Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Working on Awakened

Hi Guys!
Just wanted to keep you updated. I'm working hard on AWAKENED (release date is January 4th), and thought you'd like to see my view as I'm schlepping away at the keyboard.

You won't believe what's happening in this book!

Oh, and I'll have details about THE FLEDGLING HANDBOOK (release date Oct 26th) to come shortly.

Happy reading!


  1. From a fellow Gleek, thanks for the update so soon! Just finished Burned and can't wait to see what Awakened has in store for us. :)

  2. I can't believe I have to wait that long for Awakened! D: And even for the fledgling handbook! And when you say 'you won't believe what's happening in this book!' makes me go absolutely nuts! I immediately start to think of what could possibly happen.. Eek!

  3. Your awesome! I can't wait for them both to come out! Every book left me wanting for more so thankyou!

  4. goodie new books. yeah, but I am more inclined to go on a working vacaation with you girl. The view is gorgeous. Got dolphins near you? I love dolphins they are awesome creatures of hte sea..

  5. Who's a lucky duck then? The view looks beautiful PC. Can't wait for the Handbook, I have already put my order in! Now bring on October!! (and December for GODDESS OF LEGEND!!!!!!)

  6. Please Please Please tell me you are gonna bring back Heath!!!

    Heath is Zoey's REAL TRUE LOVE!!!

    Stark is great, but HEATH is the REAL DEAL!!! Even Stark knew that!

    It would be AWESOME for Nyx to bring Heath back as a vampyre so that him and his girl Zo can be together forever!!!

  7. Whoo-hoo!!! Thanks for working on the book, and beautiful view!!!

  8. My goodness. Looking at that picture I could almost smell the breeze off the water. I grew up around the water. I'm landlocked now, so I'm completely jealous of the view.

    I'm looking forward to those other books, but in the meantime I'm glad books are meant to be enjoyed over and over again.

    Your Divine series along with Brighid's Quest and Elphame's Choice are on their way to my home. I look forward to those stories as well.

  9. Can't wait for both. ^_^

    Love your series... can't wait for more!!!!

  10. Awesome, pledgling handbook is out of my birthday =)

    Sucks have to wait so long for Awakened but since it's going to be great anyway worth the wait. Keep working hard =D!

  11. can i know when is Burned coming to Malaysia??

  12. As views go, that certainly doesn't suck! Nice flag, btw.

  13. How exciting! I can't wait for both of those. Now about that view...no fair! My view isn't near as impressive.

  14. OMG that view looks great! lucky thing! my view so far is a clouded up window (waiting for a new one) as i have just moved into my new room that used to be the attick, and black clouds :O it is soo misrable over here :(.
    really can't wait for he handbook and awakened! xx

  15. Hi i'm a fan fron Brazil. I love House of Night!!! Please bring back Heath for us. He is to marvelous to be really dead.

  16. Lotus Cloud - sorry, I don't know the release schedules for Malaysia, but if you check with your local major bookstore they will know.

    Jana - I also have both Scottish flags and a pirate flag. Oklahoma state flag to come. I'll have to take more pictures!

  17. I am not a teen, but an "adult" and just read all 7 books in a couple weeks. Fun, easy read. Finished Burned last night - talk a bout a cliff hanger!

    Glad to know that a new book and the handbook will be out next year. In my mind, this is a fun series, great collaboration between a mom and daughter writing team. I love it!

  18. Thats wonderfull news!!
    Also I want to thank you for Goddess of the Sea.
    It is the most passionate love story that I've ever red. It really touched my heart. Thank you so much.

  19. So, I shared this series with my best friend of 23 yrs. We always share what is new and exciting. So we got together to discuss the books and got to talking about the characters. We decided to do a casting. Here are just a few.
    Neferet - Catherine Zeta-Jones
    Stark - Ben McKenzie
    Kalona - Gilles Marini
    Sgiach - Sandra Bullock
    Seoras - Gerard Butler
    Aphrodite - Hayden Penitierre

    Those are just a few. Tell us what you think. Oh, and we cannot wait for January and Awakened to get here!

  20. OMG your books are so amazing!!!!!! I read Marked about 2 1/2 weeks ago and became hooked!!! I've read every book in the series since then and just finished Burned today :) it litterally took me one day to read! these books are so amazing and I can't wait for Awakened!! :)

  21. StarkLover - as the character Seoras is based on my man I happily agree with your choice of Gerald Butler, and would love to be very involved in that 'cast'ing! Hees.

