Tuesday, August 11, 2009


We're in London and having a great time! Our lovely publisher threw what they called a "tea party" for us today, which turned out to be cool little cupcakes with the HoN UK covers in icing on them and excellent champagne. Yum! I took a couple pictures of them, as well as one of the wonderful CEO of Little, Brown UK, Ursula MacKenzie. Then we filmed an interview with some really nice people at the Reading Agency 'Group Thing' (www.groupthing.org). Next we're going to do a live web chat on Sugarscape.com (that's Wed. Aug 12th, 3:30-4:30 UK time), and the next day (Thursday the 13th) we have our event at Ramsgate Library. Hope to see lots of y'all there!



  1. Looks like you had a grand time! Those cupcakes are SO cool. Thanks for sharing the pix.

  2. Those Cupcakes are amazing... They are almost too pretty to eat!! Did they taste as good as they looks? It looks like you girls are having a wonderful time!! I'm so jealous!!

  3. those are AMAZING cupcakes! i mean, i heart cupcakes in general, but those look so cool! how yummy were they? haha

  4. Those cupcakes look awesome. Looks like your having fun.

  5. i ♥ the cupcakes they look awesome!

  6. Looks like a great time! Just discovered your books and read all 5 this week. What a fresh, wonderful new look at the vampyre culture! Can't wait to read the next one.

  7. those cupcakes look amazing:)
    are you going to any bookstore in london?

  8. Anonymous8:35 PM

    I'm jealous, OFFICIALLY! I haven't had cupcakes, since...um...FOREVER! And since they're HoN cupcakes I'm EVEN MORE jealous! Noiw I want cupcakes!I'm glad you're having fun! I wish I lived in the UK at the moment! London preferably.

  9. Oh my goodness!! Those cupcakes are adorable! They make me smile 8-). Hope you are both having tons of fun in London!!

  10. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Wow, those cup cakes are awesome!! I know this sounds weird but, what's London like? I've never been, was it fun? :)

  11. The cupcakes were delicious, especially the chocolate ones! And London is awesome. We are definitely having a great time.

  12. those cupcakes are so neat!!! Love it!

  13. Anonymous6:26 PM

    OMG!!! I love the cupcakes. I love cupcakes as much as Zoey loves brown pop! Which by the way, I can completely agree with, i don't like green pop, like 7-up, mountain dew and all that, ( ok, i was just informed that its not green, its clear, ha-ha Kayla), ( my cousin- and Im not even kidding. Don't worry she's not like Kayla in the book.) (and shes still laughing behind me).
