Thursday, September 30, 2010


Hi Guys,
Join me in the celebration! I turned in AWAKENED early this morning! Yea!!!! Now I get to take a few breaths while I wait for editorial feedback, which means I'm heading for the trails behind my Oklahoma ranch with Anjo, The Smartest Mare in the Known Universe (I'll have to post pictures of her - she's gorgeous).

Oh, 1) no, the book can't come out any earlier than January 4th. Now it has to go through the publication production process, which usually takes anywhere from 3-6 months or so. But, remember, you'll get THE FLEDGLING HANDBOOK October 26th!
2) NO I WON'T TELL YOU PLOT SPOILERS! Except that I made myself cry twice while I was writing it. And let's just say Neferet = eesh!



  1. Congrats on finishing Awakened can't wait to read it.

  2. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! i bet you're really happy to have it done, and you can take some time off.
    I seriously cannot wait until AWAKENED comes out, it is going to be FAB!!! i can just tell x

    well enjoy your time off

    Amber xx :) x

  3. I can't wait!! Your books are amazing!!

  4. I love everything you write! I'm reading Elphame's Choice at the moment, and I can't wait to read Awakened!!!

  5. Anonymous10:04 AM

    OMG!! First of all, Hi! my name is Paula, and I'm from Argentina :) I just want to let you know that here on the south you have a LOT of fans! Your books are amazing! I even have Tempted's picture in my phone :) and usually Marked or Betrayed's as Screen saver ! haha, in case you're wondering, yes, I'm a total addict of House of Night ! I think I read all the books is about a week, maybe less, I can't remember, all I know is that I cried a million times, I wanted to punch Neferet a BILLION time, and I'm totally in love with Stark :) but well, I think all of your fans must be.. ^^ well, I must go now, but before I want to say congrants on finishing the book and that I can't wait until January 4th. Hope you enjoy your time off! xoxo . Paula.

  6. How amazing! its finally finished congratulations! I know it takes more time to reach my country (portugal) but I dont care ill just have to order it I cant even wait! I love the HoN collection!

  7. Congratulations!!!!!! I know it has to be like a huge wait was lifted. You are an amazing writer and I can not wait for January 4th. I know Awakened will be amazing. And PS I am also in love with Stark. HEE HEE


  9. CONGRATULATIONS!I just know that you are finally happy to have finished Awakend,that's just fangtastic.I can't wait to read the book.They just get better and better with each one.You rock P.C.

  10. Hey, PC!
    I am totally as excited for AWAKENED as possible. . . . Knowing that you actually made yourself cry while writing it makes me want to read it even more!
    Kristin said she's seen the AWAKENED cover, and I need to know (please)!! When will it be revealed to the public?? And is the coloring and design of the word on the HoN website at the bottom real/official??
    For some reason, I imagined the words of AWAKENED to be a very bright blue, because I think of the sky when I think of awakening. But, anywho . . . I can't wait to read the book!
    And, also, when do you think an excerpt will be up? Do those happen after editorial review?

  11. whoo hoo! ((happy dance) another stage complete. Enjoy your break as your editor/publishing team enjoys the extensive use of the red pen.

    I'm looking forward to it.

  12. Yeah! Enjoy your time off….Congratulation on finishing Awakened!!! I can’t wait to read it and the Fledgling Handbook!!!!

  13. Ah! Congrats! Can't wait for it. I was so sad when Heath died. He was my favorite of Zoey's bfs. I wish I had a bf that devoted.

  14. Hi - I am waiting for Awakening with no doubts, preordered on Amazon!
    I love your series and so does my daughter -- and I am a Twilight fan so I was really so into your books that I think you should create a TV series like True Blood did -- You could air a session each week, with 10 books that would be years and The series would be watched! Make it work, I would love to see it spread out versus crammed into a movie!!!! Good luck w/future books, I would love to read more.

    Truly inspired MOM

  15. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Congratulations! I can hardly wait for January 4!!!

