Monday, April 13, 2009

Your Questions Answered #3

First, I want to reiterate that I’m under a very tight deadline right now, at the end of writing TEMPTED (which is a seriously good book!), AND I have construction going on in my home. In other words, I’m stressed. So if you don’t find your answer in this particular blog entry, scroll down and look through my archives. If you STILL can’t find your answer, then email me. I won’t respond personally, but I will probably use your question as the basis of a blog post. Please understand that my goal here is to slow down the deluge of emails I get so that I can finish TEMPTED on time. This goes for my facebook and myspace, too. This is basically the only place I’m posting until early June.

Okay, batch #3 of questions:

QUESTION: So, what’s going to happen with Erik and Zoey? And is Stark going to be in the rest of them? What’s up with Stevie Rae?

PC’s ANSWER: I’m not going to give away plot points, so please don’t email me with “what’s going to happen” questions. You’ll just have to wait along with me because sometimes things happen in the HoN world that surprise even the author.

QUESTION: I have a cool idea about what should happen in TEMPTED (or any of the next books). Would you email me so I can tell you about it?

PC’S ANSWER: No. I have more ideas of my own that I can possibly write in one lifetime. Plus, if I used your ideas about my world, then it wouldn’t be my world anymore. And here’s another great opportunity to mention how annoying fanfic is to me. If you want to be a writer, then you make up YOUR OWN WORLD and write in it. My world is copyrighted as MINE. Please, just leave it to me.

QUESTION: I have this book that I want to write and it’s about: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(insert long paragraph and/or attachment).
Could you help tell me how to write it? OR Could you tell me if it’s any good?

PC’s ANSWER: First, please don’t send your writing to people who have not asked to read it. It’s not polite. Second, I cannot get you published, so even if I were to read your ideas (which I don’t have time to do, so I won’t do), my opinion doesn’t mean anything. Third, if you want my advice for aspiring authors then check out the archive post in this blog in which I deal in depth about the subject.

QUESTION: I live in _________________(insert your city), and you never come here. Do you hate us? Would you please come here?

PC’s ANSWER: Authors don’t get to pick where we go on our book tours. Our publishers send us to different cities and countries. Their choices are dependent upon many factors, such as: volume of sales in the area, fan enthusiasm, bookstore locations and availability. Kristin and I don’t include or exclude locations; we don’t choose. If we did, I can promise you we’d be in : Australia, San Francisco, Japan, Italy, Chicago, New York City, Seattle (we’ve never been to the upper northwest and I’m dying to go), Alaska…the list goes on and on. Oh, and right now we’re not going anywhere. I’m writing. Then Kristin will be going through the manuscript. Then we’ll be turning it in and she’ll be taking semester finals. THEN WE’RE GOING ON VACATION.

Back to writing…



  1. You got to love them PC with all the same questions. Don't worry, everything will be fine, another hit with Tempted and the your house will be beautiful, and you will have peace in your sanctuary.

    Breath woman, breath.
    Seriously, wish you all peace and love so you can get it done, but I know you will.

    Ive read about fires around Oklahoma, are you guys out of that area, hope no one is hurt.

    Blessings and peace to you and your loved ones.


  2. I'm beginning to worry if you're really stress, I hope everything is alright.

    Try to take a hour break, I, for one, hope you do. Or at least breathe.

    Remember, we all are hoping you the best as always. Wish I can say, "Can't Wait for Tempted"
    I feel that might stress you out..
    Hope everything in your home is okay and everything and please breathe.
    No matter what, Tempted will be the best book in my heart, all the HoN books are.

    Say hi to Kristen!

    And Blessings to you

    Blessed Be


  3. Anonymous8:22 PM


  4. Thanks for asking Maria - no, the fires are more on the other side of the state. Actually right now Tulsa is pretty wet!

    JennyMac - of course I'm stressed! It comes with the territory of juggling life and work and such - it's pretty normal, actually. Well, the kitchen remodel and the office addition isn't normal, but still. Everything is fine - I just can't respond to a bunch of private emails asking the same questions over and over like I usually do, that's all.

