky echos.

    Have fun!

  13. I'm so anxious to read this book, and I'm almost starting the other anthology that Kristin also has a story, Immortal: Love Stories With Bites, it seems perfect.

  14. Super cute! OMG I just bought that book a week ago. And that's not all. I took a flight to US to buy it,they won't have it here in my country. I took a bunch of books with me hehe! It's awesome! I love it! Great job Kristin!

    xo,Aileen from Panama.♥

  15. pc
    i love youre house of night books.i already read awakended cant wait for should come to puerto rico you are going to love have a lot of fans over here.i love the idea of a movie or series.i love stark his the sexy badboy type and rephaim is the sweet boy i love them both.but you should totally come to puerto rico.please.