  16. Very cool! Congratulations!

  17. Can't wait to read it! And, it comes out on my birthday. What a wonderful birthday gift :)

  18. Can't wait! Also, I can't wait until you post pictures of your horse :)

  19. OMG!!! Thank very much P.C !!!! I can´t wait for this

  20. Woooooo lol
    *Does Happy Dance* hehe :D
    Congrats! I bet it will be another great book! :D
    Can't wait for both Awakened and Fledgling Handbook :D

    I'm actually glad there will be no plot spoilers because this is one book I want to read for my own haha :D

  21. Oh, I was also wondering... there was a contest going on for fans, someone was going to get there name/character on this book... any news on that?

  22. omg you i am so happy for you i love those books congrtats!!!!!!!

  23. Yay!! Congrats PC!!! I sooo cannot wait! I am waiting in my anticipation for the Fledgling Handbook.. I was excited when you came out to say that you were releasing it.. Now we all can know what Damien is always talking about :)

  24. OMG OMG OMG Congrats!!!!
    I can't wait!!! This just made my night! Thank you so much!!!! :D

  25. YAY!!!!!! I can't wait to read it!!!! Thank you ms.cast for working really hard on the book. You are an amazing author and I hope you write many more house of night books to come :)

  26. I can't wait Pc! Horseback riding..i'm miss it.

  27. congradulations!:) Can't wait to read Awakened and the Fledgling Handbook!! Can ya tell us how many pages Awakened is?

  28. Hi my name is Cristina I speak from Spain I love your Saga House of Night is amazing thank you very much for took us to Zoey's world with all the books, when I was reading I have felt a lot of diverse and conflicting emotions as the passage happiness to intrigue through the anguish along with the butterflies of feel Zoey with her "multiple boyfriends."
    Really THANK YOU for making me enjoy reading.

    A greeting.

    I hope I have written everything correctly, sorry if something is misspelled.

  29. Jessica - the manuscript is finished. The book hasn't been printed yet. Don't have a clue how many pages it will be.

  30. Yay! so stoked for it to come out! i love all of your books they are amazing!
    Congrats, now you can just sit back and relax! xD
    By any chance do you kno when the akwakened cover is coming out?


  31. Congratulations! Look forward the publication of the book, and hope does not take much to reach Chile.
    Official Fans Club HON Chile

  32. Ai Meu Deus! Isso é demaaaaaaaaaaaais! Nós Brasileiros estamos esperando QUEIMADA(Burned), e agora também ficaremos esperando Awakened!
    Isso é demaaaaaaaaais!
    Pc Veja meu blog da série House of Night:

    TRADUZINDO to english:

    Oh My God! This is very good! We Brazilians are hoping QUEIMADA (Burned), and now we'll be waiting DESPERTADA(Awakened)!
    This is demaaaaaaaaais!
    Pc See my blog series House of Night:

  33. thanks u thanks u...very very much !!!I like both series is the third time I am reading the book ... x so we are in October by the manual .... Thanks for completing Awakened .. sorry for my English is that I am Peruvian =) XOXO

  34. ...Oh, gosh! Happy-tears, or sad-tears? I'm afraid. D: I'M AFRAID BUT I'M EXCITED. THIS ASTOUNDS ME.

  35. Dear Ms. Cast,
    I was just remembering an online interview I read a while back where you said you might put a fans name in a book if it was a awesome name. And well my name drives me crazy but most people love it and say how awesome and unique it is. My dear crazy mother (who i love and is my best friend) spells it TONIA but it is not pronounced that way. When I got old enough to ask her about it she said she sucked at spelling. Which she does. Shes smart but she spells like poopy. Hee Hee Anyway my name is pronounced TAH KNEE UH. She probley should of spelled it Tanea. Anyway if you like it it would be great if you used it. it would mean so much. But no pressure. I love books and reading, its my passion. Its what I prefer to do above anything else besides being with and spending time with my children. You and Kristen rock!!!!