  22. Are you going to have any more books after Awakened?

  23. This is a really random question but what is Zoey's favorite Hairspray song that she hums in Tempted? I think that's the one

  24. i cannot wait till awakened!!!!!! wow you've had a lot of updates!! i have had to study for my gcse exams at the moment...still go so many more, but i thought i'd have a quick break just to check out here :D PC! i cannot wait 'till the fledging handbook either! omg i seriously cannot wait so long!! it's soo horrible!! :P
    Lv Katie XXX <3 XXX
    p.s. are you going to post online when the dates are when you're coming here late summer? cause i know your busy with awakened, but i seriously cannot wait!!!
    xxxxxxxx hugs from the uk! LOL

  25. I have to say that I've had Burned sitting on my bookshelf since it's release and still haven't read it. I try to split my reading time, but I make myself go back and reread all previous books in a series when a new one comes out... I've also discovered that while I've bought almost every book in this series, some how I skipped buying Untamed. So before I can finish reading I have to get out and buy a copy. I like the idea of having a book in my collection that I know I will love, but still haven't read. :) It's like having a secret stash of chocolate, just knowing it's there makes you feel better!

  26. OMG! My friend introduced me to the House of Night series exactly a month ago and I breezed right through them. My poor husband and kids have been living in a pig stye without dinner for the past 30 days because all I want to do is READ! I just finished reading Burned and am totally bummed that i have to wait another 6 months for the next book.
    *sigh* good things come to those who wait...
    When is there going to be a MOVIE?!?! All i have to say is that the movie better not deplete Aphrodite's rawness.... or tone down any of zoey's hot and steamy scenes... oh and those boyfriends of hers?...gotta be as hot as i pictured them! LOL

  27. Wow, you're not releasing Awakened this year, like how the rest of your series went - two books a year? It must be a long book then, or it simply is taking a while to write. Either way, I hope it'll be good! I still have to read Burned though. Hmm.

    Good luck with your writing!

  28. The Clumsy Reader - I don't follow blogs, but I wish you the best of luck with yours!

    Kelly - I'm releasing THE FLEDGLING HANDBOOK this year and then AWAKENED in January.

  29. Whens some info on Awakened coming out? like a synopsis or lines? ANYTHING! ;) Keep working hard Ms.Cast!!


  30. i really liked burned got it when it came out.
    -p.c out of all the hon you've written which is your absolute favorite?
    - mine would have to be betrayed.

  31. HEY! I LOVE these books. I CAN'T beleive I have to wait for January for Awakened! Please tell me is their gonna be a movie series?

    Can't wait for the fledging handbook in October!

    I love the books i have owned Burned for a month and have read it like ten times. What was with the Native American kid in the fountian?

    Love the books keep them comming!

  32. Yay! New books! I really want to know what happens in Awakened. Burned sounds like the climax of everything but it can't be the climax. When you say 'you won't believe what's happening in this book' it sounds like you're going to do something that we wouldn't even expect.

    And also, can you please tell me who the model is for the guy who is stark in the yearbook?

  33. If you finish Awakened sooner would the release date be quicker? I seriously am Macrophonic. I also cant wait for the Fledgling Handbook.
    But I guess i'll have to ;D

    Oh! Are you going to annouce the winner for the HoN sweepstakes?

  34. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Hi P.C, HON is a great joy to read and I'm a huge fan of it. Wish you every best in writing Awakened! I just have one doubt and I hope you can clarify, but if you do not because of any reason, I'm fine with it. I wanted to ask you, exactly how many books are going to be published for the series of HON? Is it never-ending (I hope it is.) Thank you.

  35. I can't wait for Awakened to come out. Having difficulties finding it on websites to pre order. Very hooked on series and want to make sure I get it asap. I was googling the title and I stumbled across a website that says you and your daughter are planning on writing more books in the series is this true or is this one of those sites that like to get your hopes up?

  36. Hi. Me and my friends think that u should write a hon prequel. We're not forcing u to. We just thought it'd be a good interesting story.
    Also how many books r u planning to write for Hon? Is Awakened gonna b the last one?

  37. Guys - we have a contract for 12 books right now, but if the story ends before then I'll close it up and start a new series. If it takes more than 12 books to tell the HoN story, then I'll write more. It all depends on the characters and how they resolve their problems.

    I'm not sure if you can preorder AWAKENED yet as it's not going to be released until January 4th.

    A prequel would be fun to write, but I just don't have the time right now.

  38. Ah! I finally finished Brighid's Quest (let me say I love Cu as much as I love Stark and Rephaim), and the cliff hanger at the end is just as bad is Tempted! D: But it was soooo good! :D

  39. hi i LOVE HON!!!!!!!!!! i was wondering a few things first are they making a movie of the hon series?? also i loved heath so much and cried when he stepped into the other otherworld... so can u please just consider making him come back in the book after awakened human and alive and himself again and also i really think that zoey should be with both of them... so please please please just consider it and email me the answer if you will even consider about putting him back your 1 fan- brianna : )

  40. Anonymous12:25 PM

    I loved the books so much!!!!!

