Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Erik Video


  1. Once again, I love these videos promos for the book Hunted. It lets you see pieces of what may come. I see here that Erick will be helping her. Will he really?

    And the story continues...


    This is an amazing trailer. I hope this piece tells us what is gonna happen in HUNTED, and I cannot wait for the other teaser trailers. I love this. Will Erik and Zoey get back together? We'll find out, won't we?


  3. Are you going to make any movies out of this series?

  4. I like the fact that we have these teaser trailers. It gives us something to look forward to each week before the release date. But there is one thing that is upsetting about these videos - I know that they are mere renditions, but one major thing that bothers me is the tattoo art. I don't mean to be too critical, but you and your daughter really emphasized that the tattoos were sapphire, and in these videos they're black. It's just sort of bemusing because there are many close-ups of these tattoos, and the only sapphire that we see is in the actual crescent moon. Other than that, this is quite entertaining.

    An PC I had a question about your visit to Toronto, Canada. Have you received any further information in regards to whether you're going to the downtown Indigo or another store, and the time of which you'll be signing and whatnot? I look forward to going =) It's going to be cool.

  5. Oh never mind that last part of my previous comment. I guess I should have checked the tour info before I asked, not to mention that there was a spelling error. I guess I'll be going to the Indigo Manulife at 7.

  6. I love the videos! I so hope Erik and Zoey end up together! How powerful they'd be together. "Hunted" is only out in 21 days!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!

  7. Yes, but what will happen with Stark? Will Zoey have the chance to safe him? I just can't wait to see how they can handle living in the tunnels. and what happens with her Grandmother. and the nun that was taking care of her at the hospital. Did they had the chance to make it to the abbey and go underground?
    Did Zoey reach her mother on time? What about her sister? Being a girl/woman, she is at risk too.
    I am just dying to know. Really, PC, I am really really at edge here waiting. Will there be another excerpt of chapter 1?
    Please let us know.

    Lots of questions to be answered? Will PC have the chance to answer them all in Hunted, or we still have to wait for Tempted?

  8. Sorry, guys! Can't answer the spoiler questions! But I can tell you I think HUNTED is the best book of the series so far. Of course I'm writing TEMPTED right now and it's pretty damn good!

    The change in tattoo color doesn't bother me. I like seeing different interpretations of my text and think it's all just good fun.

  9. I just want Zoey to have a HE and be happy. Not having her grandmother to sacrifice herself for the better good. She is Zoey's stability pole, and that would destroy and make her stronger. But, she doesn't need that to happen in her life with all the suffering that she is going thru.


  10. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Oh my, the girl playing Zoey in these videos is stunning. The fellow playing Erik isn't bad looking either.

    I bet these are a real treat for both you anf Kristen.

    Best wishes with the writing of Tempted.

  11. JT - Zoey is the same model who is on all the covers of the books. She's a lovely girl. And I have a little crush on Erik! How's your manuscript coming?

  12. Who is the model that is Zoey in the books? Is it the same girl in the video's? She looks a lot older than 17, and the girl on the books looks the age, so I didn't think it was the same person.

  13. It's all the same model, that's why we used her for the videos. If I remember correctly, Tara (the model) is 18 - a year older than Zoey. She's a gorgeous girl. They're shooting the cover of TEMPTED right now. The art director, Michael, is a great guy and I love his vision for this new cover. I'll show you guys as soon as they let me!

  14. HA HA HA! My name is Tara too. Well I can't wait, I love The House of Night series. I'm going to start reading your Goddess books too. They seem really interesting.

  15. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Thank you for asking!

    I'm reading through it right now, and trying to get a grasp on whats working, and what, unfortunately, isn't. I need to rewrite the begginning and do some major damage control in the chapters that make up the middle. Other than that I'm pretty proud of myself. The whole book needs some polish. I have to remember that when Nameless gets published, people are (hopefully) going to be buying it, and it wouldn't be good form to not give it my all...oops I started rambling again. Hehe sorry.


  16. JT - good job! Writing is all about rewriting. You'll only have one real shot with a manuscript once you start sending it around to agents, and it should be as perfect as you can get it. If you get overwhelmed, try putting it aside for a little while and working on something else. When you come back to it you can see it with fresh eyes.


  17. Anonymous9:53 PM

    I love it. Seriously.

    Oh, and how do you get these tattoos on? Are they permanent? Also, is this Tara girl on the cover of Marked?

  18. My publisher did the tattoos. They were drawn on. I hear the girl who played Stevie Rae wore them to school the next day! So cute!

    Yes, Tara is the same model who portrays Zoey on all the book covers.

  19. Erik is so cute! It's hard to believe the model is an actual person. I so hope Erik and Zoey get back together. *fingers crossed*

  20. Anonymous9:42 PM


    I think I liked the betrayed bookcover the best.

