Monday, April 20, 2009

Rachael Ray Show

Here's the link to our Rachael Ray Show interview!


  1. That would be cool if tom welling did it but v hudgens no. she just does not have the aginst to do her but no. I hope we find out soon what is going to happen to the series by Hollywood.

  2. That would be cool if tom welling did it but v hudgens no. she just does not have the aginst to do her but no. I hope we find out soon what is going to happen to the series by Hollywood.

  3. Hiya Cast family! I just watched the segment on the RR Show, I am so happy that the Zoey series are getting the recognition that it really really deserves.
    Once again, thank you for the series.

    A comment on the "dream cast" please, Tom, yes, Miley, no!!! Vanessa, maybe, but, if you do have a choice for characters to be playes, there are other like Selena Gómez, Demi Lovato, J. Principal, Ashley Tisdale demonstrated that she was a good actress playing the bad characther, maybe she would play a good Aphrodite, but please, don't don't let Miley in...she would ruin the series, the movie..please...

    Anyway, I have my series and all of my daughters friends are asking me to lend them my books, I only trusted my books to 2 of my daughters friends, but to the rest of them, I told them, buy them, they are really really good to have as a collection item. They were all Twilight fans, and I just told them that they were far more better than Twilight, so I just got a little argument going and they all are going to proof me wrong, like I know that they are the ones wrong.

    Congratulations for everything and blessing to you and your whole family.

    One big fan in Puerto Rico


  4. I'm not exactly sure whether P.C. and Kristin are able to choose who gets cast for the movie. I think that Tom, Miley, and Vanessa are who they think look the part, but I don't think they get to choose who is actually cast.NP

  5. You're right Sirry - Kristin and I have absolutely no choice in who will be cast for the parts if a movie actually gets made. But Rachael asked the question, so we just punted...

  6. I am curious about something, P.C. When you use book titles (i.e. Melissa Marr's "Ink Change") or actors' names (Johnny Depp), can you just use them or do you have to sign something that allows you to? I ask because in a story I am writing I want to use a book reference (as a topic of conversation between characters) and in doing so, it made me wonder whether or not I could....

    It may be silly to ask, but I thought I would anyway!

  7. You don't need to get releases to mention famous people or even real people or places in books. You can't infringe on their copyright - like I couldn't quote passages out of Melissa's books without her permission, but there's no big deal with mentioning real things/people. What you shouldn't do is mention real people and say nasty things about them in your fiction. That can get you in trouble. For instance, I had an email once asking me if the mayor of Tulsa knew I portrayed him as such a terrible guy in my books. Well, the mayor of Tulsa is a lovely WOMAN, definitely not named LaFont. It wouldn't have been a good idea for me to have made the real mayor such a negative character and could open me to slander charges. Besides that, I think it's bad Karma and I wouldn't do it.

  8. Alrighty, thank you!! I just wanted to make sure, haha.

  9. Anonymous9:28 PM

    Why are you guys so against Miley Cyrus? It's not like I like her but... whatever.

    Haha Christine, I laughed the "poopie" ;P out of me.

  10. LL - Christine's my middle name; I always wished it had been my first name, and actually almost named Kristin Christine. Still, messing up my kid's name on national TV was kinda embarrassing...

  11. FINALLY! House of night is getting some attention around here instead of twilight! i love twlight dont get me wrong and all but i have a big think for house of night! im really excited for this movie! and i cannot wait to see who is playing erik and heath. for heath alex pettyfer would look pretty good! for erik .. i have no clue!! but the people who are choosing the actors\ actresses for the cast CHOOSE THEM WISLEY! :)

    - Emilyy

  12. Love these books! When I read them I immediately pictured Tom Welling as Erik! Made me giggle like a meanager(whoops I mean teenager) when you mentioned him for the role in the movie(s?) (And I'm a 27 yr old stay at home mom) Thank you to both of you for inviting us into your world! (I'm going to start picking up your other books and reading them too!)

    Blessed be!

  13. Hi. I'm a eleven year old girl who reads your books. I know too young but your books are great and i watched an interveiew and you guy said you were torn between who zoey should be with i just wanted to say i think Stark should be with her i think that would be great.
    Love Young Reader,

  14. hi PC,
    you did awesome on the Rachel Rae show it made me laugh a little when you said Christine on the show its my name anyway keep up the awesome writing and you rock (so dose Kristen)have fun in UK!

  15. hi PC,
    you did awesome on the Rachel Rae show it made me laugh a little when you said Christine on the show its my name anyway keep up the awesome writing and you rock (so dose Kristen)have fun in UK!