    Oh, and Kristin and I will be taking a lovely vacation break after we turn in TEMPTED. Or as our UK fans say, we'll be going on "holiday!"

  5. PC, First I have to say I am completely obsessed with the HoN series, but I have to say some of the answers you are posting to question is a little disturbing. After all we are the reason your series is even successful. You comment saying, "Seriously, can y’all not do any reading and researching?" is really degrading and disrespectful. Lean to love your readers and always show a positive or you may just wake up one day without any followers!

  6. Justin, I don't like the way you expressed yourself here in this blog. I know we have freedom of speech and all, but you are being soo disrespectful and rude. They way that you expressed yourself you are showing us that you are not a tolerant person. And in this world, that seems to be happening quite often. That is why our world is becomming a place of hatered and anger. People are losing how to appreciate your fellow brother.

    I think you are being a bit harsh with PC. She is working hard and she has been answering our questions all the time she has,she has been patient and tolerant, but come on, they are the same questions all the time. And she is under a lot of pressure with the timeline of the new book. And with other stuff she got going on in her life right now. We don't really know how much pressure Kristin and she have. We can only imagine.

    Lets face it, I am not the author and I when I read the posts, I get a bit upset and its quite annoying actually. But reading her books, I seem to get to know what kind of lady she is.

    I really like her honesty and she really really has been soo sweet repeating to us the same answers over and over again.

    I don't think her TRUE followers will get upset and leave the fanwagon anytime soon. At least, I will not, and I suspect, I can't think for others, but I trust people here thinks the same as me.

    Considering her a mature responsible woman and loving her fans as she does, she is not disrespectful and very appreciative with us.

    And I don't want to get into any issues with you, but you should show respect to her as a mature and serious author, and she really loves her fans. Your comment sounded much like a threat and I didnt like nor appreciate it.

    I know that PC can defend herself, but I was mortified with your expression that I had to say something.

    Have a nice life. With love and respect and tolerance to others.


  7. Well Marie thanks for the insight. I know that PC is mature responsible woman who loves her fans, and I'm sure she gets tired of being asked that same questions over and over, but I just felt a little offended by the way she answers her questions by acting like the person who asked the question should have known better. I have seen her answer the same questions over and over again, so why not just ignore the questions about "movie casting" and "future plots" and answer different questions. I meant no disrespect for Mrs. Cast or her daughter and am completely consumed with her books and writing style. I am always for the underdog that is why I am so drawn to the HoN series, so I can not help to stand up for them when I feel they are not given the due credit.

    thank you big fan big fan

  9. Justin, thank you. Then why bring it up. Why this comment of yours:
    "Lean to love your readers and always show a positive or you may just wake up one day without any followers!"

    Whatever, I don't see "underdogs" here, I only see teenagers and not so teenagers that are inmature, but, thank you for looking out for the "underdogs" here.

  10. Marie, once again I'll say I meant no disrespect for PC and her daughter. I was just concerned with the manor of answers asked to repetitive questions. But, not being in Mrs. Cast position I know I do not understand the amount or frequency of questions she gets asked. I apologize to you Mrs. Cast if I offended you in any way and LOVE the world you have created for Zoey. Words get misconstrued very easily!

  11. Love the series, can't wait for more, definitely won't be emailing you any questions any time soon. LOL

  12. Goodness they are all the same, sorry about that, as that can never be fun having to answer the same things over and over ... even if you could write more in your blog. Good luck with finishing the book to your schedule! Again .. I cannot wait for it. =0) Hopefully you'll have a wonderful vacation once everything's finished.

    - Jess

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. ...............i think she should answer the questions more i duno NICELY there are other blogs were i have seen people ask the same ANNOYING questions over and over and over again and the author answers them nicely..........................

