Sunday, January 06, 2008

A fabulous surprise!

So last night I was browsing through the current issue of Romantic Times Magazine, mostly checking out the lovely reviews of my girlfriends' current releases (Nalini Singh and Jaci Burton are 4 1/2 star top picks, and the wonderful Gena Showalter received 4 big stars) and I come to the back of the magazine where they have the nominees for the 2007 Reviewers' Choice Awards. Okay, as I already blogged about, Kristin and I are nominated in the YA category (yea!), but I was checking out the other fabulous nominees and happened to read through the nominees for the Career Achievement Awards. And BAM! right there under the paranormal category is P.C. Cast! I had not a clue I was a nominee! What an amazing surprise! I'm still blown away by the honor. RT says of the award: "The Career Achievement nominees are authors who have continuously crafted superior books throughout their careers." Wow!


  1. Congrats PC. You totally deserve it.:-)

  2. Anonymous12:24 PM

    it's not surprising at all.

    your books are all fan-freaking-tastic. i've loved every single one of them.

  3. I read that last night and thought to myself, "woo-hoo, she totally deserves it!". *g*

  4. Wow, that is so awesome. ^_^

  5. Congrats darlin! So well deserved!

    And thanks for the mention :-)

  6. P.C.,

    That's absolutely marvelous!
    And yeah, *grins* I noticed that.

  7. Hey pc, i absolutley love your series, i thought we needed a great place to go hang out and discuss the charectors plots and what we think might happen. anyways i created a forum


    i hope you like it, and if possible spread the word!

  8. CONGRATULATIONS!!! That is so exciting! You deserve it, your books are amazing!

  9. Major congrats!! You are amazing!!! Also, you make me wish I were a man so I could win your heart. Wait, did I just say that aloud?

  10. As Isis said she has the forum set up for the House of Night series ( and its going pretty well on there so far.
    A few of us on the site are coming up with questions about the series that we'd like to ask you. So I was wondering for after we get a bunch of questions together, what would be the best way to get in contact with you to have those questions answered.
    Anyways, thanks in advance for your response. I hope to hear from you soon.

  11. Nanashi - just email me the link when you get some questions together and I'll pop in when I get a chance and reply (

    Gena baby, you already have my heart, sweet thang!

  12. Oh thank you so much P.C, that will make everyone on the house of night forums so happy. Thank you again for doing this, we will contact you when we have some questions. =)


  13. Hi, I can't find any contacts on your blog. Can I ask you to send a note for me? My email is in profile.
    Thanks, Chris

  14. Chris - I'm easy to contact through my website:

  15. hello, sorry for my english I'm french! I just want to tell you that I love your books, as I don't know how to say that in english I must use the french : Vous êtes certainement mon auteur préféré je ne sais pas comment vous remercier pour ces incroyables moments passés en compagnie de vos livres, dommage qu'ils ne soient pas tous publiés en français... S'il vous plait ne vous arrêtez jamais d'écrire et surtout MERCI

  16. I'm thrilled for you. Only natural since you are, like, absolutely the best author in the world (in my humble opinion). Congratulations and please keep writing!!!

  17. I'm thrilled for you, PC.You consistently raise the bar with every new piece of work you publish. I couldn't pick a favorite. They are all too well-written to choose from. I love them all. Congratulations, truly.

  18. That is wonderful news. I am reading Marked and have just turned all of my Twilight loving friends on to reading it, since they were looking for something good. I have posted your website and the House of Night site on my blog. Keep up the great writing.
