Monday, March 09, 2009

Full Moon Release!

The release day of HUNTED is finally here! Kristin and I are so excited! We had a lovely midnight party at the Borders right down the street tonight - thanks to our fabulous fans who came out late on a school night, and special thanks to amazing Borders who stayed open past midnight!

Our launch is at the 41st Street Barnes & Noble in Tulsa, starting at 7:00, then off we go on our tour Monday. Can't wait to see everyone!

Isn't it magical that our release coincides with a full moon!

Brightest full moon blessings to you all, and hope to see you soon!



  1. Anonymous12:26 AM

    Hmm... I didn't realize it was a full moon!
    Have fun at the party... oh wait, its over.

    posted by A.L.L @ 12:24

  2. Yes, it was a beautiful night for Hunted's party. I wish I could have been there!!!. I received mine yesterday and I am almost finished. Is there anyplace here to discuss the book freely. I want to discuss it.

  3. I wish I could have been there!! The book looks great!! So when does the next one come out *smile* I know I am impatient.. but they are SO good.

    Thanx PC!!

  4. HUNTED is amazing!!! Is there going to be another book? It seemed like this was the last one :-\. I LOVE THIS SERIES, you guys are amazing writers!!


    I Think I'll throw a fit!


    Anyway, it is very weird today is a full moon and Hunted is release. Perhaps Positive Energy will come for the book to be a greatest book! ^-^

    Good Luck with the tour! wish you could have come to New York City..*Tear*

    Blessed Be


  6. Chickypoo its a series of 9 books I think, the next one is Tempted and PC already mentioned that its coming out by the end of this year. Right PC.?

    This book is amazing...

  7. Anonymous3:40 PM

    I'm so happy that you guys had a great release party.

    I hope the both of you have a groovy time while on tour. And please have a safe time driving/flying/teleporting.

    A thousand best wishes,


  8. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Thanks Maria, I found that out after my comment, I cannot wait for it to come out!!!

  9. I just finished Hunted and I absolutely loved it! It's definitely my favorite so far. Can't wait for Tempted!!! :)

    Oh and I have a question about the series. I know there will be 9 books but people keep saying that Tempted is the last one in Zoey's point of view, that the last three will be about Stevie Rae and the red fledglings. Is that true? Because I read somewhere that you might write a completely new series about them.

    Hope you have fun on the tour!

  10. WOW! , what a crowd. Congratulations P.C. I think this is the first book signing I have ever been to where the store sold out and had people clambering for more.. I’ll get my book in a week or two and catch up with you to get it signed at another signing or Conestoga if your going to be there. ( are you going to be there?)

  11. Rema, where did you hear this about the last books being about Stevie Rae and the Red Fledgings? I guess they are going to be a great part of the series, buts Im guessing, its about Zoey becoming the High Priestess, and all of making mistakes and consequences and trusting herself and in her decision making, her future. Becoming someone important in the High Council. Zoey represents every young woman who is struggling and in getting to learn about herself and what she makes of life. Probably good...

  12. Anonymous9:25 PM

    I laughed so hard when Zoey was like:
    but that didn't turn me into some nympho ho!

  13. I've only recently found your series and I am ADDICTED! I read the first four books in one week. I just bought Hunted and read it in 3 hours. Thank you so much for the wonderful characters and intriguing storyline. I can't wait to re-read the series for the (gulp!) umpteenth time :)

  14. Maria -

    On the House Of Night Forum (a fansite). I think so too!

  15. Loved Hunted! Heath is my new favorite character. I thought his lines were the best. Will we ever find out who killed Loren Blake and why?

  16. I love your books!!!
    Can't wait for the new one :)

  17. Hey ladies,

    I love your books and I can't wait to get Hunted.I'm in Canada so I have know clue when I will be able to get it but I'm really excited for when I do.

    I was wondering if you ladies are just touring the USA or Canada to? Because I would love to meet you wonderful ladies.

    Your fan,

  18. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Loved the book, look forward to meeting you again sometime! (met you at ALA while you were swamped, I was the guy in the pink sweatshirt who came back to get another book signed for a friend)

  19. I finished the book last night. it was absolutley amazing.
    i give you and Kristen props.
    when is the next book coming out? i cant wait!

    i love stark! zoey should end up with erik or heath so i could keep stark to myself. lol

  20. First off.. Hunted - one word - Amazing! Second, I was wondering what the sixth book would be since I did not see a synopsis or release date for it. But I must say I was very impressed with Hunted and I actually started to cry at the end.

