Saturday, January 17, 2009

Inside HUNTED!

I thought y'all would like to see the cool mini-poster of Zoey that's going to be inside the book jacket of HUNTED! I love this artist's rendition of Zoey's tattoos! It's always so interesting for me to see different interpretations of what Zoey, the tattoos, and the House of Night gang in general look like.

As we count down to the March 10th release of HUNTED my publisher will be posting new videos as well as excerpts from the book. To be sure you're up to date on everything you can sign up for the HoN newsletter by going to:

Brightest Blessings to you!


  1. The artwork is amazing. I can't wait for the book to come out.

  2. Looks awesome, but why is the book coming out in hardcover? I guess it doesn't matter, but I just hate staring at my collecting and seeing 4 out of 5 in paperback, and one odd book standing out from the rest.

    Guess I'm just picky.

  3. Awesome artwork, as always. I am so very happy that Hunted comes out in hardback.

    Also, since you mention "videos", on YouTube, fans have created mini trailers of all the books. They are amazing! And I can't wait to see what new videos your publisher is releasing!

    By the way, is it true that "Tempted" is the title of book 6 in the House of Night series?

  4. I love it! It is so amazing. I real cannot wait for HUNTED!!!!

    By the way, cannot for TEMPTED and the videos of HUNTED (YAY!).


  5. Hi! I'm from spain! I've just satrted to reading "Marked" (in spanish LOL) yesterday and I can't stop it! It's awesome, I think that maibe tomorrow I'll finish..haha

    I'd like to say you that I really like your nobel, and I'm waiting the next book (because here, in spain only there are the first one) if not..I'm considerirng to buying the second in english...LOL!

    Also, It's pretty cool your t-shirt with I love Tulsa haha I really liked!

    Maybe in summer I'll go to USA so I'll buy the other books !! :)

    I'm really happy to be able to contact with you it's so cool! Thanks a lot!

    And please, contiue writting!

  6. I love the poster! The tattoos are beautiful! I have the first two in Paperback and then the latest two on my kindle! So will the "Hunted" be available right away on Kindle or just be in hardback? P.C and Kristin, you are great writers! Can't wait!!

  7. CAN'T WAIT to read Hunted!!! I will have to start saving, there are so many books coming out that month... I'm gunna be broke :) but happy because I will have awesome books like yours to read YAY!! Question.. Why is Hunted going to be Hardcover, when all the others have been trades?

  8. In answer to the hardcover question: the series is super popular with librarians and media centers, and they prefer hardcover. Also we get zillions of requests for the books to move to hardback from fans who prefer them to paperback. For those of you who like all your books in the same format - my publisher is probably going to print hardcover editions of all the early books, too. Also, the hardcover books will be out in trade paperback within a year after their hardcover release.

    Sorry, I don't have a clue about the Kindle edition.

    Yes! TEMPTED is the title of the next book! I'm writing it right now...

  9. It's soooooo cool! Ccan't wait for Hunted. It's great that you're releasing the other books in Hardback as well. I can complete it all! Can't wait for March 10! And PC I'm deifintely voting for your books for the Teens series.

  10. Anonymous4:51 PM

    OMG PC! I love the picture! The detail is amazing and I love how I have some kind of visual of the mark! Is the mark exactly what you envisioned? If there were any differences, what were they? I wish you the best of luck with the rest of your books! I also see that you have fans outside of the US. How does that make you feel?

  11. Hi PC Cast. My Names Nicci, i live in Tulsa, OK, Go to UNion, and am a really good friend of Leslie Dismukes. I think you know her. SHe said she knew you pretty well. ^.^ well i just wanted to introduce myself. Have fun with Haunted coming out.

  12. The 'wall' is just stunning;-) That Zoey is quite similar to Zoey in my head.:-)
    I'm really looking forward to new videos and the book...;-)

  13. Hello,
    I just started reading your series and am almost finished. I cannot wait for Hunted. Are you going to do a book tour? and if so are you coming to California?

  14. Hi Nicci - sorry, Leslie's name isn't ringing a bell. If she's a Union kid my brother might have been her teacher, which may be where she's getting a connection.

    Ravenous Reader - yes, we are touring for HUNTED. Right now it looks like we'll be in San Diego in mid March. I'll post when the places and dates are set in stone.


