Saturday, June 28, 2008

more author pics!

Well, it seems Berkley needs a new author photo of me for the new cover/new format reissue of the Goddess Summoning Books. So I sent them these two to choose from. I know which one they're using - which one do you guys think they should use?? I'll put the names of all those who guess correctly in an e-hat and pull one lucky winner out who will get a signed copy of lovely trade paperback version of GODDESS OF THE SEA (which will be released in October). What's your best guess?

P.S. Yes, my website,, is under construction. Please be patient - the new look will definitely be worth the wait!!


  1. both are great, but i'm guessing the second one.

  2. I am going to say #1 because it looks more goddessy with the jewelry and soft colored blouse.

  3. The first one is more ethereal(sp), but the second has you smiling and I like that one. *G*

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Those are great pictures, but I'm going to say #2 is the winner.

    For some reason it says my profile isn't my e-mail is

  6. Random guess, but #2 looks more back-cover-author-picture-y so I'll go with that one.

  7. They are both lovely. But I would have to go with number two!! Can't wait to see the new website!!

    (Don't forget the link to Rosemary's Bookstore!)

  8. They are both beautiful pics, but I'm going to say pic #2.

  9. I'm guessing the first picture is the one they'll use.

  10. #3 (not appearing on this blog) which involves the black leather bustier, the whip and the stiletto heels.

    Oops... I was supposed to keep that a secret, wasn't I?

  11. I like both but I think number two is my pick.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. okay...I am very indecisive about these. I like them both alot but I'm going to say the second one. Your earrings in the first one caught my attention--I love those!

  14. I heard that you sometimes teach a writing class at TCC. Will you be teaching another class again soon?

  15. Jana - Sssh! I'm only using the leather pics with my nom de plum!

    Taralynn - thanks! Got those fab earrings at a wonderful gallery in Eureka Springs. The necklace I have on is cool, too, but the goddess design is cropped out.

    Maureen - I do sometimes teach at TCC, but haven't been able to fit it into my schedule for a couple years. Keep checking with them, though. I'll probably pick up some classes when I quit teaching high school full time, which will be pretty soon...

    Thanks for all of your guesses guys!

  16. I love the 1st photo of yourself! It looks absolutely beautiful and fits the Goddess description!

  17. The second one with the close up of your face gets my vote!

  18. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Ok P.C.Cast Im guessing picture number two because the the oh-so-heart-warming-effect-. Also I would like to say congrats to you and your daughter for making a series truely worthly of "Emma Level". lol I'm just finishing marked and i'm already planning on buying all 3 books when I make my next trip to our bookstore- Chapters! Also I would like to purchase one of the Chosen neckalces so ever much so if you could let me know how I would reeeaalllllyyy appreciate it! I want one so bad and I was so happen to see you got a jeweler to make some! *lolz I even saved up some babysitting money for one* So please let me know asap! And please continue to make the House of Night Series so darn good!

    -Emma Rose (

  19. Hi Emma - and anyone else interested in the necklaces - I'm interviewing jewelers right now to make/carry the necklaces. So be a little patient and when I finally post information I promise it'll be worth the wait. I want to be sure they are of excellent quality and can keep up with demand.

  20. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Thank you P.C.! I bought your House of Night series and number is really good too! I look forward to getting the Dark Daughter necklace to make my Marked friends envious - Opps did I sound too much like Aphrodite there? lol Also I was wondering if the House of Night series has had any plans to become a motion picture ? --- Until then I can't wait to tell my friend I got to talk to you! I seems that most authors don't take the time to responde back to fans so maybe that's why your my favorite vamp author --- Sorry Stephenie Meyer this series has won me over!!!!!!!

    - emma rose

  21. Anonymous1:35 PM

    ps- opps I meant to say that NUMBER 2 was really good too - my mistake

  22. I like both a lot... but i guess the second one!

  23. My guess is #2. They are both great photos. :)

  24. Omg, both of those pictures are FANTASTIC! You are really photogenic! =) (unlike me, lol!) I especially like the 2nd one though, because it has a close-up of your smile (And I love smiley people! Seriously it can transform a person!) =D

    ~Lucy D =)

  25. I say the second look. You're smiling and it looks really good, they both do but the second one is more authory.

  26. How much longer do we have to wait for the unveiling of your new website PC? Its going to be great..... can't wait to see the new look.

  27. I don't know if it's too late to put in my two cents, but while I like both pictures, I'm picking the 2nd blue one. btw...I'm so thrilled that the Goddess books are being reissued! I for the life of me cannot find "Spring" and it's making me crazy. Now I just have to wait until November. Yay!

  28. I think it is #1

  29. Check out my new blog post guys! The necklaces are available for preorder! Have fun!

  30. I love the one with your blue shirt so i think its that one! :)