  21. Thanks guys! Those of you who were there last night - sorry the store sold out of books! My publicist is giving the tour city stores a heads up so that won't happen while we're out on the road.

    I'll do a blog where you guys can send questions about HUNTED in and I'll answer them, but it might not be until after the tour. I have a terrible cold and have lost my voice (those of you who where there last night already know this!), and all I'm doing right now is curling up with soup and tea and getting well for the tour. Not a lot of writing getting done right now...not even blogs.

    Speaking of - TEMPTED will, indeed, be out in November. No, it's not the last of Zoey's story, but you will start getting different characters' point of views. We're also going to tell the red fledglings' stories, which is something we set up way back in BETRAYED.

    cough cough cough...gotta go...

  22. On your book tour... are you going to come to kentucky at all??? i love your books and they have me on the edge of my seat every time i read them. i love hunted its mysterious thank you for writting this series i love them. your a great writter and by far my favorite author thank you and blessed be

  23. Get better soon PC, I got my copy of Hunted yesterday, pretty good for me, seen I am half way around the world huh! Pity it isn't signed tho!! Oh well! Well mother nature has struck again, and we are hoping to not get blown away by the cyclone that is hovering off the coast of where I live. So its pouring rain and blowing a gale. Great reading weather!! And so I go to start hunted!!! (grin) Best wishes to you for a speedy recovery! xox

  24. I can't wait to get ahold of this book!
    Any word when it's supposed to become available for the kindle?

  25. Wow this is really strange I also have a cough. That's really weird. Hee.

    Well Get Well soon!!

    Blessed Be


  26. Hello PC and & Kristin, I only want to wish you a speedy recovery and all the luck with your tour. I just want to ask how is it doing? Any news yet? I know its super popular and getting people really into the series, LOL.

    Blessed be!!


  27. is their going to be another bokk in house of night?? because normally in the back of the book it says the title and what kinda happens and their wasn't one. but it might be because its hardcover. but it doesnt seem like everything is completly done and i sorta hate when books are like that, but i cant hate house of night!

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. o ha i feel retarded feel free to ignore the other comment i said=]
    om so happy now! at least i can enter 10th grade in the new building with the big kids with a good book

  30. Anonymous10:45 PM

    congrats to Hunted bieng the 10th most popular book on AMAZON! :P

    Gosh, I'm SO jealous of Darius. I wish I was imprinted with Aphrodite... sigh.

    Oh, wait, could you edit that part out? My gf will kill me. (She reads House of Night 2!)

  31. It is awsome that "Hunted" is on the top 10 on Amazon! Hope you get better P.C. I know how it is not being able to talk especially when part of what everyone does daily is talk. Thank goodness Kristin is there to speak for you. Have a great rest of the tour!

  32. hope u get better soon PC

  33. get better PC
    we wouldnt want to reject the change of being on the top ten of amazon!

  34. I just finished HUNTED, and I have to say I love it. (well really your whole series) AND IM dying, I need to know if there is going to be more?! There are so many things im left wondering, and thats not in a bad way. I have been hooked on your series since, well, since i skimmed over it in indigo, and i knew i HAD to read it. Everything just flows together so well. The way you combined all the mythology, as well as the Cherokee heritage just worked, and i am unsure of what else i can say, but i could literally not put it down, my mom had to pry it from my hands so i'd go to sleep. I neeeeed more. Thank you sooo much.

  35. Hunted was great, i just finished it last night kinda depressing i gotta wait but you know i bet it will be worth the wait. thank you again for making the house of night novels. i think its funny though stark and zoey i mean it seems they are made for each other and im kinda hoping that they are but i can wait and find out lol its a mystery thank you miss cast your the best

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  37. I finished hunted I was wandering if it was the last book your making for the house of night series if not cant wait for the next

  38. ummm do u guys not read any of these post?she has already said that Hunted is NOT the last House of Night book lol.

  39. I LOVE this series!!!! i just got done reading hunted, and i just want to know if there is going to be another book. Zoey still has to permantly git rid of Kalona and Nefrete. and she still has to choose who she is going to be with!!! OMG there has to be another book!!!

  40. merry meet and blessed be.....

    i cannot put down your books!!!!! they are so good. after i read marked i knew i had to read more. its so addicting, everytime i read these books they keep me wanting more and jus cry if u stopped writing!!!

    merry meet and merry part and merry meet again!
