Monday, August 31, 2009

Yea for the DIVINE Books!

I'm getting a lot of mail about my Divine trilogy, DIVINE BY MISTAKE, DIVINE BY CHOICE, and DIVINE BY BLOOD - and I just wanted to say a big "thank you!" to all my fans who have hunted them down in Borders, gobbled them up, and them emailed me with lots of e-giggles telling me how much they enjoyed them. Those of you who aren't close to a Borders, rest assured they will be available everywhere in November. I heart you guys!

Oh, as a reminder - these are NOT young adult books, but ELPHAME'S CHOICE (release date end of September) and BRIGHID'S QUEST (release date March 2010) are set in the same world as the Divine books, and ARE young adult.

p.s The picture is from lovely Holly. Smooches back at you Holly!


  1. I am absolutely LOVING Divine by Mistake!

  2. Hi P.C.!

    I really love all of your books, could you tell me where i can send you my photos too??

  3. Sara - you can always email me via my Personal Assistant, Camden Clark, at

  4. You.Are.In.Trouble.Miss.

    Everyone, close your eyes and pretend that didn't happen. *mutters* making out with books is totally cool in Canada.

    I'm mailing you Celine Dion as punishment.

    XOXO H

  5. Anonymous2:38 PM

    i just started reading divine by mistake and i love it so far :) i dont have enough money to buy divine by blood or divine by choice yet but those are the next 2 books im buying :)

  6. Why Mom Drinks Rum, a.k.a. Holly - Celine Dion? Ack! No need. Really. Y'all need her up there. Truly. And making out with books is TOTALLY COOL. Again, really.

  7. I am SO glad this series has been reissued!! I've gotten my mother hooked on all your books, and these 3 were the only ones I was unable to buy for her (she lives 6 hours away, so we can't exchange books like we used to). We're currently trying to get my younger sisters to read the HoN series...

  8. I can't wait to read these :)

    I was wondering...will there be a spotlight video for Tempted?

  9. Thank you SOOOOO much for the divine books. You made a 45 year old mother/Librarian very happy. I enjoy reading to the kids but when I come home I am in Partholon.

    Thank you

  10. PC,
    I wanted to let you know and your fans that I also have a contest running over at That I think you should check out. I think the two questions I asked for newbies are a great start! Take a look and let me know what you think. BTW I went looking for those books today and I couldn't find them but I did get the Intertwined book you suggested and Vampire Academy's "Blood Promise" at the same time.

    <3 Lyss

  11. Hi
    Nice pic!
    OMG i love your books!, I'm from Chile and we have a fans club about The house of night saga :D

    The foro is official :D

    Marked and Betrayed just the only books in Chile :(
    but it's ok :D

    We love you ! and we love Kristin too :D


    P.S : 1)If you wanna pictures about us like look "zoey", just tell me :D

    2) I'm so sorry for my english :(

  12. so... in your book contest we can enter anything that we want that has to do with HoN rite?O and um i dont alway have time allowed to go on the cpu so can i just send u the pictures insted?
    Thanx for writing awsome books:D

  13. Jay - reread the rules on the contest post. And no, sorry, we're not taking any entries through snail mail.

  14. I am a mother to 3 wonderful kids but I have found my escape in books. I have fallen Head over heals in love with HON. By luck or magic I have read everything to date and while visiting family at a borders found Divine by Mistake. SWOON! Be still my beating heart and give me a second wind!
    I have finished and am planning to start Divine by Choice next. I was waiting for the then HON book but until then Divine is filling my every sparing moment!
    I hope you read this and I just wanted to say Thank you for my Fantasy World. Sometimes a break from reality is the only escape a mother of 3 and wife of a US Military man can afford me.
    Thank You and many blessings on future books!

  15. I love these books. I read the first one when it was GODDESS BY MISTAKE, and then the other two when they came out. The Partholon books are my favorite. And I LOVE centaurs!

    I've recommended these to so many people, and for a while they are unavailable. So glad they are being republished.

    Looking forward to Ciara and hopefully more books in this world??

