Friday, May 22, 2009

Back from paradise and off to New York City!

Here's a lovely picture taken from our vacation balcony. Sooooo gorgeous!

I wanted to let y'all know we'll be headed to New York City to appear on Good Morning America Thursday, May 28th. We'll also be featured on Nightline that night.

I'm in the middle of rewrites of TEMPTED. Yep - there are always rewrites, which I really don't mind as it makes for a better book.

Wish us luck on GMA and here's hoping we don't sound moronic on Nightline...



  1. I can't wait to see you on Good Morning America!
    Glad you had a good time on vacation.

  2. WOW!!

    I Always Watch Good Morning, I only went there once, :D. Glad you're well P.C. and glad your vacation was a good one, you deserved it.

    Blessed Be

