Thursday, March 01, 2007


I know I posted the art for this cover as soon as the amazing artist, James Griffin, sent it to me, but I thought y'all would like to see the almost finished version. According to my editor, all that's left to add are the cover quotes. I think it's absolutely spectacular! I do have me some excellent cover chi!

DIVINE BY BLOOD will be released by LUNA in September, and it is the third book in the trilogy that began with DIVINE BY MISTAKE (Sept 06) and DIVINE BY CHOICE (Dec 06).


  1. Oh man! That is awesome!! Me can't waitie wait. Your books are like some of my favorite in the world. And not just because I think you are a sexy wench, either.

  2. Thanks, baby! I heart you!

  3. Greetings PC Cast,
    It has been a long time since I found a book I could not put down. I bought Divine by Mistake and Divine by Choice two days ago, with each turning page I became involved with the characters. I could not put the book down. (Yes, I took time to sleep) I read them one after the other. I look forward to the next one and I will be purchacing your other books as soon as possible.


  4. So glad you enjoyed the books! Divine by Blood will be out in September - I promise it's worth the wait. In the meantime, ELPHAME'S CHOICE and BRIGHID'S QUEST are set in the same world, so you might want to try them.

  5. The cover looks awesome! I can't wait to read this one, counting the days until September! :-))

  6. i accidentally stumbled across divine by mistake and divine by choice and totally fell in love with them. i was horrified to find out that i was going to have to wait until september to read the newest one. (mind you, this was only 2 days ago, meaning it was a 6 day wait)but by some miracle of fate, i have in my hand the book, i don't even know why i'm typing instead of reading!!!
