Sunday, August 26, 2007


I finished the mansucript this weekend (YEA!!!), just in time to enjoy the gorgeous art work Berkley sent for it, my next Goddess Summoning Book, ALMOST A HERO. Check out Achilles! Love this one! And no, I don't have a clue why everything looks all blue when I attached it here. It really has a hystorical look to it and isn't blue at all. Very, very weird. But at least you can get hint of what it's going to look like (just take out the blue!).


  1. Oooh, I like! *G*

  2. Achilles, hmmm? I'm more fond of Patroclus, myself. Or is the series crossing into gay romance? Probably not- no room for a modern character in there if that were it. Though if it were a bi romance....

    Ok, I'll stop myself with my weird Latin B.A. 'shipping and just wait to see what you've really done with it.

  3. And it looks like they're changing the title to WARRIOR RISING, which I love.

    Patroklos is in my book, and he's Achilles's cousin and best friend. Not that kind of "best." Actually he's the lover of my heroine's BFF. Nope, bi doesn't work in mainstream romance...

  4. Hey PC

    I am totally lovin that cover. And I can't wait to read it, the whole warrior thing reminds me of my soldier hubby. Just promise me you didn't write about any crazy storms this time? :P


  5. Great cover. I really like it. Oh, and I just got Divine by Blood, and couldn't put it down. Wonderful story! Made me cry, though.

  6. Anonymous2:18 AM

    i love this cover! although, the blue gives it a weird undersea feel. and achilles' shield looks almost like an angelfish... hmmm

    can't wait for the book though. i recently discovered your books a couple weeks ago, and have LOVED every one. keep up the great work.

  7. It's not really blue at all. I don't know why it turned blue when I attached it here. The real colors are more like the cover of THE RED TENT.

  8. I like the new name! Is there an ISBN assigned yet so I can add it to my amazon wishlist? Just finishing up the Goddess Summoning series (with Goddess of the Rose now) and can't wait to read the newest installment!

    Your books make me laugh, cry and actually think about things. Thank you for sharing your gift with the world. It is truly a better place for it.


  9. Ooooh goody, another in the Goddess series! I can't wait. I became a fan with the original Goddess by Mistake, and got my neighbor hooked as well. We have read every book so far. I just finished Divine by Blood today. Wow is the best way to sum it up! Thank you for bringing your stories to life for us!

  10. Eeeeee! I can't wait. How lovely that your Bradspiration --er-- Achillespiration came through, thanks to all your hard research, as noted on your site here:


    I can so relate.

    Is it May yet? I'm dying here. Now I have to go watch Troy for the umpteenth time. That should hold me in the interim.