  15. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Wow! Tempted... I wonder. lol.
    Oh, and, Ms. Cast and other pplz, this is going to sound strange but I love Aphrodite.
    I have no clue why!!!!
    I cried when like her mom slapped her in the face (BETRAYED) and when Heath, not really but still, broke up with Zoey.
    Kevin (

  16. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Dear PC

    I Love Your Books They are amazing and they just make my day to read them. Zoey is so straightforward and I love that about her! I cant wait till HUNTED comes out. I just know that itll be the most ah-mazing book evver!!!

  17. Hih, I've just read the first chapter of Hunted! And I have to say WOW! I can't wait to the whole book will be released!

  18. Please Ms.Cast! Come to Miami, FL!
    We are all big fans of your series! Please, Please, Please come to Miami, FL. It would be soo cool to meet such an inspiring person as yourself.

  19. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Hey PC... we love you!!! LOL.

  20. are you able to tell who the reader is for HUNTED audio book? i loved the first three books so much, the reader was amazing! she read your books with such magic!! i was sad that Untamed was a diff reader. it wasn't my zoey anymore! and i couldn't finish the audiobook :( im going to go buy the book this weekend to read it. i just want to prepare myself ahead of time incase the reader is the same as Untamed. thanks for your time! this 33 year old HON addict loves the cover of all your books!!

  21. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Hey, ivusha, where'd u read it?
    Umm... P.C., if you don't want me to read it ahead of time you can tell me...

  22. A_Lafont_Lurver: Hey, macmillan sent it to my email... I've signed their emails up. There's a link on But I'm not sure where exactly (if you want, I can send it to your email aswell)f

  23. Guys - my fabulous publisher is sending out chapter 1 of HUNTED to those of you who have signed up for the newsletter. You can go to the HoN site and sign up there. Of course I don't mind y'all reading chapter 1! Kristin and I just read chapter 3 out loud to a librarian breakfast in Denver. Fun!


  24. I absolutely love the first chapter to "Hunted." It is amazing. I just wanted to keep reading! If you haven't read it I suggest you do it is such a great grab and twist to the book! Can't wait to see where you are touring!

  25. Anonymous10:43 PM

    Yes, I know that it's from a newsletter, my friend just sent it to me, but thx anyway, Ivusha : P

    Anyway, the signing up won't work on macs...

    Do you think u could change that PC?

  26. Heh, lucky your listeners!:-) I just wish I could be there...;-)

    And A_Lafont_Lurver: You're welcome;-) *happy you got to it*

  27. can't sign up if you have a mac? I don't have anything to do with the computer part of the newsletter, but that doesn't sound right. I'll forward your problem to my lovely computer goddess, Britteny, at St. Martin's Press.

    Glad you guys are liking chapter 1!


  28. PC, I'm back :]. School and stuff been busy. But I LOVE THIS poster that will be in the book. It's awesome to see the tattoos. They are so ice. And can't wait for Hunted. I don't care if it's paperback or hardcover just care about the book :]. Congrats on another book in the House of Night Series.
    -Tajana :]

  29. WOW! Amazing rendition of Zoey! I am so obsessed with the House of Night! I can not wait to find out what happens in the tunnels.


  30. Hey PC,

    How are you? I haven't even read Haunted and I can't wait for Tempted already! Thank you for giving us such a wonderful series!

    Hey Ivusha,

    Can you send me the file as well? My e-mail got messed up and I can't receive any mails at the moment. Please send it to my other e-mail ( Thanks much! Can't wait to read it!


    I totally understand why you love Aprhodite. She is just one characted whom you would love to hate and hate to love at the same time!

  31. Anonymous7:49 PM

    I know, right Katsu?
    She's so... HAWT!
    I seriously can't wait for hunted.
    *pant, pant, pant*

  32. Why dont you have a follower thing on your blog?????

    please check out my blog when you get the chance; i just reviewed Marked

    Awesome artwork! i am so happy Hunted is in Hardcover! cannnot wait for the release

  33. Hi PC! The first chapter was amazing, as were all the other books. Your writing just keeps getting better. Are you going on a tour for Hunted?

  34. I'm excited for the next book Hunted. I read the first chapter I got in my email. I've read the ending of Untamed about a million times just so I won't forget some of the important things. I have a question though. I'm curious who the People of Faith are. Are they representing hard core Christians who believe that they are the only religon of god?( which I think is false )And what encouraged you to write about such a big issue? It's one part of the book I think about the most. Your answer won't affend me, I'm just extremely curious.

  35. Thank you PC Cast for write Marked.

    I´m living in Spain (I talk english very bad) and I like very much your book. Yesterday I finish to read Marked and I hope to read Betrayed soon.