  15. Justin I kinda agree with you. PC, the way you wrote in this blog makes it seem like you're angry at you're fans. I'm sure it's just stress and all. But still people look up to PC. A word of advise is have patience and be nice to your fans. :)

  16. Maria - thank you for being an adult.

    Zoey Knight - If you like the way other authors answer their blog questions better than how I answer mine, then read another author's blog. I'm not being mean; I'm being honest.

    Justin - Here's the truth: there is nothing offensive or disrespectful about telling people they need to look for answers before asking questions. If that offends you then you're going to find there's a lot in life that will offend you. I do not need to be reminded how I got where I am today by anyone. I know exactly how I got here. I've worked hard and consistently for decades, honing my skills and doing my very best always. That is how I show respect and love for my readers - by doing my very best for them every single time I put words to paper - by NOT talking down to them and by expecting a level of maturity and commonsense from them because I believe in their intelligence. And also by NOT changing who I am because now I'm on bestseller lists. The end of your post was threatening and childish.

  17. Thank you PC. This saddens me a bit cause, you are so kind answering our posts, personally, that is really rare in an author this days because of their, and you know this by experience, the hectic days you have with deadlines and all kinds of stuff that life brings to you, now you have to really take time to revise every single post and choose which one can be posted. I am really sorry for all this. But, I really love your work and how you express yourself in your books. And like others have said, including Justin, thanking for creating this Zoey Redbird world. I really love it.

    Blessings to all.

  18. Hi Maria,
    Not to worry! I'm not revising any of my posts. I'm going to be as blunt and honest as I've always been. I activated the comment filter for the same reason Jill Monroe turned off the comment button on the hilarious utube spoof interview she did with Kristin and me a year ago. Sadly, many of my teenage readers didn't have the maturity to understand that the Author Talk interviews (some with authors as famous as the great Nora Roberts) were satire - total spoofs meant to poke fun in a witty way at inconsiderate interviewers. Instead, without researching Author Talk, or even scrolling down in the comment section and reading my post that assured everyone Jill is a friend and it was all good fun, they made terribly rude comments to her. Same kind of thing here. It's a maturity thing. I'm honest and blunt, instead of patronizing and coddling, and kids who aren't used to being told things like, "hey! look the answer up yourself" get defensive. Instead of growing and thinking for themselves, they lash out. It's one of the reasons I write YA - to show kids they can make mistakes, learn, mature, and recover from them. I'm just not willing to get into a tedious back-and-forth on my blog. I don't have the time or the patience for it. So I'm moderating comments.

    And you're right. Many successful YA authors don't post personally to their blogs or sites, and/or allow comments at all. It's because of issues like this. Also, many of the oh-so-nice over and over responses fans get aren't from the author at all, but her team, who are being paid to be "nice." I prefer to speak for myself.

    Hey, if I really wanted to be mean, I'd correct the lazy grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors and refuse to answer posts until posters turned on spell check!

    Wishing you all the best,

  19. PC,
    I know I should send this in an e-mail and I’m really sorry. Please don’t answer right away. This is more of asking your opinion. (I’m sort of asking everyone’s opinion, too, if they want to answer)

    Anyway, fan fiction is annoying and so are role-players on the web. I get a friend request now and then from them and I see that they call themselves ‘official’. To me, that seems like a copyright violation. I thought I’d ask you if it is. Is calling yourself an official Zoey Redbird, Aphrodite LaFont, etc on myspace, facebook or any other website a copyright infringement? Wouldn’t it be like posing as some celebrity?

    I just thought I’d ask. Have a great day. I hope the writing goes well and construction doesn’t stress you out to much.

  20. Hi David,
    That's a really good question. Writing in another author's world, using their characters, or even images from their world is copyright infringement. Example: to use the big S on Superman's chest as a logo for your restaurant without permission from DC will get you in a lot of legal trouble. When I quote poetry or lines of songs in my books, and they're not made up by me or not in public domain, I have to go through a permission procedure (like for the poem I quoted by Robert Frost - I think it was in CHOSEN).

