Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Interview With Author Talk

The video speaks for itself...


  1. You guys are hilarious!! Still basking in your "Chosen" glory ladies? I am going to start Chosen tonight. Happy reading 4 me!

  2. OMG!!!! I laughed so hard! At first when she said “Krissy” … Oh thank you. I need a good laugh. I am now tracking down the rest of her interviews. I hate it when people put LOL on blogs… but LOL!!!

  3. Haha. That was a weird interview...I don't even know if it was serious or not. Like, I can't even tell if you guys were faking the weird looks (which made me laugh) because the interviewer was being..kind of annoying. BUT I DON'T KNOW lol, maybe that's how it was supposed to be..anyways. AH I LOVE MARKED AND BETRAYED! I neeeeed to get Chosen. Soon, I will! =) I can't wait. I hope this comment isn't stupidly long..

  4. It was supposed to be funny right? Cause at first that lady seemed rude. lol

  5. Guys - the interview is a spoof. It's supposed to be satirical - poking fun at ridiculous author interviews. Jill is a genius and a good friend of mine. So those of you who laughed really, really hard got it totally right.

    Yes, please track down the rest of her Youtube interviews - she's hilarious!

  6. Indianvampire and Nanashi - I pride myself on being kind of annoying and rude : )

  7. aw okay. I'm sorry! =) haha I guess I've been reading so much satire in school, it's hard to recognize now. Which makes no sense at all.

    So yes...the interview was hilarious, actually. And I think you guys should get more publicity, you deserve it!

  8. I must admit you did have me going for a time until we hit the Lurve part. I know how PC pronounces this word and that tipped it into satire.

    Oh, and Kristin outdid both of you on that score. She really gets into it.

    Thanks for the laugh, ladies!

  9. Where's the praise for MY skills? I was special correspondent on the scene and I nailed my role :) I nailed it. Did you see my look of horror when PC named her favorite book of mine? I had to totally work that because I knew KNEW she loves all my books equally and more than anything else in the world.

  10. I am so glad to hear the interview was a spoof, because I was kind of shocked and offended that she would treat you guys that way! I mean, you guys are a couple of the best authors ever and she can't even remember Kristin's name? haha - I'm glad it was all in fun:)

  11. Yes, I do a series where I "interview" authors and then get everything wrong. You should see what I do to myself and things I call me!!

    You can see other videos at the link below, and look out for more - I've had several other authors sign up for my special kind of treatment : ) Here's the link:


  12. OH. haha
    I'm so glad that it was a spoof.
    ^_^ I figured about half way through (on the second time watching it) that it was a little too silly/obscure/random to be a real interview.

  13. Gena baby, I like to think that you are the guest STAR, not simply a correspondent on the scene.

    You guys really need to check out Jill's other Author Talk interviews. Hi-lar-i-ous!

  14. Sorry Gena, you were excellent!! I though you already knew how wonderful you are, hence me not saying so before lol!

    (Luuurve you guys)

  15. Jill, And Gena , I loved it …. Or is that Lurved it? And I loved the other interviews as well. I look forward to seeing more interviews. :)

  16. I put y'alls interview on my myspace fan page that I made for the books :) Trying to find more fans to get on the page...so far I have twenty but I just started the page two days ago. Keep up the great writing!

  17. Stephanie - give us your myspace page so we can check it out : )

  18. The site is...www.myspace.com/thehouseofnight
    Thanks for your interest :)

  19. Stephanie - I tried to go to your myspace it and it wouldn't let me in! (sob)

  20. I wonder why it wouldn't let you go to it; that's weird. Jill is on it and so is Kristin. Here is the link again; www.myspace.com/thehouseofnight
    It should work! :)

  21. OMG that was so funny! After watching this I went out bought all three and read them all at once. Took me about 2 days, but they were sooo good! I'm waiting impatiently for the next installment. Are there any good fan sites?

  22. Hey Monica...I have made a myspace fan page the link is...http://www.myspace.com/thehouseofnight

  23. Hi Monica - besides Stephanie's site there another at http://houseofnight.niceboard.net/

    Glad you like the series!

  24. Anonymous10:23 PM

    hahahaahhahaha i actually found this on youtube before i found it here but i love this video its so funny espically the trojan warriors lol.