    Nice blog!!

  36. TruNerd,
    I've asked my computer goddess about the blog follower thing.

    The People of Faith don't represent one single religion. They represent any religious group who believes they have The Only answer about eternity - to the exclusion and condemnation of anyone whose beliefs differ. I tackled this subject because, sadly, this belief system is rampant in my part of the world and I find it reprehensible. I've also seen it destroy teen egos as they are labeled as sinful and sentenced to hell for being different. Tolerance and acceptance is a major theme in the HoN books.

    Hi Bambu - glad you enjoyed MARKED!


  37. FYI Guys - there's no problem with signing up or the newsletter if you have a mac. I checked with my computer goddess - she says NO PROBLEM. Plus, all she uses are macs. Uh, that's all I have, too, and I'm signed up!


  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. Anonymous10:21 PM

    But didja like her in Marked cuz thats when I first fell in love with her.
    Gawd, she's so hawt! But that's not why I like her. She has this personality... besides her nastiness... that I like. I don't know what, but unconsciously I do, if that makes any sense...

    And thanks, PC, for doing the mac thing...

  40. Anonymous10:30 PM

    Hey but P.C., on the Mac, when I type in my b-day, it automatically says, your computers date is *, are these both correct?
    I click yes, and it doesn't do anything....

    And I also noticed you spelled Erik wrong in your Hunted description

  41. Hi Jean-Luc - try not to stereotype novels as girl or guy books. Men tend to do that a lot, and thusly they miss out on many, many wonderful reads because they're worried about reading a "girl book." So silly! If I was scared to read a "guy book" I'd have missed THE WINDS OF WAR, SHOGUN, FROM HERE TO ETERNITY, THE PRINCE OF TIDES, LORD OF THE RINGS, and everything by Wilbur Smith - to name just a few. A good book is a good book - whether the slant is toward a hero or heroine.

    No, my vamps can not reproduce. Ever. Their physiology changes too much as they become vampyres and it renders them sterile.

    Hope you're feeling better!

    Lafont Lurver - I don't have a clue what's up with you not being able to sign up for the newsletter. You can email my computer goddess, Brittney, at Hopefully she can help you.

    Wow - typo on Erik. Guess I'm not perfect. Would y'all like it if I started pointing out the errors in your writing...


  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Hey PC.
    That poster is ah-mazing :)
    I've read all yours and Kristin's books in the Marked Series(and gotten half the girls in my school addicted to reading them).
    I absolutely cannot wait for Hunted!!!
    And, now that I know the title, I'll probably start pining for TEMPTED..hahaha..
    So..I was wondering..if, by any chance at all, if you could come somewhere in Northern Florida for your tour...

  44. Hey if you would, would you come to Michigan!

  45. omg i can't wait for Hunted to come out! My friend and I love this book so much that we call each other Erin and Shuaniee!

    BTW are you guys going to be making this series into a moviee????

  46. omg... P.C. i read the 1st chapter of HUNTED and i'm seiriously in love with it, you and Kristen are absolutely awesome...!

  47. Hi PC, I totally love the first excerpt of Chapter 1. I hope its a excerpt, because I find it too small to be an entire chapter, lol. I wanted more to read. Only a month left, wow. Time is not runnning as faster as I want it. By the way, how long until Tempted is finished? Because, knowing myself, I will be in desperate need to buy Tempted as soon as I finish reading Hunted.
    So, can you give us an idea of how long it will take you to finish Temped. LOL.

  48. Awesome!!! That is sooooo cool! I so can't wait for hunted!!!


  49. TEMPTED will be out probably in November. I'm writing as fast as I can...

  50. Thanks PC for working so fast!!! I am on another group, Brotherhood, and we talked about the Zoey Redbird series too. People of all ages are really into them too. They are reading Untamed so they can get Hunted as soon as it is released. Yeah!!!

  51. Mrs. Cast, wanted to ask you if you are going on Youtube again to talk about Hunted, as Kristin and you did with Untamed? Ive been checking out Youtube almost everyday just in case.

    Will this happen? I am, Kristin and you posting on Youtube about Hunted?

    I hope so!!!

  52. Cmira - We probably will do another utube interview - don't have dates right now, though. I'll post on my blog, too.


  53. I just picked up a copy of Hunted, 11 days before release date! Was I the receipient of a wonderful mistake?

  54. Well, more like you were the recipient of a store doing something they aren't supposed to do. I don't blame you, though! I know how it feels to hardly be able to wait for a favorite author's new release. It would help me out if you told me the contact information on the store, though. It's really not legal for them to sell the books before March 10th...


