Saturday, September 19, 2009


I've decided to open the House of Night art contest to digital images! Yea! Okay, so here's the deal: If you've already entered, you're fine. If you've already entered and want to do a digital piece, you're fine because you can enter as many times as you want. SO ALL YOU GRAPHIC ARTISTS AND COMPUTER GENIUSES GO FOR IT!


1) The artwork should be inspired by the House of Night.

2) You must have copyright over all the artwork you submit. In other words, you can't pull an artist's piece from his/her site and digitally stick a tattoo on the face and enter it without the original artist's permission. If you don't know the copyright laws about artwork then either look them up or choose not to enter. If I question whether you have the right to the work I won't take a chance on infringing on another artist's piece and I won't post it. So just be original or be in the public domain and you'll be fine. If you don't know what I'm talking about do some research. Copyright infringement is stealing and it's seriously bad Karma.

3) Hand drawn art is fine, too.

4) I've extended the contest deadline until midnight on Friday, October 23rd (Central Standard Time).

5) ANYONE may enter - there are no out of the US restrictions.

6) We can not handle an influx of artwork, so you'll need to scan your image and send it in an attached file to our personal assistant, Camden Clark, at

7) By entering the contest you agree to allow me to post images of your work on my blog, myspace, facebook, and/or my websites.

8) Prizes will be awarded - HoN stuff like signed books, necklaces, tee shirts, etc. (Obviously I haven't decided exactly what I'm sending y'all, but I'm make sure it's cool stuff.)

9) Work will be judged by Kristin and me!

Okay, I can't wait to see what you guys come up with because I have the most creative, most awesome fans ever! Wonder if the UK will have some big winners in this contest, too?!

Good luck!


  1. So Ms. Cast i could draw anyuthing? Like on paper then send it?
    But where is there an email to send it to?
    Um, also can i word art something?

  2. The Fantasy - everything you need to know is in the post.

  3. Anonymous10:40 PM

    C! Yay! Um, not on subject, but I hear you like True Blood! I love the show, Anna Paquin was born in the city I was born in! And there is a new movie thta was from the 1980's thta has some filming that is happenig RIGHT now! And he girl that plays as Jessica in True Blood plays in the movie and m parents saw her! I love true blood! Can't wait till the third season! I'm gonna be found some more pics too!

  4. Love the Kitty in the post!! :D

  5. I think a Divine series contest would be fun...

  6. I luv the books!!!!!! :) The contest is a great idea i'm working on my drawing and every1 i've showed it to thought it's great so far

    BTW; good luck every1

  7. Ms Cast, so what information do we need to include when we send our picture? also, are we allowed to draw our own person than mark it on the website? is that allowed?

  8. I already explained all the information you need in the post. Good luck!

  9. Hello im Nicole from the UK
    i came to your book signing at waterstones in manchester, i sat near the front near the shelves on your left, thankyou for signing my books and reading part of tempted it was an amazing day
    i've entered it, i hope you like them and i hope i win, I was too shy to ask you a question at the book signing so i didn't end up getting any prizes :(
    i love the books, keep up the good work
    love Nicole xxxxx

  10. Anonymous6:07 PM

    can we use a pic of a celeb and then edit it on computer and then add a lot of cool things?

  11. Ms Cast!
    I have a slight problem!:( When I scan my drawings it isn't of good quality AT ALL.Therefore would it be okay if i took a picture of it (because the quality and the size of the picture is much better and bigger that way) and send it in? The contest is ending soon so PLEASE PLEASE reply soon!
    extremely anxious for your reply,

  12. Nurain - you absolutely may take a picture and attach it to an email. We're not taking any snail mail entries, though.

  13. Wait, is the contest over now or do we have until the end of Friday? lol Technically, midnight of the 23rd is past... but I just wanted to ask. Maybe I have another day yet to get my project finished. :)

  14. Midnight on the 23rd hasn't happened yet. Midnight on the 22nd has. You have until midnight tonight.

  15. Ms. Cast when do we find out who won the competition? Thanks, Courtney

  16. We're chosen the winners! We just have to be stationary long enough to get them posted. I'll try to do it in the next day or so.
