Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Oooh! Guess where I'm going this weekend?? TO NYC TO SEE THE CAST (cast...heehees) OF GLEE PERFORM AT RADIO CITY MUSIC HALL!! Oh, baby! I'll report all Monday!



  1. I am so jealous!!! What do you think? Would Chris Colfer (Kurt) make a perfect Damien? When I listen to HON books, I HEAR Chris' voice for Damien. He should really audition for the part in the movie!! Have fun and hope you get VIP and get to meet the cast.TAKE PICTURES, LOTS AND LOTS OF PICTURES!!!!!

  2. I think Chris would make a PERFECT Damien!

    I will take tons of pictures!

  3. I'm going too! Are you going on Sunday or one of the shows earlier this weekend?

  4. Molly - I'll be there Friday. Yea!

  5. Anonymous6:43 PM

    I just felt like letting you know that the Glee reference in Burned made me extremely happy. I feel the same way about Rachel!

  6. PC! LUCKY!
    You should say hello to Cory for me! :) Tell him that I'm close with Bunny & Jodi, he'll know. Heehees ^_^ He used to live on the island I live on, and I met him when I was 3 (too bad not now) because he was dating my babysitter's daughter! :):) Have fun & I'm verry jealllouuss!

  7. Ok, So this is the only way I know to get a hold of you please let me know a personal email or some way of letting you know of someone who is selling stuff having to do with the house of night, bookmarks and such, if you want to know.

  8. Ok so I've been wondering for about a year about the song in zoey's hunted video. I know probably a bunch of people keeping bugging you about it. I'm sorry D: but yeah I really really want to know, it's so catchy XD.
    Anyway isn't glee like a musical or something? People said that it's really good. :D

  9. You are so lucky!! Have fun!!

  10. That's awesome! I'm jealous too! Have a good time!

  11. Felicia,
    You can send the link to my assistant, Camden, at

    thank you!

    Selena - I don't know who sings the song.

  12. ok thanks anyway :)

  13. I am so jealous! I'm such a Gleek! You're lucky, it'd be awesome if they came here to VA. Take lots of pictures!!!! And have fun!!!!

  14. SOO JEALOUS!!! I want details..and yes, pictures!! :D What song are you hoping to hear them sing? Anything in particular?

  15. Hi. Im a fan of the h.o.n series and i was just wondering why karmisha had to be so illiterate. I live in Brooklyn, in Bedford Stuyvesant(Bed-stuy) which could very well be considered the hood and i just want you to know that not all of us speak like the poor "ghetto" black folk you see of t.v. I love your books but everytime i get to a part with her it just makes me so angry because it feels like this is how you see all of us. I know there are the few that you see who are not very well spoken and hugely lack manners but it is not the majority of us. Im just asking you to please for future references(i knoW that you can not change your character now) but for your future character please do not allow the flava-flavs(and all the girls on his show actually)and certain rappers to paint that picture for you of us as a whole.That is not who we all are and those who speak like that,and dress like that do it on purpose they have the smarts to stop but choose not to use it. Thanks a lot for taking out the time to read this.

    Melasia Woodson(not mason this is my bf's google)lol

  16. I loved the Glee reference in Burned and think several members of the Glee cast would be great in the House of Night films. Like Chris would totally be a perfect Damien. He would be just awesome. I also think maybe Diana could play Aphrodite. She can be somewhat mean.

    Also i have been trying to find the song in the Stevie Ray Hunted video. I know who its buy but i can't find it anywhere. Its not on I-tunes or anything and i am a major fan of that song. Is there anyway you could put it up for download like the other songs. I would love it so much

  17. I WAS SUPPOSED TO GO!!!!! I AM SO JEALOUS!!! I have a huge crush on Puck!

  18. Melissa,
    First of all Kramisha is absolutely not illiterate. If a person is illiterate that means she can not read or write. Kramisha is a poet, and a very well read one at that. She is also not rude. She's honest and she doesn't dress up her language or her expressions to please others. I created her character based on one of my favorite students, an intelligent young woman who chose to express herself uniquely. Kramisha doesn't represent you or any other black girl. She represents herself. Just as Stevie Rae, with her thick Oklahoma accent, doesn't represent white trash. She's who she is - an Okie not afraid to be herself. It's sad that you're so quick to judge Kramisha that you missed the fact that she's an excellent role model for young women who are utterly comfortable with themselves. No, I won't be changing her wonderful character or the way she speaks. Didn't try to do that in my classroom - wouldn't try to do that in my novel.


  19. @Kathryn I thought Chris would make a great Damien as well and PC agreed with me earlier in the post. I also think Diana would make a great Aphrodite (see my StoryCasting page at is funny to me how PC's fans tend to think alike (some of the time.
    Have a great time PC!!!

  20. PC Cast i'm just wondering if this is correct. I'm from england and they already have the cover for Awakened. Is this correct or false?

    Because i wasn't too sure, because it seems quite quick to get the cover to it when it's not coming out til January.

    link for awakened:

    Also do you know if UK are getting fledgling handbook aswell and if there is anychance u could put chapter 1 of awakened in it :P

  21. Kramisha makes me laugh. She reminds me of me and my friends when we were in high school. She tells it like it is in a way where if you try to pull some bullpoopie on her she'll tell ya.

    I'm in the middle of Burned and trying to prolong it... just a little I don't want it to end yet.

  22. their books are really fantastic! read Burned and am waiting to awaken.
    a book that holds us from beginning to end, one of my favorite and beloved sagas. holding a book from beginning to end .....
    first: what mythology was inspired by the books? have a little magic, has high priestess.meu history teacher explained the guardian of clan in a matter of days (which contains in Burned)!
    Second: the models that made the covers of books (well done pc) are of Tulsa?

    NYX bless you and keep writing brilliantly. :)

  23. lucky you getting to see Glee enjoy!

  24. just finished tempted can't wait for burned ^_^

  25. Hi I think the people in the yearbook in the series's website would be perfect for the movie. I think they should do what they did in twilight (find fresh faces for the movie) that is just my opinion :)

    My favorite character is Aphrodite :). I just adore her attitude.


  26. What was Aphrodite's name before she was Marked???

  27. Ms. Cast,
    i was hoping i could write a letter to you asking for permission to use the house of night idea for a story. see, me and my best friend are absolutely in love with your books. we have all books so far, from Marked to The Fledgling Handbook 101(which i recently got for christmas) and we were really hoping to write our own story involving a house of night in Lubbock, with our own characters. i had no intentions of turning it into a series. just a fanfic. i've already named and described what my characters would look like, but that's all just in a characters list. other than that, i would need permission to write a story based on a city near my home town.

  28. Sunidelite - I don't endorse/approve fan fiction. My advice to young authors is to make up their own worlds and characters.

    Good luck to you,
