Tuesday, July 28, 2009


OOOOOH! Finally! Check out TEMPTED!

And in case the link doesn't work for you in the card, here it is again http://www.houseofnightseries.com/pages/tempted.html

Oh, and FYI - the two guys represented on the cover are: 1)Stark - she's in his arms, and 2) Heath - is in shadow behind them.

I can't wait until October! Enjoy!



  1. PC, my friend, this cover is DELICIOUS!!!

  2. I can not wait until October! I have read all the books front to back 3 times and I am so excited I have already pre ordered my copy.

  3. Wow best cover yet! Ive just read Chosen waiting for Untamed and hunted from amazon :D

  4. omg i just saw the new cover it was sooooo beyond words. you guys never let us down. i just ordered mine cant wait til it gets here.

  5. luv all your books, i just know tempted will be just as good if not better.

  6. Love Stark. So yummy

  7. OOHH LUURV it! October can't come soon enough! Whatever happened to spotlighting submissions from the contest? Or did you decide not to do that? It's not to late, we still have ....2 days! :)

  8. I LOVE the Cover! It's awesome! Who's with Zoey in the front and Who's in the back?

  9. Oh, I'm SO excited now!! Can't wait until the book comes out!! :-)

  10. Glad you guys like the cover!

    I decided not to spotlight submissions for the contest and just unveil the winners before we leave for the UK Sunday.

  11. to sushigirl4996
    you r soooo right stark iz the yummyest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. oooh the anticipation is killing me! :) Good luck everyone! I can't wait to see what everyone did!

  13. Yeah! Love the cover. Gotta tell you, I've been saving up and just really all the House of Night books in the last week or two, one right after they other. They rock! You guys do a fabulous job! I found each one more un-put-down-able than the last. Can't wait for tempted!

  14. Hi, the cover is beautiful!
    I'm so excited for the new book!!!
    But I'm intensely curious as to who the boys on the cover are supposed to be!
    Can you tell us who they are?!

  15. Invisible - re-read the blog post. I already answered your question.

  16. OMG!!! LUV IT!!!

  17. I am so excited for October 27th. I can't wait! After seeing the cover I did a little happy dance that almost scared my sister. :D And then I screamed a lot. Hehe.

  18. Anonymous11:05 PM

    LeighTilda - PC IS MY FRIEND NOT YOURS!.... Im just kidding. Trying to make everybody's day more... surreal. (Surreal is kinda a weird word to describe it...)

  19. You're a funny kid LL...

  20. Anonymous11:42 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Anonymous11:46 PM

    I can't wait to buy the book!! I wonder what'll happen next!!!!
    I just only wish i had a tym machine :[

  22. WOW, WOW, WOW! That is Awesome! The best so far, even tho all the others a beautiful as well.

    I bet you can't wipe the smile off your faces! :)

  23. Anonymous8:02 AM

    OMG this cover is amazing!! It rocks with the guys on it :P

  24. i totally LOVE the cover it rocks october can't come fast enough im counting down the days until tempted comes out

    you guys rock i love your books!!!

  25. loving the cover! My favorite from the all the rest!
    I have a questiong.
    Will there be Tempted videos like Hunted and Untamed?
    PC you rock! ;D

  26. october????!!! i thought it came out in decmber!!!!!

  27. I don't think my publisher is doing videos this time, but there will be major changes on the website as we get closer to release, so keep an eye on www.houseofnightseries.com.

  28. Love the cover wow.
    I just cant stop looking at it.
    I did have one question though as to why are Heath and Stark are only on the cover?
    Still this cover is amazing cant get enough cant wait for Oct.27

  29. Anonymous5:58 PM

    PC, can u please give us a little something from the book that's not on the website, and don't try to fool us because its my home page and i'm on it everyday (yes i am obssesed, but just a little)

  30. Nope, not trying to "fool" anyone - I can't give away spoilers. My publisher is releasing little selections from the text and will post chapter 1 as we get closer to release. I heart my publisher and wouldn't think of sneaking around and releasing stuff that would mess up their plan. Just be patient. It'll be worth the wait.

  31. Stef - the cover choice will be clear when you read TEMPTED.

  32. Apparently, Lafont Lurver, you missed that day in kindergarten where your teacher taught about sharing! I'm sure if we play nicely PC will be friends with us BOTH!

  33. to:leigh tilda
    so true. sharing is caring (dont mean to sound lik a five year old)

  34. PC love the cover its awsome cant wait 2 read temted!

  35. Anonymous11:04 AM

    i luv ur books, im only twelve but im still aloud to read them, i cant wait for october, love ya like a sister!

  36. Anonymous11:06 AM

    to: vanessa crestejo

    carefull, i cant wait either, but dont wish ur life away. lol.

  37. I love this cover! No doubt the best cover in the series so far. But i'm confused about 1 thing. I Thought Heath's hair was supposed to be curly, so at first i thought it was Zoey in Heath's arms, not Stark's.

