Thursday, June 24, 2010


Check out this MSNBC TODAY on-line article. Our Damien gets a lovely mention!

Teen books with gay themes take off - booknews


  1. Yeah! I'm glad your books address this issue. We had several students who were gay in high school. They got some serious crap for it or they were bisexual.

  2. YEAH!!!! congrats on having your character being mentioned.

  3. Damien IS one of my favorite gay characters, and I'm so grateful you and Kristin included him in the series. I HAD to mention him. :) I'm glad you saw the article!!!


  4. Brent! Well done you! It was an excellent article. I was so glad one of my friends saw it and sent it to me. Thank you for mentioning Damien. He is based on a real guy - an ex-student of mine who is now in college. He helped me research the HoN. Actually, he discovered the quote at the beginning of MARKED that drew me to Nyx. I've been pleased everyone loves him so much, because I adore the "real" Damien.

  5. I love the way you write Damien and Jack. Because it's obvious who they are and they accept themselves and exude confidence. That alone is example enough, not just for gay teens but for any non-typical teen.

  6. YAY GO DAMIEN!!! WOOOW! congrats on having damien mentioned! :D PC <3 well done! i <3 your books and cnnot wait for awakened and the fledging handbook! <3 x
