Monday, July 20, 2009

UK Tour!

Kristin and I are coming to the UK! Yea! We're sooooo looking forward to it! Here's the preliminary schedule (said with my really bad pretend English accent):

FRIDAY, AUGUST 7TH, 6.00pm, Talk & Signing at Waterstones York
28-29 High Ousegate
York YO1 8RX

MONDAY, AUGUST 10TH, 3.00pm, Talk & Signing Waterstones Arndale
Unit MSU4 Manchester Arndale
Manchester M4 3AQ

We'll also being doing events in and around London, but we don't have exact places and dates confirmed for those yet. Keep checking back - I'll post as soon as I get updates. Oh, and NO, we aren't in charge of where we're going. Our lovely UK publisher is handling that - so we're as clueless as you guys are until we hear from them.



  1. I hope you come to Glasgow, Scotland!!!! :-)

  2. I almost got disappointed there when I didn't see London on the list. I can't wait!

  3. Hey just passing by, I loved the house of night series! It's fantastic!

  4. I am so jealous. Hoist a pint for me, will ya, luv?

  5. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Yes!!!! i have been waiting for this moment to arrive!! i may only be twelve but i LOVE your books xxx
    PLEASE come to south london XD

  6. Anonymous7:10 PM

    OMG my dad lives in London! Im gonna beg him 2 get of of my HoN books signed for me if i pay for shipping the book lol :)!

  7. Your coming to OZ! Yippee!!! That's great news PC. Hope you come somewhere close to where I live. Don't mind traveling to come and meet you guys tho. Maybe you could do a signing @ Rosemary's Romance books in Brisabne? At least that's in the same state as I am in.

  8. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Hey, PC, do you know if Gena's Intertwined book is going to be part of a series? (If you're wondering how I read it, I have an ARC copy) I'm only asking you because Gena doesn't really reply on her blog...

  9. Ang - don't know where we're going yet, but I'll post about it as soon as we hear.

    LL - yep, Gena's YA INTERTWINED is the first in a series. Did you like it?

  10. Anonymous9:03 PM

    It was sexy. Haha. I liked your comment on the cover. Sometimes, (no offense), publishers kinda choose stupid comments/quotes on the bookcovers. Not that your words were retarded or anything...

  11. have a good trip! *-*

    Have you ever been in Brazil?!

  12. Hi Catarina - no, we haven't been to Brazil, but it's definitely on our list of places we'd like to visit. Glad you're enjoying the HoN!

  13. Anonymous1:21 PM

    That's one thing I like about you, PC, you actually answer your blog! THUMBS UP!

  14. OMG OMG OMG. I wish you could choose where your going. I screamed at the computer screen when i saw this. I am like the biggest HoN fan in the world!!!!!!!! It would be totally awesome if you came up to Scotland. By the looks of your schedule You probably wont. Oh Well. I LOVE YOU AND YOUR BOOKS.

    Ellen,Age 13, Dundee, Scotland

  15. Wow! ! I just finished all five books and I loved them all! I am now wishing I had Tempted in my hand right now, as I read them all in a weekend and am desperate to know what happens next!

    I would love it if you got to Glasgow, Scotland you have sooo many fans here!

    Keep up the great writting! Erik & Zoey forever! I can't stand Stark but also can't wait to find out what's going on with him.

    Much love, blessed be x

  16. Anonymous3:50 PM

    OMG! Most amazing books ive ever read! waay better than harry potter!
    i am like a mega fan!

    Cant believe your coming to england.. cant wait!! you have to let me know when your in london...

    i cant put the HoN books down.. theyre so addictive. i got a detention for reading oe of them in english when i was suposed to be reading some boring book about a homeless man. lol

    cant wait to see you

    Peace out x

  17. Anonymous10:03 AM

    OMG I live like, an hour away from York!! My mum and mum are gonna come along, i can't wait!

  18. hey, i know you have no control over where you go in the uk but marybe suggest swansea or cardiff, prefarable swansea lol, because as a 15 year old living in south wales it is near impossible to get to york,manchester or london and i was soo disapointed when i saw where the signings were. thanks
    katie X

  19. Hi is it this year or next? But OMG your gonna be at waterstones in Manchester OMG I cant wait eeppp so excited!!!

  20. Hi OMG I cant wait to see you in waterstones manchester I am a big fan I got most of my friends into it and now one is saying its better than morganville vampire series by Rachel Caine who is good but your so much better.. Is the tour this year or next?

  21. thanks but now I have just been told I cant go as my moms working and dads in skipton so my friend Amy offered to get a book signed for me... I hope one day I can meet you as you inspire me so much

  22. i cannot wait to see you in manchester on august 10th i have a ticket to see you and not to be rude but will people be able to take a picture with you
    thank you for coming to manchester

  23. Yep! Pictures are allowed. See you there!

  24. Hey!!
    I love your books they're sooo amazing and fantastic!!
    I agree with everyone that you should come to Sotland!! Hopefully
    some where near me like Dundee or Edinburgh!!
    I'm sure all your fans in Scotland would love to meet you!! Like me!!

    Lucy Van der Ham, 13 years old, Perth, Sotland

  25. hi do you have any more dates and places near york and manchester ? Or is that it ?

  26. Sorry - what I've listed are the only signings in the York area.

  27. please come to Leeds or Bradford, Me and my sister are SUCH HUGE fans, but we missed the York and Mancester one :(

  28. hi just wanted to say I loved the manchester one yesterday and to say thanks. I f Amy hadnt called me sunday night I wouldnt have been there so thanks Spidermonkey.Plus do you know the date Tempted will be released in the USA?