  16. "Mommy" - keep a box of kleenex with you during DbC. I made my own self bawl my eyes out.

    Aine - thank you for being such a loyal fan! Yes, I do plan on writing Ciara! I love playing in the world of Partholon.

  17. Grr Living in Canada I can't seem to find the books up here. I have been online and they are all over the states but not here.
    I can't wait to we get stationed back home we are hoping for Luke AFB AZ. We are stationed at a small base in Canada and they don't really like Americans IE another reason I prefer reading my friends in books are alway there! Swoon I wish my husband was part centaur! Yummy ClanFintan I am so scared about DbC I read a report that says she gets sent back to her day and age. pout no sexy half human husband I know read she has found his mirrored all human image but thats not the same.
    Do you do book signings and meet and greats?

  18. You're only supposed to get the Divine books through Borders stores until November, then they'll be available everywhere. You could try ordering them from Borders here in the states, or go to the eharlequin site. You may be able to order them there, too. (or at least send Harlequin/LUNA) a message inquiring about how to get DbC and DbB. Good luck!

    Yes, we do events. We'll be on national tour for TEMPTED starting Oct 27th. I think the only place we're going in Canada this trip is in the Vancouver area, but we don't have confirmed places yet. I'll post as soon as I know.

  19. Hey, PC? I love all your books, and I've read all of them! I'm a writer myself, but I'm not near as good as you or Kristin. All you guys' descriptions are so vivid! How do you do it?

  20. Lots of practice, Teenage Author, LOTS of practice...

  21. I just wanted to stop in and tell you, as a fellow "Okie" that is, how much I have enjoyed your books! I plan on going out to buy some more because i just can't put them down! Also, I have realized I'm going to have to buy two at a time or download them to my iPhone to keep from running out! Ha! I was so taken by surprise when I started reading your HoN series, and all of the towns and places jumped off the page and were from Oklahoma! I just went to the Jenks Aquarium a month ago! I love it! We need more people to realize how beautiful this state really is, and even though your Tulsa is somewhat fictionalized, I still think you do a great job of capturing our home! I'm going to give your books to my niece for her birthday next month! Thank you so much for writing such great works of literature.

  22. Hi PC,

    I am Portuguese and I love your books.



  23. I bought the Divine trilogy before the were remade and available at Borders. I absolutely love the books especially when Shannon meets her "husband!!" Can not wait for Tempted to come out!!

  24. I just read "Divine by Mistake" and loooooved it! I don't think a fiction book has ever touched me like this book has. I could not put it down! As soon as I finished I had to hunt for a used copy of "Divine by Choice" online. I can't wait to read it!

  25. P.S. I wish my husband was a centaur.

  26. I've already devoured the entire series. The Partholon series are a big hit out here in Hawaii amongst a group of 20-something ranch hands (aka my co-workers). Perhaps we can all relate to the feeling of being beloved by Epona? Or maybe we all feel like centaurs, sitting in the saddle for 8 hours a day!

    Eagerly awaiting the new HoN book and especially the new Partholon book (more of Morri and Keagan/Kyle plz!!!).


  27. Hi Leona - I love that the ranch hands are hearting the Partholon books! And, yes, I would very much like to write more novels in that world, so stay tuned...

  28. Hi, I was wondering if Elphame's Choice and Brighid's Quest are just reissues for the YA market or if any parts of the novels have been rewritten? I have the Luna originals. I really enjoy every one of your novels.

  29. Anonymous7:02 PM

    I want to start off by saying, I loved all three Divine books but for some reason I can't get Divine By Choice out of my head! I just loved Clint (who yes, I know, made some people angry) but I'm still so emotionally tied to him even days after reading the book! Maybe it's because I'm married to a military man - who knows! But anyway, I have a question regarding what Epona showed Shannon when explaining why Rhiannon is the way she is... she showed an interlude b/w Rhiannon and ClanFinton when they were very young (together) however, in Divine by Mistake, it seems they barely know one another and DEFINITELY never to appear to have been intimate. I'm confused!! Did I miss something??

