Saturday, August 15, 2009

Home to Tulsa!

In about half an hour the car will be here to load up our copious bags (that have grown in the past two weeks!) and take us to the airport. We'll be in T-Town late tonight. It'll be nice be home - my Scotties and my horrible cat are missing me, as are Kristin's two beasts/dogs, but it does make me sad to say goodbye to the UK. Yesterday one of my new friends said, "I'm glad you're leaving." It hurt my heart and I just kinda said, "Um, you're glad?" My friend smiled and said, "Yes, that means it's sooner to the day you'll return." What a lovely way to look at saying goodbye!

So to all our UK fans and friends we say we're looking forward to the day we return! Thank you for your love, loyalty, and hospitality.

And as you would say:



  1. Welcome Home! It was great to meet you! I'm just finishing up on editing pictures from the Manchester Book Signing and then I'll be forwarding some of the best ones to you. The others will be posted on the House of Night - UK Fan Site!!

  2. That is a really nice way of thinking of it!!! I like that!! Its a lot better then good-bye if you really think about it!! I'm happy your going home though!! As much as everyone likes to go on Vacation home is really the one place you can completely relax and be yourself!

  3. Heh, That is a funny way of saying bye.

    Glad you're returning home to meet your cats.


  4. hey look,,, fist well Hope y'all enjoyed your vacation i am in Texas on my vacation "finally" 500 days in the waiting lol it is great to be home. Hope to make it to a book sgining this year. at least i will closer to get the chance! lol
    Well Blessed Be y'all

  5. Also if you look at it this way you're coming back home to work on another amazing novel for all of us to enjoy:)
    Is there any place you have never been to that you wish you could go to for the tour?

  6. Here there Gary! I'll bet your wife and family are thrilled to have you home! Give them my best. I should have tour cities pretty soon, so I'll post ASAP. Hope you can make one, too!

    Oh, guys - we weren't on "vacation" in the UK (or holiday as they say there). We were either researching or doing book events, but it was a lovely time.

    Which brings me to Antoinette - There are LOTS of places I'd like to travel to (Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, re-visit Japan, I've never been to Spain or France, BRAZIL, and I certainly haven't seen enough of Canada), but book tours really aren't a good way of traveling. When we're on tour we see the hotel, the airport, and wherever the book event is being held. Our time in the UK was much cooler than a usual book tour because we built in research time and down time, but "visit" is lots different than "tour." Oh - for our Oz tour we'll be building in lots of down time!

  7. p.s. Thanks Jenn! It was lovely to meet you and your sisters, and I'm looking forward to seeing the pictures!

  8. Welcome home! And now comes the hard part - paying penance to the cat and keeping the pups happy.

  9. Hey, I just read your books last week and was sad to see I missed your visit to the UK by mere days! You didn't visit my home town though so I shouldn't be too upset. I live in Newcastle in the northeast of England, you will have travelled through it en route from Edinburgh to York. It's a lovely place I highly recommend you visiting if you ever get the chance to come back (we're known for our nightlife haha). Next year a friend of mine and I are planning on travelling around the USA for a bit and after reading your books I definately want to visit Tulsa! I know there won't be any vampyres walking around - but if I'm lucky I might notice and say hi to yourself! x

  10. Jana - the cat will not accept penance. He prefers to torture me. Sigh.

    Hayley - NO VAMPYRES IN TULSA?! Huh?

  11. Haha yeah sorry - British humour isn't always understood (my bad). Don't worry I'm not naive enough to believe it's all real. Although your writing style is amazing - you have a great knack for making the surreal seem completely plausible! x

  12. Haley, I'm just excited you used the words surreal and plausible in one sentence and spelled them correctly. Come to Tulsa, girl! I'll show ya around!

  13. Re: the cat. You did leave him to his own devices, at least in his little cat brain. No adulation, no cuddling. Wicked stuff to endure, especially for a feline who (no doubt) believes he is the Center of the Universe.
    Glad you're dealing with the critter and not me (wink).

