Sunday, August 10, 2008

Breaking Dawn Comments

Just a quick post about BREAKING DAWN so in one place I can answer questions I have already been asked several times.

1) No, I haven't read BREAKING DAWN yet. Yes, I have read the other three TWILIGHT series books, but I'm in the middle of writing my 2009 Goddess Summoning Book (GODDESS OF CAMELOT), and my outside reading time is at a premium right now. I will read it, though, as soon as I get enough of my own book written.

2) Yes, there is a lot I like about the TWILIGHT series. There are also things I do not like about it, but I can say that about many books I read - even some of my favorite books.

3) No, I'm not going to expound on what I don't like about the series, even after I read BREAKING DAWN. I'm not a book reviewer or a book critic. I'm an author. And I have always thought it sets up bad Karma for one author to bash another's work.

4) Which brings me to my major point - I hope, no matter how rabid your feelings are about how Ms. Meyer concluded her series, that you remember there is a difference between debating the merits of a book, its plot, characterization, world building, conclusion, etc., and attacking the book's author. Or, more simply put: nasty things you do and say tend to come around and bite you in your own butt.

Now, back to GODDESS OF CAMELOT...



  1. "Or, more simply put: nasty things you do and say tend to come around and bite you in your own butt."

    Can I get an "Amen!"?

  2. Hehe thankies for making this blog :]. And well you won't be disappointed when you read the book I will tell you that much. It is very good what you said about the book not being criticized and it shouldn't be. I was fine with it. :]. I'm also hoping for a 5th book *prays*. hehehehe. Can't ever give up hope. :]. I plan on reading your Goddess series :].

  3. Very well put.. and can i say that twilight is what led me to your books and rachel caine's books!! You are all very talented and different authors in your own right!!

  4. You heard it here first: I'm betting Stephenie Meyer does write another book in the Twilight series but not as we know it now. I can't say any more until P.C. finishes Breaking Dawn because my prediction includes a spoiler but once she's done, I'll tell ya'll what I'm thinkin'...

  5. well said!

    thank you for your books.
