Friday, April 17, 2009

Win Signed Books!

Want a chance to win a signed copy of HUNTED? Of course you do!

We revisited Free Book Friday and had an interview to answer some of your questions, so head on over to for your chance to win 1 of 5 copies, and listen to the podcast too!


  1. I don't know if you know but I have been checking Rachael Ray's website and you and your daughter interview is going to air this coming Monday the 20th. I'm looking forward to seeing it.:-)

  2. Hi Kathy - yep, they let us know it's Mnnday. You'll have to watch it for me - watching myself on TV scares the bejezzes out of me!

  3. Yay!! But...I have after school creative writing club..T-T. I'll get my mom to record! I can't wait to see what happens!! And GL P.C. I'm sure it'll be great!!

    Blessed Be


  4. The interview was very informative and amusing. I loved it!!!

  5. Anonymous9:45 PM


  6. This interview was really fun! Let me know if any of you win a free book!

  7. I was laughing my head off at you forgetting Kristin's name.:-) The book looks great and I can't wait to read it.

  8. I love the series and I was wondering if you would be making movies to go with each book?? I think they would be a big success in the box offices because these stories contain so many adventures, life lessons, and just many creative natures.....

  9. Hi, big fan by the way! Anyway, I totally wish people had more open minds to things! I was at church once and they told us that all religions were bad and they were wrong exept Christian. Then they tried to get us to convert our non-Christian friands and I said no because my mother told me people have a right to their beliefs and that we should respect them as well! My family is very open-minded. Mostly because of our heritage as being Cherokee and Alqonquin Indian and the fact that I have premonitions like my mother did(and sometimes still does) and farther back into her family as well!

    Also, I am Christian but research other religions too! I am starting a World Religions class that my mother teaches me along with other classes, seeing as I'm home schooled.
    Thanks! :)