  30. TenaWina - there are a few changes from the original books, but they're slight.

    Mandy - I love Clint, too! He stayed with me for a long time after DbC. That closing scene with him had me snot crying as I was writing it. Okay, your confusion comes because in DbM you really only hear about ClanFintan's past with Rhiannon through him and a little from Alanna. And, really, ClanFintan is NOT going to give Shannon details - especially not THOSE details. The vision Epona allows Shannon to experience is the true story. Does that help?


  31. Anonymous7:32 PM

    I'm so glad to hear you cried over Clint because I bawled my eye out when I finished that book and I still get a lump in my throat when I think back to him. I'm glad Shannon made the choices she did (about him!) - he deserved it :)

    Ok, I can understand why ClanFinton wouldn't readily share that info with Shannon but at the time of their first more intimate interactions, he still thought she was Rhiannon. It just seems to me like he wouldn't be so shy, gentle and caring with her given what took place between them. Can you tell I get really wrapped up in my characters??? I just love them so much I can't let them go :)

    Oh and BTW... my favorite line in the entire SERIES was when Shannon was complaining about her legs hurting from over-excertion in DbM and claimed they were screaming at her "we're 35!! Sit down and feed us a Twinkie!" . Every time my body aches (I'm 33), I giggle recalling that :) Thank you for a wonderful series :)

  32. Mandy - I think you'll understand ClanFintan better when you remember that as High Shaman of Partholon he was created to love and be mated to Epona's Chosen. So, even though Rhiannon was a nightmare, it was not only his duty to love her, but it was a desire/need hardwired into his soul. So imagine what a sense of relief it must have been for him to believe there was even a chance that she'd changed.

    And thank you for understanding about the relationship that developed between Clint & Shannon. I was surprised by how many people were offended by it. I always saw Clint as an extension of ClanFintan, just in a different world, one in which ClanFintan could have existed. Even the last scene in the book, where ClanFintan calls her by the pet name Clint used for her it showed that a piece of his soul lived on through ClanFintan and that part of him would always be with Shannon (sob). Jeesh, I may have to reread my own book...

    Glad you enjoyed them so much!

    Lisa - p.s. - I wish my man was a centaur, too...though he does remind me very, very much of ClanFintan!

  33. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Ok, that does explain it. Kind of like the "no sudden movements" approach :) I can understand that. I can't tell you how touched I am that you communicate with your fans so readily! If you do plan to come back to Parthalon with more books, I'd love to hear Victoria and Dougal's story :) They seem like they'd be a fun pair to write. Plus, I'm just in love with Centaurs now, thanks to you!

    Are you coming to the Memphis area for book signings anytime soon?

  34. Mandy - I used to communicate more with my fans directly, but with the popularity of the HoN books that's become less and less possible (or I don't get writing done!). I do love the chance to talk about my adult books, especially the ones set in Partholon. I've thought about Dougal and Victoria's story. It'd be fun to tell in novella form, that's for sure. Little tidbit for you: I originally intended for Victoria to be killed in the scene at the Temple of the Muse where she and Shannon and Dougal hold off Nuada long enough for ClanFintan to get into the swamp with them, but when I got there I JUST COULDN'T LET HER DIE. Plus, I already felt a spark between Dougal and Vic, and couldn't do that to poor Dougal, plus Vic is such a cool character!

    I don't know about signings right now; I'm swamped with finishing the next HoN book. My next tour will be the end of April with the release of BURNED, and we never know where we're going until our publisher announces it, which I'll put on my blog as soon as I know, too.

    You have read ELPHAME'S CHOICE, haven't you? It's out now and it's set 125 years after the events of the Divine books.


  35. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Thanks for the tidbit! I'm so glad Vic is stuck around! I have to admit that at first I didn't like her because I thought she might've been competition for ClanFinton (yes, catty, I know). But she turned out to be one of my favorites! I have Elphame's Choice on my bedside table - I'm currently catching up on the HoN books... only on Chosen right now but enjoying them so far. I've had to use them to get my mind out of Parthalon! But can't wait to get back. Thank you again for your books - I've just recently (as of this past summer) rediscovered my love of reading. I've had a book going ever since and no plans to stop!