    Burned is definately my favourite :)

    Ummm, just wondering if you could check out My Fantasy HoN Cast on


    Thanks, You and Kristen are awesome!!!!

  41. Brianna - I have two entire posts in the archives about the movie issue. Can't tell you what happens with Heath - that's a plot spoiler.

  42. OMG! So does that mean what I have been speculating might be true? That Zoey Heath and Stark are gonna be Nix Erebus and Kalona except with a good ending this time around? Any way it happens I am just soooo flippin happy to know that Heath has a shot at coming back for his girl Zo! Heath is the one who gets and accepts Zoey as she is and doesn't try to change her. He will always put what is best for Zoey above all else even when it meant he had to give her up for a while! If that's not TRUE LOVE I don't know what is! I think deep down Zoey always knew where her heart belonged too but was just afraid to trust it! Bet she won't hesitate when she gets to reconnect with Heath next time around! Thank You soooo much for writing this series! It is soooo much BETTER than Twilight and if they won't do a major motion picture of it than you should try to go for TV series cause this is even better than the Vampire Diaries! Love Ya! You TOTALLY ROCK!

  43. Hello PC.
    How are you? Here in Brazil, his fans can not wait for another book to be published here. Burned up already downloaded. But without the copy in my hand to devour reading in less than a day would be even better.kisses and more kisses. Love you

  44. Oh my goodness! I love your books! I can't wait for Awakened! Keep up the good work!

  45. Hey PC! I love the house of night series and the goddess of partholon series too, they rock! I just finished Divine by blood and a cried like a baby at the start and then at the end, AND then because of the twist at the very end I cried happy tears. If I ever be lucky enough to become an author that is what I want my words to have the power to do, manipulate teenager's emotions, make them love someone, make them hate someone, it just lets you know how amazing your writing is! (When my english teacher read out my short story to the class and half of them started crying I was happy :D) but what I really wanted to ask you was are you coming to Ireland or Northern Ireland anytime within the next year or so because you have so many devoted fans over here,(I have managed to make nearly my entire class read Marked then they just kept reading and now they are just as big a fan of you as I am!)
    Thank you for publishing your books, they have changed me, you are such a talented author and I would feel privileged if I was even half as good as you.
    Love Brianna xxx

  46. hi pc!
    just wandering..are you going to post the dates for the uk tor for late summer soon?
    xxx <3 xxx

  47. I have to say that I am going through serious House of Night withdrawal! I am so hooked that it's reduculous! I can not wait until the new book's come out, I have all of the books and I am lost at night now that I have read them and know that I have to wait till January for the next installment. Thank you for bringing Zoey and her friend's to my life!

  48. I am just going to have to find hon, because this House of Night series was the first of you and your daughter's work's that I have read. It seams to have everyone hooked so barns n noble in downtown Baltimore,MD here I come!

  49. Hey P.C.! I'm a brazilian fan.
    When I started to read your books I just couldn't stop. They're amazing and make me want to read them more and more. Congratulations for your succesful work. And I can't wait for AWAKENED.

  50. uuurrrrgggghhhhhhhhh. the wait for Awakened is killing mee!!! :( . by the way pc, i know i don't have a say in this and you might not either, but i believe that the HoN series would be better off as a t.v show rather than a set of movies. just sayin' :). anywayy, LOVE LOVE LOVE THE BOOKS. your fan, erika. <3

  51. hey, i heard that HON was going to be made into a movie or t.v seires and i was just wondering if that was true. cuz that would be amazing! :D

  52. Uhh if u scroll up u can see shes covered the movie subject. well it would be a nice tv series lets wait for something a little more concerte before we swarm the author w/ movie and series questions.And as for the Heath subject I think Stark is a better candiate for Zoey w/ no hope of love or garantee of togetherness he was willing to die for her,and well Heath was a alcholic ex w/ what seemed like an obessiveness towards Zoey proably from the imprint but he was like on stocker level... sure it obvious that he loves Zoey but not w/ the old fasiony romantic way Stark's character does. Plus i think it would be a kind of a bad ending if she had her human consort and her warrior on her side, makes it seem like she can pick a team. 'cuz when you have your cake and eat it at the same time something always comes out bad. but that's just my opinion.

  53. I'm from Czech republic and I'm really glad that Awakened and Fledgling handbook will be so soon by Burned. I'm reading Burned right now and It's super!!! ;-) I love this story and I thing that every next book is better and better. I'm Thank you for House of night series.
    P.S: May I ask you if you'll get the first chapter on HONseries site and when...Please, please..