    Don't you have like holographic tattoos on all of your books? Can't you draw those... cuz they're wicked cool.

  21. Hello! I'm a Spanish fan and I want you to know how we love the books ^^. I created a blog about them, it's here http://lacasadelanochesaga.blogspot.com
    but it's all in spanish so maybe you don't understand. I basically translate all the information and news. I created a forum in November and we are 100 people. It's not a lot of people but here there's only marked here and we are waiting for betrayed. I think the editors are a bit lazy :S.
    Anyway you have some spanish fans, too and we all love the books because they're amazing!!!

    And awesome video!!


  22. Oh, I forgot. What's exactly a moron? And a dork?

  23. Hey P.C.!
    We're trying to bug our nearest Borders but since they see us as kids, its kind of hard... I wanted to ask you if there's gonna be a movie?
    (If anyone wants me to proofread their stories I will gladly do it. I, thankfully, catch mistakes very easily. and I do need new reading material. email- rickidiaz@yahoo.com)

  24. JT- What's ur book about?
    Hey, if you need me to help you revise it, I will gladly do it
    and yes, you can trust me.
    I need new reading material and your title sounds so cool! I really do want to help.

  25. P.C., I love the music you choose for these teaser trailers. May I have the name's of the songs please?

  26. Hi Airis! Glad to know we have Spanish fans. Sorry about Zoey's atrocious Spanish abilities...that pretty much sums up my atrocious Spanish abilities.

    Moron = someone who doesn't have very good sense. Dork = a geek, nerd, etc. Does that help? Like I'm dorky about how much I love Superman and Lord of the Rings.

    DSABuddies - authors need to be able to proofread their own books. When and if they're lucky and good enough to have a manuscript published then there is an editorial process we go through with our publishing houses. It's really not wise to send out unpublished manuscripts to random proofreaders. If you're interested in doing something like that professionally you should look into job requirements for copy and line editors.

    Kaithlen - I'll check with my fabulous internet team at St. Martin's and get the name of the song(s) for you. I love them, too.


  27. hello, my name is Tatiana I'm from colombia I have a blog devoted to your books I have just checked but it's only coming to my country ..
    Spain Aris and I are united fan.
    I want to thank you for everything, because you decided to write what I had never expected. to visit my website is http://lacasadelanochecolombia.blogspot.com/

  28. P.C. I waz just wondering do you know the model for Eriks name? And I heard you and Kristen want to have Zoey end up with different people. Who do you want her to end up with and who does Kristen??!!

  29. i know some are wondering what the songs names are. for the hunted video the song is called rock me by stefanie k. you can go to acidplanet.com to legally download the song.

    for untamed video the song is called stay by saints of silence.

    pc cast. i would love to know the name of the model portraying erik. hes yummmmy! ahah you chose very nicely. the girl portraying zoey is gorgeous and makes it believable why she would always have guys liking her !

  30. I was hoping you might tell me the name of the guy portraying erik night in this video because he looks vaguely familiar also I think he might be perfect for a character in my television show...
    if you cannot say over here please email me collette-m-letendre@hotmail.com

  31. Hi, I really like all the books trailers... But I like the songs too, but I don't the names our the singers/bands. Can you tell me?

  32. Irin - read some of the blog comments. Other fans have found the songs and list them.

    NiKolette - I don't have the information on the guy who plays Erik, but you could have your people check with St. Martin's Press and they could put you in contact with his agent.

  33. Anonymous7:02 PM

    PC Cast,

    I LOVE your books! Though Ive never liked vampires much (surprizingly enough for me)(and thought twilight was the stupidest thing ever). Your books however have me hooked I LOVED tempted. The ending was surprizing and a little agervating but a great book. I cant wait for burned! thankyou

  34. PC... I totally love your books. Oh, and I don't really know why, but I feel the guy playing Erik doesn't look good enough. And is kind of too old. I really can't wait for the coming book, Burned. That one, I'm dying to read. I hope Erik and Zoey get back together, even though Zoey's dead. I really love Zo-Rik (Zoey-Erik) and I would love it VERY much if they get back together.
    I don't know if you'll answer this or not (because the answer to my question serves as a spoiler) but do you know or have you decided and if you have you tell me who Zoey ends up with?

  35. Jul - Zoey isn't dead; her soul's shattered and in the Otherworld.

  36. Hi PC! I am from Portugal and wanted to let you know that you many fans here.
    The model that plays Erik is perfect for the character.
    I sometimes secretly wish I had one of those cool tattoos :D

    Looking forward to reading "Awakened" and seeing HoN in Cinemas!
    Thank you for writing such and amazing story :)