    So, yes. Fanfic and role playing sites, if they're using an author's world and/or characters without the author's permission, can be shut down. Usually what happens, though, is authors are too busy writing to bother with it. I usually don't mess with tracking it down and having letters of cease and desist because of copyright infringement sent because I'm far too involved with the real HoN world. Fanfic annoys me on several levels that have nothing to do with copyright infringement, though. As a long time teacher of creative writing I've seen young writers get all into fanfic, think they can really write, but then they find out they're unable to come up with and follow through with an original concept on their own. Plus as an author I just don't understand wanting to play in a world that belongs to someone else! I want my writing to be unique - I want control over my own fictional world and characters. I think that desire is what sets apart real authors from wannabes.

    As to taking on a character's persona and creating sites pretending to be that character: honestly, yes, that, too, is copyright infringement. But, again, it's exhausting to enforce. It also annoys me much less, though I don't like it when that "character" starts writing dialogue pretending to be, say, Stevie Rae or Zoey. Mostly it baffles me. I've never wanted to pretend to be someone else, no matter how much I heart or respect them. For instance, I ADORE Diana Gabaldon's OUTLANDER books. Her heroine, who I absolutely love, is Claire. I'm dying for the next book in the series and have actually reread the first 6 books several times (which is unusual for me). But it has never occurred to me to post things on the internet or create a site where I'm pretending to be Claire, or even P.C. Frazier (Jamie Frazier is the hero of the series and Claire's totally hot husband). See, it doesn't make me mad that people/kids pretend to be characters from my books - it just confuses me. Honestly, I usually don't think about it much...

    Does that answer your question?

  21. Well I have mixed feelings about fanfic. I have read some that were so well crafted the authors obviously need a jolt of confidence to write their own stuff.
    Others (95% of others or more) are slavish attempts to pay tribute to something the author could obviously not create.
    Personally I have kinda decided fanfic is a bad thing.
    It keeps people who COULD be real writers out of their own creations and leads to some really BAD fiction about talented author's worlds.

  22. Hi Sandy,
    I like the way you explained the fanfic issue better than how I explained it! I've seen fanfic tie budding writers' hands (metaphorically), sucking up their creativity. "It keeps people who COULD be real writers out of their own creations and leads to some really BAD fiction about talented author's worlds." That's an excellent way to put it. Well done you.

  23. Thank you PC, for answering back. And yes it does answey my question. Thank you. I'm very interested in learning more about copyright and want as much info as possible. Thank you again. Good luck on the writing and construction.

  24. Anonymous5:23 PM

    You and your daughter seem to have a great relationship. I think that is beautiful, and you work so well together on the HoN series.

    Is Kristen thinking of writing her own series in the future?

  25. Poisenberrie - Kristin will have a piece in a major YA vampire anthology being released by Harper Teen next year that is not set in the HoN world. She is interested in writing by herself, but college is taking up too much of her creative energy right now. Hopefully, in the future...

  26. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Thank you for answering my question. I look forward to reading more from the both of you.
    Tell Kristin good luck in school, I'm just finishing my first year of college and it was time consuming.

  27. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Oh boy...hehe. This is why I write poetry, PC. Of course, I wind up with frantic calls from friends and family asking if such and such piece was about 'them'...haha.

    Blessings and peace to you and yours, m'dear!

  28. I just have a couple minor questions that have been bubbling in me for you.

    First off, I've noticed how you release two books of the House of Night series a year. Usually authors do one a year. Is this because you just write really fast? I thought getting a book published was a long process.

    Which falls into my next question. You probably do write fast. After finishing one book, you most likely jump right into the next one. My next question How do you do it? What I mean is, where do you find the motivation to continue? I want badly to become an author when I'm out of school, and I've started many many stories already, but I always lose interest so quickly and can never pick them up again even though I love the idea I got. Do you ever lose motivation for a bit while writing your HoN books? Is there a way to prevent it from happening the next time I write (slightly doubtful)?