  55. How would you like me to get you the information of the store?

  56. GW you are soo lucky. Try and play the big lotto and see if you are the big winner, LOL

  57. G-W, you can email me privately at


  58. Anonymous6:02 PM

    hey girly wheelz, wuz ur email?

  59. Anonymous6:03 PM

    hey girly wheelz, wuz ur email?

  60. I'm not going to spoil it for you ;)

  61. Anonymous7:57 PM

    did i post it twice? oops.

    dang, girly wheelz, im SO jealous

    haha my word verification is pearyo

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. Does anyone know when the Hunted audiobook comes out? I really want to know what happenes in Hunted but I've gotten lazy and don't want to actually read it. I really hope it's soon though because I'm itching to get my hands on Hunted in one form or another within the week.

  64. HELLO! OMG I LOVE the HOUSE OF NIGHT series! I got HUNTED in the mail yesterday! AH so amazing! That book was awesome and I was left wanting to pick up the next! I CANT WAIT!

  65. hi i'm english btw. I picked Marked up in a bookstore and just fell in love with it. It was wierd getting used to americans way of writing, but still really good. Can't really get your books here unless you get them off the internet. I haven't got Hunted yet but i can't WAIT to read it. Wondering how many book there will be in the series? Anyways they're brilliant, and male vamps sound soo hott! good luck and keep writing

  66. Hey PC I'm a ten year old reader and I have to say I ABSOLUTELY luv your books. I read all of them and I so can't wait till TEMPTED comes out. I strangely like Aphrodite and Neferet. :) Fantastic job!! Keep writing. The guys in my class are even hooked on them. I'm beggin' my mama to get the audio cds.

  67. Hi Katie from England! No way is HUNTED the last book. TEMPTED is what we're working on right now. Don't worry; Zoey's story is far from over. There will be at least 9 HoN novels.


  68. hey p.c cast!
    i am a BIG fan of your books.
    but i have a few questions.
    i heard the books after Tempted are not going to be in Zoey's point of view? is this true??
    & i was also wondering when hunted comes out in paperback? because all my books are in paper back and it doesn't feel right have ONE hard cover. i'm just wondering. not trying to rush you or anything :) well, good look with tempted! can't wait til it comes out! :)

  69. Hi Katrina - the stories that focus on Zoey will be from her pov, but the stories that follow Stevie Rae and the red fledglings will be from different characters' povs.

    I don't know when HUNTED will be released in paperback. I do know that all of the books will be available in hardback in September (and each will have a cool poster inside the jacket flap).

  70. Really? Awesome! :)
    So excited. I'm like, almost done with hunted and I love it so far.
    I LOVE erik night. He and Zoey are so perfect for eachother. But, I love how you add Heath to the story because it makes the book so much more dramatic and that's the best part of books. :D

  71. I have read the book and it is amazing just like all the other HoN books. You are truly a great writer, it is gripping and dosn't go off track like some books do. I love the side dramas like boy problems and frind problems!

    If you can please tell me the song to Zoey's hunted video
    sorry if this is annoying because people must always ask you this
    If you can't I'll just kep looking harded

    your huge fan Aprilis
    p.s. don't stop writing!

  72. Omg I love you books! I'm an overly hard person to get into books, but yours, i just cant stop! Please don't stop writing, these books are just amazing... I just wish Awakened would come out sooner then Jan 4th... I cannot wait till the next book comes out, I've just been re-reading the series XD

  73. Hi, PC. My younger sister is in LOVE with your HON books and has convinced me to read them. I am getting them for Christmas and am very excited! :) I have this thing where I like to make playlists for all of my favorite books. I was wondering if you have any songs that come to mind as a great HON song(s) and if there is ANY way you know or could find out what the song's title is in the Zoey Hunted video??? I have spent hours and hours trying to find out and it is driving me CRAZY no one seems to know :( I have tried deciphering the lyrics, googled them, song id'd them,'d them... it's very frustrating :(
    Any song input from you is greatly appreciated! I prefer author's own song selections because it depicts an accurate mood to the book :)
    Can't wait to start this series! I'm a fast reader so I'm greatful I won't have to wait a long time to read through them since I am seeing in reviews that they are addictive and end in cliff hangers!
    Take Care, PC and have a wonderful holiday!!
