Saturday, November 14, 2009

Still in my Scottish writing cave, but...

I'm still in the Highlands working away on BURNED, but I just got the new cover for WARRIOR RISING, one of my favorite Goddess Summoning Books for Berkley. Isn't Achilles totally hot!! This version will be available in March.

Back to my cave/cottage (where I have no internet or phone access...)



  1. Very nice! Good luck with your writing!

    I was just wondering if Kristin has a blog? :)

    - Camilla Rose

  2. have fun writing. any news on the site?

  3. Camilla - nope, Kristin doesn't have a blog, but sometimes she posts here.

    Mean Mom - my should be live any day now!

  4. Hey! I was wondering if you knew when the art contest results would be up? I know you're recovering from tour stuff and all, but it just popped into my head.

  5. I'm pretty sure your other books aren't at my Walmart. Would I find them at Barnes 'n Noble? Young Adult section? Or Adult?

  6. Hey I am Sophie and I am 12 and I am from Scotland!! Woo, I can't wait for Burned. Tempted is the number 1 book in Waterstones at The Centre in Livingston, Scotland so well done!!! Are you coming past Glasgow, Edinburgh or Livingston on your way to the airport again? I so hope you do because I am your number 1 fan!

    Good Luck x

  7. Love the cover. Gee, a hero with scars and realistic chest hair. It'll never catch on (wink).

    Enjoy your spelunking.

  8. And Lo, the site is live. It's really nice!

  9. do you know who won the contest?? i can't find where you see who won the contest

  10. hey P.C and Kristin - I <3 your books big time. Like, so much I will tell everyone about them but won't let anyone borrow them because I don't like people making bends in the spine!
    check out my blogs - - typical almost-teenager blabber, - the blog created for all my poems that i write. PLEASE look at them - and if you do, could give me some feedback. Thanks! Catherine xx

  11. hi!!! I really want to read your next book, I loved all your books! I am brazilian and I know many girls who are buying you books in english because they can't wait the books in portuguease! you are a very good writer! but I really didn't like the actors in the trailes... I prefer the Zoey of the books face! she was more beauty and more appeared of the book description!

  12. Really nice keep up. Two thumbs up.
    Anas Ahmad

  13. I was introduced to the House of Night Series a month ago. Please tell me when Burned will be ready!