  36. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Just finished Elphame's Choice! Loved it! I have a question though... I was looking for Brighid's Quest (because I'm dying to read what comes next) thinking it was already out but couldn't find it anywhere. Then I saw somewhere that it won't be out until the end of Feb. I could've sworn that I saw a publish date of a few years back. Is there somewhere I can get it now (my impatience is getting the better of me :)

  37. OK so I know you get alot of compliments on your books but for once I can say I fond solace in your book. On July 3rd my daughter caught fire and was put in the hospital for major burns on her back, leg and arm. Shes doing much better now but I was reading Burned in the hospital and not once did I think anything of the title until my commanders wife pointed it out. Through sleepless nights your book comforted me through nightmares it gave me dreams. I know the books are for everyone but I found the book to be the best security blanket. Thank you so much for having her wake up. <3

  38. "Mommy," oh, honey I am so sorry about your daughter! On the 4th of July all the way back in 1964 my family and I were in a terrible fire, which is why if you look close at pictures of me you can still see the scars on my face. It means so much to me that you let me know my book helped you through that traumatic time. Please know I'm sending positive thoughts to you and your courageous daughter.


  39. Honest I have never noticed any marks on you. Always distracted your always so smiley and happy hehehe If you are any example of the healing process hopefully my little girl will out grow hers too. Is it true your going to comic con in NY Oct 8th? Its a 12 hour drive from where we are in Canada but I would love to meet you. Unless you plan to do a trip to Toronto or Ottawa..? :D My daughters 6 and I can't wait to read your books to her in a few more years. Certain times I gasp or sigh or laugh and shes all up on me saying what happened what happened. Silly girl loves vampires/ vampyres can't wait to share them with her. Thanks again for the response I know how busy you must be. Your positive thoughts are much appreciated. My daughter Ariyanna sends you her hugs hehehe silly girl.

  40. May be too old for reply, but I have to try, I'm desperate. "divine beginnings" released in hard copy? I can only find in e-book.

  41. Dear PC Cast, We are in luck the militay has relocated my husband to AZ so on our drive down from Canada we are hitting Tulsa. We will be there the weekend of June 3rd ad checking in to Staybridge Suites on 73rd St South. I wanted to ask what are your and HON recommendations for places to eat see and do! Thanks again My daughter and I are very excited!!

  42. Ok so change in plans for us we booked into the Ambassador Hotel from June 3 to the 5th! We may not be able to win the contest due to the dates but we can create our own little Reward just by exploring some of the places that are listed. Very excited! If you and Kristen would like to have lunch sometime I know my daughter and I would love that very much!

  43. Hi, P.C currently i am going throu my second master program ( firts MSc in Social & Organizational psychology and now MSc in communication strategies and PR) and really need to focus on my dissertation, as u may know this is a really troublesome procedure and time to time i felt like i was loosing my inner strength.. But thank god (or more likely "goddess") i come across with your goddess series (fav. One is goddess of spring\ one yummie Hades) and just a few seconds ago i finished Divine by Mistake . I simply want to say THANK YOU for the inspiration.. there are only a few other authors that inspired me as much as u do (anne rice, jane austen, jostein gaarder). With the rush of everyday life even as being a 25 year old joyful woman, i forget how special we all are. Thank you for being a spiritual mirror for me. Many blessings from the land where magic really use to happen, the house of all gods and goddesses, Turkey, Istanbul
    Selen (my father is a history lover so he named me after the goddess of moon)

  44. Dear Selen - from one goddess to another I say a big 'thank you!' for your lovely post. I'm so pleased my writing touches the divine feminine within you.

    Many blessings...

  45. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Is there anyway/where I can get Divine Beginnings as a HARD COPY? I really don't want to have to get it as a eBook.

    Is the book available as an iBook?

  46. Shelby - yep, hard copies are available on Amazon.