  14. Thankyou! I would love to take you up on that offer! I'll be passing by next summer after I graduate university (and escape!) - I'm 20 year old and still studying hard so that could be the reason for my word choices and spelling (admittedly a lot of my friends think I'm a grammar Nazi though). I do have one question though and I apologise if you have already answered this, I haven't had time to read every page and comment on your blog yet; I tend to read and write to escape from the real world for a bit and relax but considering your life is writing (and I envy you for it) what do you do to relax? x

  15. Well, I turn my writing brain off at night by reading - that makes me relax. I'm also overly fond of good wine. I take my Scottie dogs (known as the Snotties) for long walks, and I love a good movie.

    Jana - I know your address. I'm shipping the cat to you. Priority mail.

  16. I suppose that makes sense. Reading and writing are obviously something you love, the passion can be seen in your writing so I understand that you feel comfortable being constantly surrounded by it. Apologies for the constant stream from me, I really appreciate you taking the time to reply to those who take the time to contact you, I guess that can get a bit tedious at times. I hope you do visit the UK again sometime soon - I'll try my best to get to wherever you visit even if it isn't the wonder that is Newcastle. You seem like an incredibly down to earth woman who I would love to say I had the pleasure of meeting. x

  17. Thanks Hayley, right back at ya!

  18. Let me start by saying I want to truly and deeply thank you (both). Thank you for creating such an inspirational collection of literature. I have found more of myself in your words, than I have in my own. As a fellow Tulsan (GO TULSA!!), I was instantly drawn to your books. As a fellow Native American, I was drawn to your books. And as a fellow human, who struggles with light and dark everyday, I was drawn to your books. I have been writing since I was a young child (now 20 ). I have never written more than short stories.. but that will change soon. I have found my motivation. My inspiration. I will be going to borders this week to complete my collection of your work.

    So here is my question:

    When can I get all of these books signed? :)

    -Brittany Dickinson

  19. Hi PC, congratulations for the wonderful books! I was wondering if you have plans for bring Zoey to other countries, maybe Brazil! (Oh, I'm brazilian... you have maaaaaany fans here!) xoxo

  20. Note to self: if any incoming boxes have holes, return to sender. Or forward to Kristin (grin).

    The official view is that a cat has a memory of about 15 min. The scientists lie. Big time.

  21. Driy - no plans to take Zoey to Brazil right now, but one never knows.

  22. Awesome! Hope you guys have a safe trip home and you have lots of new ideas brewing for the next books! - Yvonne

  23. Pc Hello, I'm in blog Bells House of Night of Brazil, like most of you and Kristin, love it if possible send us an email and everything, would like an interview if possible, our link is
    Thank you and welcome back to the house.

  24. Hi HoN Brazil - if you'd like to request an interview you need to go through our publicist, Katy Hershberger at Thank you for your support!

  25. Aah okeei, Pc, thank you even!

  26. Anonymous9:16 PM

    Hi P.C.,

    Glad you guys are home safe and sound. Judging by the past two post on this blog you and Kristen have had quite a ball in the UK.

    I love what your friend said about goodbyes, it would work perfectly in the final scene of a book. So sweet.

    (P.S. I'm halfway through my newest book, I started in early July. :D)

  27. wow ive never seen tulsa looks awesome...i didnt think of it as a city...more of a big town....shows how much i know....

    when i saw that picture i was like "is that london??......" ha

  28. Welcome back to OK!

    I love that your HoN books are set in Tulsa cause I am from a town not too far from there and I have been there many times.

    I was curious if you will be at a midnight release in Tulsa for Tempted? I hope so, my mom and I are big HoN fans and we'd both really love to meet you.

  29. Kismet - right now it looks like we'll be launching on national TV in NYC, so Kristin and I won't be here for a midnight launch. We are planning a big signing event at Tulsa's 21st Street Borders at 2:00 on Saturday, November 7th. I'll post more details as our tour schedule is confirmed. Hope to see you there!

  30. Ok, thanks! I hope to be able to come and see you!

  31. Hey do u happen to know when the first chapter of tempted will be released? If not its no big deal! Oh, and i heard that u were making the house of night series into a movie is that right!

    Ps im sooo excited about tempted coming out i just love the telling all my friends!!!