  54. Hi PC! Im from Norway, and I just wanted you to know that I simply LOVE your imagination!!
    I found out about your books about 2 weeks ago, and now I just finished Burned.. :D

    Good luck with Awakened!!

  55. Guys, don't expect chapter 1 of AWAKENED to be posted until this winter. I'm not even close to done writing the manuscript, and I constantly rewrite. My publisher won't even see chapter 1 for months, and then I'll probably rewrite another time with my editor. But y'all will love the new stories and wonderful illustrations in THE FLEDGLING HANDBOOK!

  56. PC!! you're leaving us all on such a cliff-hanger!! its unbearable!! I cannot wait till the fledging handbook!! im am just so excited!
    Love Katie :D
    ps. have you found out around what time you'll be coming to the UK yet? Cause i know you said you were busy with the writing of AWAKENED and all?! :DDDDDDDDDDDDD xxxx

  57. i love love love your books i think i read each in like a day or two i couldnt put them down not even to swim cant wait for awakened!!!!!

  58. Do you think that we could have a sneak peak at the handbook??

  59. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Hi Ms Casts, just to let you two know, continue to work hard for HONE.
    Its the best vampire book I've ever read, and its right, its really addicting! I'm so looking forward to Awakened.
    I have a small request, if you reject me its okay, just wanna try my luck, can you feature me in one of HON's upcoming books? Okay, I know you don't feature people you don't know in your books, just introducing myself, Im Cornelia! Remember that, if in future this name ever pop up in your minds.
    Thanks and xoxo.

  60. Saira - I'll check with my publisher about posting a preview of THE FLEDGLING HANDBOOK.

    Cornelia - you already answered your own question. It's not possible for me to base a character on someone I don't know...

  61. I hope a movie is in the works. I would realy like to see Ashton Kutcher cast as Heath. I am reminded of Ashton's mannerisms when I read about Heath. I can just imagine Ashton following Zoey around and doing the things Heath does. Ashton would be the perfect
    Actor to play Heath

  62. Anonymous10:47 PM

    Hi! I'm a braziliam fan of yours! Just have to say: you are a godess! Love your books! *¬*
    Hum... If I may ask only one little thing, that would be: Just let Heath dead and absolutely happy on paradise or something... xD Pleeeeeeeeease, please let Stark be happy with Zoey, the guy definetely deserves so! Don't make me cry for the guy on Awakened! Stark is perfect, just perfect, he must be with Zoey, romanticaly speaking... ;)

  63. 3 words: U R Awesome!!!!!!!!! :D

  64. I finished Burned quite a while now and am really looking forward to Awakened and the Fledgling Handbook! When you go on the tours for Awakened next year would you guys be coming to Aus?

  65. i love the hon books they are awesome i just wanted to know how many more parts to the books are there? i got all of them so far burned was awesome i cant wait to finish the rest of the series

  66. I just wanted to thank you and let you know that HON has touched not only the young but "older" group I am 30yr old this year and I am in love with the series. I just finished Burned and cant wait until Awakened. Keep up the wonderful work you are an awesome writer.

  67. You are totally awesome!! Although I have just started reading last 2 weeks, I am already on Hunted... It's amazing how your book can bring me into a totally different world!! I can't wait for the new book Awakened to be releases=d!!

  68. Hello from England. Loving your HoN series and can't wait for Awakened, its on order already! Just started Divine series and cant' wait to get into that! Love your view, wish I was there too! xxx

  69. um, hey, Pc, i know you arent allowed to read other peoples stories or books......why?

  70. Sorry, Viktoria, I don't have a clue what you're talking about. I allowed to do whatever I like. I choose not to read unpublished work because: 1) I don't have the time, and 2) I can't get unpublished people published - agents and editors do that, not other authors.

  71. so is it true that they're casting for a movie based on the first few house of night books? I'm kinda confused with all the back and forth about casting and then wanting Awakened and the fledgling handbook. Understandable though

  72. They're not casting yet. The first movie, MARKED, is in preproduction.

  73. Ms. Cast

    Been a while, since i got home from Iraq. For the last year I have been just chilling with the Family. Got my sister hooked on the Series Started the Goddess Series and continuing my other series I started in Iraq Dragon Codex. Would you happen to know if the Handbook will be released in Hardback? Have the rest of the books in Hardback for my wife’s bookshelf. Well continued blessing to you, your Family and Staff. Blessed Be

  74. Hello! I read the first three books in the series The House of the night and I loved, now I want to know, when they will be translated into the other books in this series. The spanish readers also want to follow the life Z. Currently, take long to be translated into Spanish, please be wonderful to come out in English and Spanish simultaneously.

  75. i <3ed BURNED!!!!!!1 its like the most awesome book in the series even better than UNTAMED and thats saying something.The story is getting interesting! hope it doesnt go downhill from here!