  36. You should kill off Neferet and Kalona! and i LOVE stark!!! Zoey and stark belong together!! i love your series i read all the books like 7 times! and I'm still not sick of them! their WAY better than twilight and I'm obsessed with twilight to that's crazy of me to say haha love you and your series! and please dont let zoey or stark died. i cryed when stevie rae died. seriously. and stark to it was weird because i never cryed from a book before and it was weird because i hardly new stark this is getting pretty long and i could probably write A LOT more and your should come to oregon! bye!

  37. OMG!! CONGRATS!! Can't wait to read it! God I hope Stark becomes Zoey's official boyfriend (not her almost bf lol) he is just soo...... well you know what i mean! I absolutly LOVE yours books I read Marked in about a day and I have been waiting for months for Awakened :) it is totally worth the wait if it was for any other series I don't think I could wait this long. But your books are defenately worth wait ing for! You totally have to post pics of you mare I bet she it beautiful.

    Love: JOrdan
    PS. I'm in love with Stark to hehe <3

  38. Hello.
    I was just wonering if you knew when the cover of awakened will be released.
    f you have already been asked this and you already answered this i am very sorry.
    Thank you,

  39. I don't know when they're releasing the cover, but I CAN'T WAIT! I had a lot of input on this one (including picking the cover model, and I love it!). And wait till you see the poster for inside the cover - AWESOME!

  40. Hi I love your series! I heard this song called Awake from Skillet, and I think you should use it for this book! It talks alot about souls! and is perfect for it.

  41. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Reading burned at the moment and nearly finished! Cant wait until awakened! I love these books!!!!!!

  42. WOW CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!.. i just cant wait to read it. i cried when heath died and then i cried again when he left zoey in the otherworld..just loved heath :( .but i wonder what in awakened can make ppl cry.. JUST CANT WAIT..GREAT JOB PC AND KRISTIN CAST. :D

  43. P.C. -- I can't believe how much you're taunting us with how much you like the cover! :-)

  44. This is definitely my favorite cover! Ooooh!

  45. Congratulations! I started reading your books only recently. Now reading 'Untamed'. Very interesting story! Keep up the good work!

  46. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Just finished Burned. Made me cry when Heath had to leave Zoey! Brilliant book!!!!!

  47. Yippee!! Can't wait to read it. Although I think I am looking forward to December and the new Goddess Summoning book more (grin) And the handbook, its going to be totally awesome. My bookstore is giving away HON tote bags when you purchase the handbook but only 10 to giveaway!! And I've been promised one! Can't wait to get it!!!!!!!! Hope your having fun in NYC. ;)

  48. Ang - just said a definite YES to an Oz tour in 2011!!! I'll post details as soon as we finalize them! Yea!

  49. It is so sad i can't come cause i am stuck in school halfway across the world :(

  50. Hey PC I was just wonderin if you are ever commin' to Canada, I would love it if you did I am like a huge fan. You are like my all time favourite writer!

  51. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Cant wait to read the Fledgling Handbook!!!

  52. Good Job on finishing Awakened, I'll bet its AWE-SOME!!!!!! Anyways i was wondering When will the first chapter and/or second chapter be up on the website? Again I bet its gonna be great and congrats!!! C:

    P.S. HON is by far the best series of books that I have ever seen!

  53. Can you say who's on the cover? :) PWEEZ? Pwitty pweez widda chewwy on top?

  54. AI. MEU. DEUS.
    Por favor, por favor mesmo, publica alguma coisa.... Qaulquer coisa!! A capa *_*, ou um pedaço da historia, por favor!! EU IMPLOROOOOOO!!!!!

    In English:

    OH. MY. GOD.
    Please, please, really, publish sometinhg... Anyting!! The cover *_*, or a piece of the chapters, just... Please!! I`M BEGGING YOOUUUUUU!!!!!!!

  55. Guys - my publisher is in charge of when the cover, and teasers from the book are released. They have a Master Plan. Sorry, if I could show you I would...

