Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy Full Moon New Year!

Tonight the full moon ushers in the new year! What a wonderful omen! A full moon is an excellent time for completion. I love to finish projects on the night of a full moon, whether they're small, like cleaning a closet (ugh), or major like typing "the end" on a manuscript. Sadly, I won't be finishing BURNED tonight, but I am working on completing a major scene. And there's always a closet that needs cleaning...

Here's hoping the close of this year brings a sense of completion to you, and also an excitement for adventures to come!

This lovely painting is called FULL MOON DANCER and it's by my good friend Allie Jensen (I own the original, and it's even more beautiful in person!). Allie's website is Please respect that this piece of art is copyrighted, which means if you'd like to post it you need permission from Allie to do so.

Happy New Year!


  1. Hello again (:
    Another quick one from me; just want to say Happy New Year and Ihope you have lots of fun tonight!
    By the way, the painting is gorgeous!
    From another one of your fans; Sarah

  2. Anonymous10:18 AM

    I think it is so cool to have my birthday today, especially since there is a full moon! Have a great New Years!

    BTW what an amazing painting! Must be pretty awesome to own that piece of work! Lucky!


  3. P.C. -
    Many blessings for a prosperous, healthy New Year full of love. Here's hoping 2010 is a better year for everyone.

  4. Happy New Year, P.C. ! The Full Moon is beautiful tonight. I love this painting. It looks so special. :D


  5. Yes, oh, yes to have a blue moon on New Year's Eve is definitely a good sign.

  6. Hello:

    Happy Meow Year!!! Regards from Mexico.

    Atte. bloodyCappuccetto and her Kitties (Pelucha, Linus and Cenicienta).

  7. She has no head, lol! :P

  8. Her head is bowed, silly boy!

  9. Ooh! Happy New year to you too PC!

    (even though it's late)

    I can't wait for Burned, and yay for finishing a major scene (that means we'll have it sooner :D)

    and the painting is really pretty :)

  10. Hello (;
    My name is Diana and I come from Portugal. I just want to say that I am a big fan of your work!
    House of night books are my favourite books ever! I have read all of them but I am a little sad because Heath, one of my favourite characters die. Can't wait to read more :p

  11. Anonymous8:40 PM

    It was nice to have a full moon ring in the new year. Let's hope this brings good luck to many people. Happy New Year.

    Blessed be!

  12. OMGness, this is so cool! Guess what!!! I LOVE YOUR BOOKS!!!! THEY ARE GENIUS!!!!! I have all of your books (the house of night series is all I've gotten to read so far, and the only ones I one, but still) and love them! My real name is actully Zoe!! That's how my aunt had first been atracted to the books, was she was looking in our local walmart, and saw the name Zoey and thought of me! That's how I got started on your amazing books!!! I live in a bery rural area, so your closest book signing is about 6 hours away, but in a way I'm not really mad because the things you write are kind of like you singniture, instead of your name written by you, it's something just as great, your words of genius. Thank you for being such a great writer along with your daughter, Kristen. Although, the bad things about being hooked on such good books is that when you have to wait a while for the books to written and printed is that it can and usually WILL seem like forever. Thanks for listening!!
    Zoe A. C.

  13. I know I'm a couple days late, but Happy New Year!

    My friends and I cannot wait for Burned to be released! Yay for completing a major scene! April 27th cannot come soon enough!

    You're an amazing writer and thank you for creating such a wonderful series

    Blessed Be!

  14. Hey! Just finished reading 'Tempted' tonight, and I am so sad abotu Heath! It needed to happen though I suppose. Can't wait for April 27th! PS -- That painting reminds me of the statue of Nyx that you talk about so much in your books...

  15. HELP!! I am dying to read Divine Beginnings and it is only available in ebook form. When will you publish it for us non-kindle folks???

  16. Ms G - isn't it available through Harlequin's website as a regular pdf download?

  17. Thanks for responding! I was hoping to read it as a "real" book b/c I have a hard time reading digital books! I have decided to go with Elphame's choice so that I can stay in that lovely world!!

  18. Ms. G - I'll pass your comment on to my LUNA editor. I've been getting a lot of requests for DIVINE BEGINNINGS to come out in print. I think it would make a great little novella! Hope you enjoy ELPHAME!

  19. Hey P.C. i love ur books i can never put them down, i am a huge fan from Australia and i just carnt wait till ur next book burned comes out the colours in the painting are apsolutley god smacking its so beautiful.

    love ya long Renee

  20. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Hi! The House of Night is my favorite series! 5 out of 5 stars! So, when's Burned coming out? This May, right?

  21. The release date for BURNED is April 27th.

  22. I have a question about the House of Night Series. In all the first 4 books, Zoey's love interest is spell Erik Knight with a K.However, in the summary on the flap inside the book, it is spelled Eric with a C. Why?

  23. Natalie, because someone made a mistake. Happily I don't think it was me.

  24. I can't wait for Burned to come out. Props to the both of you for making such excalent novels! I wonder though, does the cat still have it out fot Christen when she comes and visets?

  25. hey.....I just finished reading Divine by mistake!!! It was AWSOME!! I really really couldn't put it down.....I haven't been like this about a book in a looooooooooong time....:D:D:D

    I ordered the second "Divine by choice" and I'm chomping at the bit to read it!

    I so very much want to be Shannon's (Reha's) "girlfriend" :D

    you were right to put a warning at the start! I heart me some partholon series...

    much derserved love...carla