    Third question: What does "PC" stand for? Silly question, I know. You don't have to answer it if you don't want to; if it's something personal to you.

    Last but not least I'm just going to add on an unoriginal comment that you've probably already heard millions of times:

    I LOVE your series. It's so modern and understanding of the teen world. It's easy to relate to Zoey (er...besides her being a vampire and all that stuff). And I'm very glad that the series is longer than a trilogy like most book series.

    Keep writing!

  29. Hi CloudsWhomCry - Let's see: 1) I do write fairly fast. I'm also experienced (MARKED was the somewhere around the 16th book I'd had published), so I'm good with focus. Publishing is a long process. It usually takes around 9 months for a book to be released in print after the manuscript is first turned in, so I'm always working at least one book ahead. 2) How do I stay motivated? Well, writing is my job and I have bills to pay! Also, I have contracts for books I need to fulfill. As I've said before, people like to romanticize being an author, but it's A JOB, which means that sometimes you won't feel like doing it, but because you have commitments, and because it's what you do for a living, you write. I think too many people look for a magic pill or whatnot to make writing easier, and the truth is it's hard work, and you either push through and finish what you've started, or you don't. 3) P.C. stands for Phyllis Christine.

    Good luck to you! And I'm glad you heart the HoN.

  30. hey....i think your sooo kind commenting back to your fans!! and being stressed out with what all your inspire me....jesh i've got one job and i think i know stress....:D

    i hope you enjoy your holiday's i think you more than derserve them....good times

    i'm really enjoying hunted...

    well done....hehe...

    wishing you all the best from ireland and blessed be....carla

  31. Ooooh! Ireland! That's on my "places to visit" list!

    Blessed be.

  32. First off i absolutely ADORE your series and cant tell you how long i have waited for a series this consuming and long! i just have one question on the book/website. what is the real dark daughters insignia? the website has two versions. anyone can answer me i really dont mind. LOVE the books!"Merry meet and merry part and merry meet again!"

  33. Patience - the Dark Daughters insignia is a triple moon - full moon in the middle and two crescents backed to it. The Leader of the Dark Daughters has stones around hers, as is pictured on the site. The other one you're talking about must be the pendant for sale through the jeweler who creates custom pieces for me, and it's simpler, but both are correct.

    This is also the traditional symbol for the three faces of the Goddess: mother, maiden, crone (or wise woman).

  34. You should come over here....i will give you a guided tour...(i joke)....:) oh dear, was that creepy? i'm sorry. ANYWAY...all creepy jokes aside, it's rainy and cold but i would not change it for the world...

    also i remember reading on an early post that you got sick from a hotel in london? not good at all..i hope that didn't put you off the UK..i would like to guarantee that wont happen over here, but i dont think i have the power to say that....:(

    thank you for taking time out of your busy life to reply to little old me....:D Blessed be.

  35. Hi Carla - that's not stalker-like at all! It's a polite invitation. Oh, don't worry. I've been to the UK several times and I know the nasty food poisoning at the hotel was a fluke. I'll be back! I heart me some UK - Edinburgh is one of my very favorite cities. And London is always such fun.

    I would imagine Kristin and I will get to Ireland in the next couple years. We're looking forward to it!

  36. hey i really love the house of night series...
    i am definitely looking forward to read tempted... i can't wait..

    anyway i was wondering what the titles of 7th,8th and 9th book will be...
    please tell me..
    i can wait patiently though:]

    have a wonderful day...


  37. Hi Hannah,
    The titles for 7, 8, and 9 aren't decided yet. I'll let you guys know when I know.


  38. i had another question about the spelling, why do the twins say "lurve" and why do u spell it "vampyre" I've always read it "vampire"?i love the spelling because i haven't seen it before but it still just bugs me that i cant tell people when they ask me why i spelled it like that on my posters and stuff?