  56. Anonymous10:59 AM

    I might read the whole collection again while iam waiting for Awakeneded to come out cos i love them soo much!

  57. Hopefully if you answer i will see it !.... Any ways

    Love ur books so much! I think u and kristen are amazing! Congrats on finishing i can believer ur on ur 8th one just wat seemed like to days ago i cudnt wait for oct. 27 for tempted! I know u answered about ur cover already but sill are you u dont know ive benn going everyday to see if its been published!

    PS: Will this be the last book? ( If it kind of spoils the waiting dont tell me)

  58. Love <3 House Of Night 4EVA!

  59. I can't wait if I had known it wasn't coming out till january I would have read the rest of the series slower :) I cannot wait to read Awakened this is the best series way better then twilight which I was infatuated with but not now house of night is it. You need to make a series on t.v. based on this series it would be huge way better then the stupid vampire diaries.

  60. I also wanted to just say what a huge fan i am of u and ur daughter. Ur and her a r one of the main reasons I do actually read. :)

  61. Congratulations Ms. Cast!!! I can't wait to read Awakened. It will be as awesome as the all the books in the series. More power to you. :)

  62. Hi, P.C! I love the house of night novels, I really do. And now, I'm waiting for Awakened. I know it's gonna be awesome! I started to read the Hell Collection and I just finished Prom Nights from Hell, and I can't wait to read Kisses from Hell, that got a history of your daughter.

    I'd like to know: Do you got some new about the Marked film?
    I would appreciate if you answer me, thanks!
    Bye, bye!

  63. AWAKENED is not the last book. Promise.

  64. Happy to hear you have gotten Awakened done. I can't wait to read it! My fiance, our twins and I just moved to Broken Arrow from Kansas and I remembered you lived in Tulsa. Being a stay at home mom, I don't go anywhere so Tulsa is pretty boring for me, lol.


  66. Congrats! I'm so excited!! Omg... if you cried twice by writing it, and you created it... I'm scared I'll get too emotional! I'll make sure to read this alone in my room, like I did with Burned (Burned made me so nervous I was rocking back and forth).

    Oh, and I'm also looking forward to the cover. The House of Night books have some of the most beautiful covers :)


  67. Dear Mrs. Cast,

    Congrats on Awakend being finnished. I can't wait to read it.

    As for The Fledgling Handbook I don't know if my Grandmother's Walmart messed up or not, but I bought it today (22nd). They had it on the shelf and I was like "That isn't due out till the 26th!!!".

    I hope you got the rough ideas for the bookmarks that I sent. I love your books please keep up the great work. *bows*


  68. I was on The House of Night Series website and was looking to see if the awakened cover is up. IT IS!!! Is that the offical cover, P.C.? I think it looks great anyway.

    Is Kalona or Rephaim on the front? I couldn't tell.


  69. Hi Kitty,
    Yep, that's the cover! It's up on my blog now.

  70. Anonymous11:46 AM

    The cover is brilliant!! Cant wait to read it!!!

  71. I'm from Colombia and it's totally hard to get de books here, but i have the seven books (three in spanish and the other four in english, yeah yeah i learned english because of your books)and i can't wait to get this one! I love the cover... By the way, Could you tell who is the cover model pleaseeeee?
    I REALLY love your books!You know something? I'm realiy going to miss Heath.
    Well done PC you rock!

  72. Hi My name is Traci Tooker and I am here in cold Nova scotia, Canada. You have a TON of fans heretoo. ME being the top one of course ha ha. No seriously your books are totally amazing. I LOVE HON and I can't wait for Awakened to come out. In conclusion YOU ROCK !!

  73. I'm from Indianapolis Indiana and have become a fan of The House of the Night Series. I have just finished reading AWAKENED and am totally fascinated by the gentleman who is on the cover clear down to the raven black wings. Can someone please tell us who he is so we can watch for him in other areas such as movies.
    He is more than welcome to fly in window anytime-a girl can dream can't she!