  38. I just LOVE the cover of Tempted! So awesome! Can't wait to find out why Heath and Stark are on the cover too. ;-) Hehe. Yay, can't wait until the book comes out!!!

  39. Re: cover nuances/differences - keep in mind it's just one interpretation of the text. Personally, I'd make Stark's hair shorter and Heath's curlier, but it's okay for everyone to have their own image of what the guys should look like.

  40. Well.... LOVE it... just wanted to Say that my wife an i can't wait.. and i am back on us soil. as of the 29th... can't wait till your book tour lol...


  41. Yea Gary! Welcome home!

  42. :D i love the cover and i love you work completely. im itching all over waiting for october to arrive, i need my fix lol And i cant believe your in the UK this week coming and i cant come to see you. Hope you enjoy the UK


    Are these the people that are in the trailers?

    I love it. Aren't you glad that they make such a lovely cover for your books?

    Can't wait to read TEMPTED!!!!!!!!


  44. HEY PC! The cover for Tempted was amazing! I wonder how you came up with it! But I was wondering...If Stark and Heath are on the cover, why not Erik? Is he less important in this up coming book? Because I know that Stark is now a very big character (I love him!) to the series, but I thought that Heath was just a fling and Zoey planned on ending it. So does Erik have less of a role in the series now?
    Thanks for creating such an amazing series! -Lynsey From IL

  45. Jess - I can't take credit for the beautiful covers. Our lovely publisher's design team does that. I just give input.

    Sorry, can't tell you what's what with Erik, Stark, Heath, etc., as that would be giving away plot spoilers.

  46. Anonymous3:09 PM

    I thought it was either heath or stark in her arms, but wow, stark :) I would much rather see erik in the background though, but either way, I can't wait to read Tempted. I've been waiting for so long.
    Good cover, PC <3

    ~ Meghan

  47. This cover is the best yet, finally the guys grace the cover!!!

  48. I love this series and I can't get enouph. I couldn't put the other books down and I just can't wait until Tempted comes out. I only hope another book will follow it soon. PC cast you should know that this series is great and it reaches more than just in the younge adult catergory. You are an incredible writer.

  49. I am so excited about this book, well excited isn't really the word. Maybe feenin if that is how you spell it cause the books are soooooooo addicting. I really want Zoey to beable to keep all her guy( Eric, Heath and Stark), after all she is a high priestess and and can imprint with more than one guy. Any clues PC?

  50. YES! This cover is fantastic!

    I CAN'T WAIT until October!

    (I just started reading the series a week ago and I just finished Untamed, literally two seconds ago).

    I can't help but zip right through them... so much intensity!

    Thanks for keeping me on my toes!

    From an author in training to an author,


  51. HI, my name is Garrett Im 21 yrs old and currently serving in iraq, i got here about 3 weeks ago, its my second tour and i bought the first two books in the series for the plane ride because they looked interesting, i have NEVER been a very big reader and i must say that HON has sucked me in. i read the first two books in all of 12 hours and had to wait for barnes and noble to ship the other 3. they got here 2 days ago and i just finished hunted about 15 minutes ago and i just wanted to tell you that youre doing a GREAT job with these books! i have already pre ordered tempted and just found out about burned. i was curious how many more books you were planning on coming out with? thank you very much for giving me something to look forward to and something to keep my mind busy. any chance youll be coming to arizona sometime next year?

  52. PC!!! I personally can not wait until Tempted comes out! (I think i peed a little when i saw the cover ;) ......After I read the books, I made my aunt and my mom read them! They can't wait either!

  53. Hi Mandy,
    I agree totally! There's no reason Zoey can't have more than one guy, especially while she's young.

    Hi Garrett! So glad to hear the HoN is giving you a little down time. Stay safe and let us know when you're back stateside.


  54. Hi Mandy,
    I agree totally! There's no reason Zoey can't have more than one guy, especially while she's young.

    Hi Garrett! So glad to hear the HoN is giving you a little down time. Stay safe and let us know when you're back stateside.


  55. The cover is awesome in general, but Stark doesn't look like he does in the year book on your site, and either does Heath.

    -Still, nevertheless; I'm BEYOND stoked for this to come out. October isn't at all about Halloween for me anymore, it's all about Tempted coming out XD

  56. hi pc CAN'T wait. I love your books and this is the best cover for house of night books. but what happen to Erik?

  57. Hi pc im a HUGE fan these books are amazing !!! Will the realease date for tempted be 27 of october in ireland ?
    Thank u so much for tgese amazing books
    love louise x

  58. Oh wow. The cover is OMGworthy.
    I cannot WAIT! till the 27th. I will be glued to the book till I finish it. Well done :D


  59. I totally just started reading Tempted and it is...AWESOME!!!!!

  60. I love Stark on the Cover. Who is he? Can we have his real life name?
    Cant wait for Burned!Just <3 House of Night books!