  39. Patience - it's spelled lurve because that's the way the twins are pronouncing it. And I just like spelling vampyre with a y, that's all.

  40. ok..

    thank you so much for answering my question...

    have a nice day and please say hi to Kristen for me..


  41. Hello.

    Im wondering about the house of night series. I'm from england i have only been able to get up to book no 3 chosen, and im devistated cause i cant get the next installment- i was wondering if you would know when book 4 and 5 will be availible.These books i just cant put down.
    And to see your making a movie ill book my tickets now please!!

    Thanks and Blessed Be!


  42. Hi Natalia,
    Our UK publisher just told me that they've moved up the publication date of UNTAMED to June or July. The others will follow. TEMPTED, book 6, won't be out before October, though, because that's the release month in US. Happy reading!

  43. hey PC im a huge HoN fan, even before the huge hit of it came! I love your writing style and I hope the time until Tempted goes by fast, I can't wait to read it. Just wanted to ask: how many books are planning to wrote until you finish the series?
    I know you're busy but just wanted to ask. Good luck with everything!


  44. hello...
    its me again hannah..hehe...
    uhm i was wondering when is the release date for tempted here in the philippines?
    thank you so much and have a wonderful day:]

    blessed be:]

  45. Sorry, I don't have a clue about the Philippines release dates. If you contact one of your major bookstores they could probably tell you, though.


  46. oh i see....
    last question when is the hunted paperback released?
    thank you so much!!!
    god bless you and your family
    have a nice day:]

    blessed be


  47. Paperback releases of hardback books usually happen one year after the initial release.

  48. oh i see...
    tnx pc cast..

    have a nice day:]

    blessed be


  49. i was wonder if they make a movie and u and kristen were given a chance to play in it do u think u would and if so who would u choose and wat do u think it would be rated?

  50. Ohmigodess I lurve your books!! The House of Night series is BY FAR one of the best I've ever read!!! My friends and I are completely obsessed with them and are REALLY anxious to get our hands on Tempted once it comes out.

    I have just a few questions for you. 1. can u describe the raven mockers appearance to me with some more detail? I'm pretty confused about it....I know they are really disturbing creatures. They have a raven's body and beak with a forked tongue and human legs, arms and eyes...right? and the second one is: can you tell me all of Stevie Rae's red fledglings names? I'm sure you're really busy with writing and lots of other stuff so if I'm asking for too much, then its OK if you don't get around to it!

    Good luck with HON & blessed be!!!

    -Katherine AKA Shaunee Cole.

  51. Hey, I have another question. I'm not sure if you mentioned this or not, but I was reading Chosen again the other day and I realized that I don't think you said who actually killed Loren and Nolan. Was it Neferet? The people of the church? Or is that something that is yet to be mentioned in the series?

  52. Kelly - I haven't actually said. Yet.

  53. Hello P.C.
    I came upon your HoN series and was intriged by them. I plan to read your other books as well. I had to tell you that I do agree with a lot of your views, especially your arguement about Zoey and her decision of which guy to choose. When I read the book I found myself mixed up in thoughts about them too...which is saying you are doing an amazing job in describing that. In an interview it seemed that you and your daughter had a disagreement on which one she should choose. It really has spiked my curiousity. Have you two came to an agreement or is this disagreement still in motion? Another question that popped in my head was who was thinking of who? (hehe) I also loved how you talk about writing in your own world with your own ideas. Your mind is a truly magical power you and your daughter are sharing with the world and you are an inspiration for so many.


  54. Rachael - I'm not going to post your comment/question, as it was too explicit, revealing, and inappropriate for my blog, but I do want to respond to your "issue." There is a world of difference between a grown woman consenting to oral sex and a teenage girl thinking that oral sex is of no more importance than a goodnight kiss. I will never advocate teenage oral sex - it's unhealthy emotionally and physically. So if you're looking for me to be an author who condones oral sex for teenagers you need to look elsewhere. I do not, and I will not.

    PC Cast
